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Everything posted by nallath

  1. In the help file there is a show local folder option. At the very least i need the cura.log file there. The entire folder is better, as i can see better what's going on.
  2. from the Ultimaker blog; Looks to me Tesla want's to spread technology, Ultimaker seems more limiting... I think the extra bit on our end is only meant to provide some examples in which cases we definitively will not do anything. So if anything, our description is less vague than that of Tesla.
  3. Nope. A patent only describes the invention. What you do with it (and how you enforce this) is outside of the scope of a patent.
  4. I share the same trust & hope. This has nothing to do with a lack of faith in comunity driven, but in the "harsh" world that we live in. Being sued for a patent infringement is all to real. Having patents to "strike back" is one of the best ways to prevent the law suits in the first place. The comparison that comes to mind is the MAD situation of the cold war. Noone wants the patent war, as it only has losers. Also note that the only reason that we can enforce AGPL on most of our source code is because we have (on large parts of) the IP on the source code. I'd also ask you to have a look at the open software foundation (which Ultimaker is a part of). That is an organisation that is aimed to protect Linux and uses patents as a defensive pool.
  5. Because creative commons is about design copyright. Creative commons only protects the design of the machine. It does nothing with regards to patents (who are technological in nature). As far as I understood this, nothing will change. There is just an aditional bit of IP that UM can use to protect itself or force open source ness (Same as we did with Cura, which forces others to be open source. This is only possible because we have that IP) As you can read in the blog post, this is not the only thing that's going on. This just happend to be the first patent to be "done"
  6. Unfortunately the g-code loader wasn't done in time. Partially because it was the first "big" feature that aleph objects (Lulzbot) added to Cura. This made the whole process slower.
  7. This is because S3D doesn't have that good profiles for the UM2 & UM3. The um3 has a heavier head, so the jerk & acceleration settings need to be tuned (read; lowered) to ensure that you don't get ringing.
  8. Could you check if you have the same issue when printing through USB stick? Alternatively, could you share a the project file where this goes wrong?
  9. The extra = is intentional. I pushed for this so that we can add the ability to add functions in the UI at a later date. I'd love to have excel like functionality with hinting.
  10. Nope. The post processing does not "remember" anything. If you want this, the postprocessing plugin needs to be changed.
  11. The post processing scripts need to go in: C:\Users\your_username_goes_here\AppData\Local\cura\plugins\PostProcessingPlugin\scripts
  12. 2.4 and 15.04 should run side by side without issues. As said before; We can't test USB printing for machines that we don't have. So if people want this fixed, they are free to send me a 3D printer
  13. You are going to need those re-distributables as ahoeben already said. They used to be packed with the installer, but we broke it Shame on us!
  14. As far as I know, Cura doesn't make any registry entries (apart from file association)
  15. Yep; ip:8080/?action=snapshot or ip:8080/?action=stream
  16. We semi-recently changed some stuff on our build system. I think this is one of those things that broke because of it. Sorry about that!
  17. This is but one solution to the problem. But yes, this solution is impossible. They don't have to be, but it makes it a whole lot easier. Right now it's a single line that covers this entire subject. I don't feel that single line is sufficient for this very complex matter. There is a big difference between ensuring quality and ensuring warranty. These two seem to have been mixed up in the discussion (and legal text). Ultimaker guarantees a certain quality, provided that you use materials / equipment "controlled" by Ultimaker. This has no bearing on warranty what so ever. All that being said; I'm confident that there is a way to describe this that covers the legal aspect, without completely shutting other material out. For instance; "The Product has only been used and/or combined with a compatible product and/or filament type offered and described on www.ultimaker.com." One word makes all the difference here. With the new wording slapping random PLA in it won't void warranty, but using strange experimental carbon + bronze fill will (in which case it makes sense, as it puts a lot of strain & wear on the machine)
  18. User convenience. Most people tend to save things to SD & USB drive. So having an easy option to do it (and provide an eject option) makes their lives easier. I understand, but as I said, it's a nasty fix. The colleague I talked with had this for quite a long time. We didn't change anything in the code that does this for quite a while, so it's hard for me to explain (or even know) how this suddenly is an issue. It seems more likely that it's something on your system that is changed (Sounds like an easy answer from my end though...) This has been default behavior since Cura 2.1. It's weird that you never had this before. It does strenghten my hypotheses that something on your end changed somehow...
  19. I'm guessing that you mean USB print detection? The USB detection (and printing) is only there for legacy reasons. We don't actively support it, mostly because hardly any Ultimakers out in the wild use USB printing.
  20. Uh. Changing the temperature caused a heating error? That's an issue with your printer, not with Cura. For reference; The um3 changes temperatures every layer when it's using dual extrusion. The profiles as they are in Cura are optimised for Ultimakers, as we can't make em work for all printers out there. I've tried contacting other suppliers, but not a whole lot of them have shown interest for making those profiles. It does take quite a lot of time & knowledge to do this properly. The way the slicer works means that it's almost impossible to "disable" settings as you call it. We try to have toggles for most groups of features, but it's not always possible. As for the STL dropping no longer working, that's a regression / bug. Could you send me more info about your system / logs / etc?
  21. This is a registry issue. One person in the office had it as well. I will ask him how he got rid of it. *Edit* I just checked. Cura constantly checks for removable drives. Windows tells cura that that drive is a removable drive. When cura tries to open it, windows gives an error, which Cura never hears about. Renaming the drive should resolve the issue (I know, it's a weird & stupid solution...)
  22. It's not enabled as the setting system doesn't know how many extruders are used, it (unfortunately) only knows how many extruders there are. This is why we added a bit of code to the defintion files that hide the print sequence setting if you're using multiple extrusion (as it introduces the risk of breaking your printer, which is far bigger of a problem than having the feature). If you really really want the feature, by all means enable it again. You can do this by changing the .json file and set the "enabled" property of the print sequence to True. If you would have bothered to look on the forum, this is not the first time this has come up.
  23. It's not possible by means of the UI, but it's quite simple to fix it yourself. The system of 2.x is far more advanced than that of 15.x If you open your quality file (lets say my_quality_changes.inst.cfg), you can see a "header" named [values]. Beneath it are a number of settings with values. Those don't have to be values, but can also be formulas. So instead of speed_layer_0 = 20 use speed_layer_0 = =speed_print / 3 In the future i'd love to let users write their own functions in the GUI.
  24. This should not give any problems. I say about anything that is important to you that you should back them up. That being said, it should be handled correctly. Do you mean packaged? If you want them in the next release for everyone to see & share, make a pull request.
  25. No 32 bit version. We stopped supporting that. Not enough people using it, way to much of a hassle to support it.
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