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Everything posted by nallath

  1. Because the ?csv= is something standard libraries can understand and then generate (aka; Only when you call the API will it generate the CSV file). If you let it link directly to a file (by means of implies that there -always- must be a an up to date file named 10.csv at that location (it also implies that there must be a 1,2,3,4, .., n.csv on the machine as well).
  2. It's going to change at some point, because we have to once we switch to multi-core slicing. It only slows down when starting the auto slice on Mac, so switching to another OS also fixes the UI stutter Really @Nallath you want to change the subject to OS? Save the forest!!! Well. You can! If you install Linux on your system you support open source and save the rain forests! That's double good Samaritan points for one single action!
  3. There are no machine definitions copied from 15.04 to 2.3.0. Someone from the comunity contributed the printrbot machine definition, so it could well be that there are mistakes in it (we don't do QA with non-ultimaker machines obviously) A fix could be to disable the "drop objects on platform" preference.
  4. It's going to change at some point, because we have to once we switch to multi-core slicing. It only slows down when starting the auto slice on Mac, so switching to another OS also fixes the UI stutter
  5. It's possible, but it's far from easy. But it's going to take an experienced software engineer at least a few months to have something remotely usable.
  6. Developers <3 log files. Send it to either me or Daid. We will make sure it reaches the right spots.
  7. https://www.google.com/#q=site:ultimaker.com%2Fen%2Fcommunity%2F+feedback This one gives what you want :)First hit is cura 2.1.3 feedback, second one is general forum feedback. It also limits itself to the forum as far as I can see.
  8. Could you send me the logs? A number of fixes have been made to the profile importer after the release. 2.3.1 should be out soon (read; within 2 weeks)
  9. I've sent you my direct contact info so you can ask me questions if you have any more. As for machines not being recognised; The logs are your friend. We log pretty much everything that goes wrong with loading machine definitions (because it's so fundamental for Cura 2.x). Another thing is installing the "god-mode" plugin, which enables you to look into the "raw" loaded profiles / definitions. You can find it at https://github.com/sedwards2009/cura-god-mode-plugin/
  10. Somehow once per two seconds snuck into the requirements, so that it was was implemented. We did have issues with the stream, but that is not the reason we only update at 0.5 Hz. I've tried setting it to 20 Hz with the naive snapshot approach and that worked on my system. I wouldn't recommend doing that with 10 cura instances to the same printer (or on the same computer for that matter). For 2.3.1 the speed of the camera already has been increased (to a whopping 2Hz )
  11. I think you are better off removing all the files yourself.
  12. The slicing engine can't handle this at all at the moment I'm afraid. We assume that at any given time there is only one extruder active.
  13. You can open the .curaprofile files with an archive manager. Those contain 1 or 3 text files.
  14. This wasn't in there in 2.1 either. Its on our backlog.
  15. Print acceleration; What is the acceleration to use while actually printing (eg; extruding material & moving) travel acceleration; what is the acceleration to use when moving (Moving head / bed & not extruding) Move buffer size has to do with how many moves the firmware should keep in it's memory. More is theoretically better, but most chipsets can't handle large amounts.
  16. I can't go in to too much details as to what will be done in the future. Both because it's not set in stone (and we don't want to raise expectations only to take them away at a later point) and because some of them can be seen as sensitive (and those kind of announcements are best left to marketing & sales) I don't think that the active levelling can be used to recover print jobs. Or at least not in any sensible fashion.
  17. Profile is the place to put it. If you have a custom machine, you can put it in the machine definition .json files. Extensions->postprocessing Use the pause at Height plugin. Line width would make the slicer draw less lines. Another option is to increase the initial layer height, without changing the calibration. This makes the extruder push out more fillament, without it having to actually fill it (ensuring that all bottom lines are really squashed together). This has the downside of creating "elephant foot"
  18. Ultimaker original is easy to secure. Just put a metal cable from the front opening to the side opening. As for the UM2, you can use the hole in the front right corner to do the same.
  19. We didn't change the steppers as far as I recall.
  20. The obvious advantage of powder printers is that it's relatively easy to get full colour prints.
  21. An official UM2+ dual extrusion kit won't happen. We simply won't release something if it isn't up to our standards. We've tried (and failed) to make a upgrade kit that meets our standards. You can order an extruder train worth of spare parts and mess around yourself, but be forwarned; it's not going to be easy to get it right.
  22. I'm guessing because it's something we haven't tested (as all of our machines use 2.85) and it's something that slipped through. Changing the filament diameter in the machine should work.
  23. Some kind of serial connector, but there are USB ports left (and those are easily extended), so adding a USB camera should work.
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