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Everything posted by nallath

  1. I've made changes for 2.2 that should make it easier to write a plugin that connects with octoprint. As far as I'm concerned, Ultimaker hires Gina and starts really supporting it
  2. Remove the home command from the end-gcode.
  3. We don't have features that only work on one system. X-ray should therefore work on all systems. The x-ray view shows bad geometry. It simply counts the number of faces; if it's uneven at any intersection point the model is faulty.
  4. Because there isn't really a bottom layer any more. If I recall correctly, the density of 100% is faked by setting all layers to bottom layer (and thus being fully filled)
  5. I kinda dislike the wall of text that the drop down gives me. I'm only slightly dyslectic, but it greatly increases the number of misclicks. For instance for the comunity dropdown; There is no reason to have the categories or the popular categories there. It just distracts from the actual thing that you want people to do. I've learned that it's best to give the user 7 or less choices for these kind of menus.
  6. It should be possible to change the script in such a way that this works (eg; retract before pause and prime after) . But most people do short pauses, so the current implementation is geared to them.
  7. Nope Already implemented in 2.2 Fixed for 2.2
  8. You don't really need the comunity for that. Cura 2.2 will already have much better support for dual extrusion (Because we haven't forgotten about people who bought the experimental dual upgrade )
  9. How does it look in x-ray view? I'm guessing the model is messed up. If there are red areas in x-ray, the model itself is wrong.
  10. Care to share a bit more? I really hope for some serious simplification.... getting rid of the nozzle vs material settings in the printer, and setting temp during slicing .... We can't get rid of nozzle vs material settings. There are tons of settings that need to change depending on your nozzle / material selection. Right now there are a number of issues with profiles. One of them is that we can only change values of settings (and not ratio's) depending on material / quality / nozzle. In 2.2 this will be possible. Originally it was not intended for profiles / materials to be in 2.1 release, but they were added at a very late stage due to the release of the 2+
  11. You could change the script so the retraction doesn't happen anymore (or compensates after it)
  12. You could do it with 35 profiles, but it's also possible with 12 (7 "nozzle" profiles and 5 material profiles.) Note that this is subject to big changes for the 2.2 release.
  13. Check the .json file (https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/blob/2.1/resources/machines/prusa_i3.json) It defines a 200mmx200mmx200mm size.
  14. The option is there. It's even mentioned in the manual. extensions -> post processing
  15. Sure! We use .po files for the translation. For 2.1 these can be found in https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/tree/2.1/resources/i18n and https://github.com/Ultimaker/Uranium/tree/2.1/resources/i18n More information on how .po and pot files work can be found on https://www.icanlocalize.com/site/tutorials/how-to-translate-with-gettext-po-and-pot-files/
  16. Well, what other option was there? Maybe polyurethane varnish, but that takes ages to dry, and I wanted it on the table pronto. The one big advantage that ABS has is the acetone thing. There are so many tricks one can do using acetone, including seamless welds. Aaaaanyway, it has been almost two weeks now, and the flowers are drooping but the vase is still watertight. I expect it is a permanent fix. PVC GLue Ive found that it works on most materials for making it watertight.
  17. I'm not sure which is "leading" in this case. Is the selected material by machine leading or the one defined in the g-code. Updating the firmware regularly is a good idea. We are far from perfect and have made mistakes (and fixed them) in the firmware / Cura.
  18. MATERIAL -> Amount (in cubic mm if we're consistent) MTYPE -> type of material You can always ignore the warning. It's just there to help prevent mixups. Cura has the same logic; it will warn you if you use weird settings but will pretty much allow everything.
  19. It should still work. Don't think we changed anything that would break that plugin.
  20. I love these kind of requests, because you want things that are in there Settings->Preferences->General->Scale large files Settings->Preferences->View->centre camera
  21. To be honest; I have no idea. We have multiple sources of information. Part of those are direct email, part of those are talking to people, parts of those are multiple forums (and "closed" beta). I don't have any idea where we got that feedback as it's also not just one person that recieves / gives it. Sorry (It's not that I don't want to give you this, I honestly don't know where it came from anymore. Last few weeks have been rather intense.)
  22. It's a freakingly annoying bug (windows only) that's caused by a race condition. For those of you that know a bit about coding; these are the most annoying kind of issues. We thought we fixed it. Tested it on multiple machines, only to find out some systems still had it. This will be fixed for the full 2.1 release! We discussed this on GitHub; I'd like to have an option for that, but there are bigger fish out there. Agreed. If you are still rotating it shouldn't re-slice. Once you release a tool it starts doing its thing. Because scale is vs world scale (not local)
  23. The 2.1 beta would be the best candidate for this.
  24. At the moment it doesn't have support for Arabic Language. We do have a translation system in place, but I'm not sure how much work it would be to convert it to Arabic (as all interface now assumes that text is left to right and I remember that Arabic is right to left) We won't be able to put a whole lot of work into this, but we can help you get started with this.
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