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Everything posted by nallath

  1. Yeah, it's also on my wish list.
  2. It's not removed. It was never there for multi extrusion in the first place. But do I get what you are saying correct? Now that we did what half the regulars on the forum have been asking for, it's still not okay? I'm confused now.
  3. You can always print multiple objects on a single plate. Printing one at a time is extremely limited. Less objects fit on your build plate and if it has small details (such as the um3 robot), it will actually have a better quality.
  4. Visibilities are "global". So technically its "according to design". I do agree that this is something that is a bit suprising...
  5. It's going to be in 2.5> There is no beta of that yet.
  6. We actually just merged it. To re-iterate this; We didn't see a very good reason to change this, until now. 2.5 will have (partial) multi-threaded slicing, which can in some cases mean that 100% of your CPU is used if you are slicing. In that case it's kinda nice to be able to not slice all the time. While we were at it, it also "remembers" if a re-slice is required. If this is the case, it removes the output button (Stream to wifi, usb, save to file, etc) and replaces it with a "prepare" button. Once it's completed, you get output button back again. Note that you still need to disable the auto slicing in preferences before this works. All that being said; We did listen, we just did not agree. There is a difference there. I've also had a people tell me that the slicing was faster when we simply hid the slicing progress.
  7. Technically? Yes. Likely? Probably not. It's a matter of "triage" here. What things are seen as more important. Right now we think that speed (faster startup, saving of projects & slicing) is more important. We have more things to do than resources (Eg; The default issue of any SW project) so some things just end up at the bottom of the list. Under the hood Cura does this automagically. There is quite a bit of difficult logic going on here (making a colission grid with posibilities and finding a "path" through that grid)
  8. Cura 2.4 seems to be quite...uh...clumsy when it comes to prefs. It stomped on 2.3 prefs when installing. And it seems to nuke it's preferences & custom printer definition every time it freezes...which is very frequently. :( I've resorted to creating a zip of my cura prefs folder, and I've got a batch file to kill cura and restore settings. from the zip. I have to use the batch file a LOT some days. Uh. That definately should not happen. Could you post the log files?
  9. I'm not that up to date with what the differences between various OSX versions are, but upgrading is something that might be the trick here.
  10. The UM3 head is a bit heavier than the UM2(+) head. As far as I recall they tuned the acceleration & jerk settings to compensate for this. You can change these settings in Cura if you want to. We tune settings for generic cases, so it's possible to create better settings for specific cases.
  11. Print one at a time is already something that is difficult with a single extrusion machine. Adding a second extruder makes this a lot more complex. As a result, it's not possible to use one at a time for dual extrusion machines.
  12. This is the first time we've heard about it, but if someone else bundled our software, we don't have control over what they do with it. I suggest to contact Monoprice, as they are the ones who created this version of Cura.
  13. The single layer jump is already possible. Try pressing the up key when the layer number box has focus (eg; when you can type numbers). You can also use ctrl + up (except on mac, as it already does something there).
  14. Could you post the logs?
  15. I don't see anything in the logs. I don't have experience with arch, will ask around a bit.
  16. Someone from the comunity made that package and forgot to include one of the libaries that is used by the network printing plugin. We don't officialy support arch linux (nor the package made from someone outside of UM). One of my colleagues has reached out to them, but that's all we can do.
  17. No, it lacks something else that it needs to function. Could you please post the rest of the logs? It should show a bit more than this (eg; What did it fail to import?)
  18. The front end doesn't know if you need support, it knows if you want support. So it only checks if you have the "enable support" checked or not. Note that there are some other things that also influence the size of the disallowed areas. Certain travel moves can also cause the head to go outside the build area.
  19. The 2.3 is already stable. Use that for the time being.
  20. "Generic Trojan" -> there is fairly little we can do about this. We tried getting Cura listed on the whitelist of some of the virus scanner companies, but it's a lot of work getting it done with every single one of them. We suspect that it's the combination of Cura being able to send statistics (if you agree) and it using a local (socket) connection with the backend. What would it take to prove that it's safe? Show them the source code? That we can do!
  21. I agree. I will discuss this with "the powers that be"
  22. 2.3 has improved setting search, so settings should be easier to find. What things were you unable to find?
  23. Also, if you want less checks, put the machine in developer mode (with all risks that implies).
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