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Everything posted by nallath

  1. Uh you mean export profile? Or the settings we already append to every g-code?
  2. You could, but it removes flexibility at a later stage.
  3. Already implemented this! Check the preferences menu and toggle the "Ensure models are kept apart" option.
  4. Found the issue; Change the meta data in left extruder to; "metadata": { "machine": "grr_x350", "position": "0" }, and in right extruder to "metadata": { "machine": "grr_x350", "position": "1" }, The mistake you made was not defining a position and not using the filename as an ID. If you get this tweaked out, would you mind making a pull request so others can benefit from this?
  5. Download Cura first, play with it a bit, then make up your mind.
  6. We don't change the model, we change the height of what the printer says it can print. I fully understand why people want one at a time. I'm just saying that it's a pretty difficult way of printing and introduces quite a few additional constraints. PeggyB is correct as for the shadows; The outer shadows can overlap outer shadows of other parts, but outer shadows may not intersect with inter shadows of other parts. The Old Cura had a pretty naive way of setting the size of the head; You could only set a width & height (aka; bounding square). Cura 2.x can use a polygon, which should allow you to pack more objects on the plate in quite a few cases when printing one at a time.
  7. isn't that just a general truth? Not any more with regards to Cura. He hasn't touched that code base in quite a while.
  8. Once at a time is... tricky. It will now draw 2 disalowed areas for each object. This has to do with the size of the head and area's it can no longer print due to another object being there. There is no real easy way to explain this, just try and play around with it a bit. Yes, this makes sense right? A one a time object can be bigger than the gantry height. If that would be the case, the gantry would hit the first object when printing the second one. There is a damn good reason why one at a time is not the default
  9. It should be possible to fix this in the g-code, but it would be better to fix this in the generation. Up until this point we weren't aware of the issue.
  10. Being swapped out tomorrow! Reseller very cooperative (3DGBIRE). Probably helped that it had the good graces to die so quickly. Well, if this happens after half a year, I'd expect the same kind of response. Those screens should last you quite a while. We still have a load of old (2+ year old) um2's which are still working just fine.
  11. Are you saying you can boot from the USB port on the front? Where did you download the firmware file from? I am saying that taking the USB key out of the front and then putting it back in, then restarting the printer made it work for me. No idea why/how, it just worked after having the same symptoms you described. 2 of our 4 UM3's did that. 1 caused a failed print, the other it happened on start up. Seems Ultimaker has more debugging to do. Huh. I start my um3 with the USB key in it all the time without any issues. The way you describe it it almost sounds as if it's using the USB key to boot from.
  12. The main reason why it took so long to get the UM3 out was that we were shooting at a moving target (that and multiplying your size every year also puts a whole ton of overhead on an organisation!) If we would have known in advance that it would take us 2+ years to build the thing, we would have made different choices. The most important thing I would have changed is the display; swap that thing out for a colour / touch interface and tilt it a bit.
  13. There are certain settings that have a drastic impact on the time. We add new features that improve stuff all the time and sometimes those features will increase print time. We try to keep the print time as fast as possible, but it's always a balancing act between quality, print time, slice time & difficulty of implementation. So sometimes we find something that works for 99% of the models, but makes it slower for the 1% and then we still enable that feature. The problem here is that it's hard to say what exactly is making this print so slow (so making it faster needs an expert)
  14. It has to do with the "winding order" of your model. It's not really a big issue. Cura will slice it just fine, the display is just a bit off.
  15. I wrote the spec for what data is stored inside the core EEPROM. It can save material consumed & time heated (Time spent above (60? Not sure what number we ended up using). The data I got was that a printcore should survive 6 hours of printing a day for 2 years. It could be that this number changed, as that is rather old info (year old or so?)
  16. I've just tested this with the nightly build. It works fine there, so it should be fixed for 2.4
  17. Cura doesn't know about the values in the materials.txt file. Cura has no way of being synced with it either. The UM2(+) decides on it's own what those values are, based on the used material.
  18. Yes, but you would only know after the fact that it wasn't possible. That is far from an ideal work flow.
  19. All of that is done because testing something in 2D is way more easy compared to doing it in 3D. It's a whole order of magnitude that you have to add. It might be possible to add such a thing in the future, but don't expect it soon. Even if we were to implement it, it would cause other issues besides the whole 3D being hard thing. Your first image for instance will cause issues if you suddenly enable support.
  20. As long as Cura 2.x doesn't have a g-code importer yet, there isn't really a point to this.
  21. As far as I know it holds a GUID that identifies the type of material. You can find the GUID's that we defined in the material .xml files that are inside Cura.
  22. Change extruder post processing plugin? Could you refresh my memory a bit?
  23. Correct Not at the moment. We are planning to enable the possibility for one at a time dual at some point, but it proved to be a tricky issue to tackle and had to make tough choices at some point. One at a time dual was one of the victims. A work around is to change the machine definition files (If only one extruder is used, it should work perfectly, but the setting visibility has no notion of what extruders are actually used at the moment)
  24. It's not possible to print multi extrusion in one at a time mode at the moment.
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