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Everything posted by nallath

  1. +1 for that request. It used to be in there. But for some reason the decision was made to use the home folder (I have no idea why to be honest). Create a github issue if you want it to be changed.
  2. For the UM2 it's on the machine. If I recall correctly it's in customise (in the materials section)
  3. Why would you want to write a stl folder using Cura? Cura uses stl as input (and is generally used to create g-code files as output). If creating g-code without an graphical interface is what you want, you can use the curaEngine in command line. You can find information on how to do that on https://github.com/Ultimaker/CuraEngine/#running
  4. I'm not sure if it's doable to have an outside only brim (implementation blah). I do agree with you. I've had tons of items where outside only would have made my life easier! I've added your suggestions to our big list of features that we still want.
  5. That actually makes sense. I'll add it to our tracker!
  6. Oh, now I understand what you mean. I don't think the old cura had that feature either. https://ultimaker.com/en/resources/20511-change-machine-settings (Also, what FieldOfView said) Like I said, I agree with you, but this wasn't my decision.
  7. The engine handles those kind of things, so i'm not a 100% sure. I think the min/max speed also does something with first layers (as we don't use fans for the first few layers). It should linearily ramp up at that point.
  8. It is possible, but it takes quite a bit of work. You need to provide Cura with a circular disallowed area. A better solution (like the old cura had) is up to comunity / companies that build Delta printers. We won't build support for it, as we don't have delta printers.
  9. I tried contacting printrbot. They have expressed that they had no interest in providing such a file. So sorry, you're on your own. If you make a machine definition file make a pull request. In that case it will be in the next release.
  10. The issue here is that I'm getting paid by Ultimaker. Which means that my first priority is to get UM machines working as awesome as possible. If one of the delta printer creators want Cura to work good with it, they should hire a developer to work together with me (and the rest of the Cura team). You can't expect Ultimaker to build their software.
  11. We have an internal Jira bug tracker (which is way nicer than the github one), but it isn't open to the public. So the only open issue tracker that we have is github. I don't really like it either, but it is what is is.
  12. We use it to. It's still there. Read the manual (ctrl + arrow in layer view or selecting the layer number & press up/down key) It is possible, but we see machine parameters as imutable. If you want something that is different, it's seen as a different machine. I agree. But we also got a lot of feedback that remembering was annoying. In the end the axe came down to using home folder.
  13. Stepped brim? Do you happen to have an image / picture that explains this better?
  14. The slicer doesn't handle it. If you print one at a time it should be possible I think, but for all at once it's a bit tricky right now.
  15. I haven't worked with the einscan-s yet, but it looks pretty cheap. The main issue I see with it are the lenses; It doesnt have lenses with apperature or changable focus. They are also S mounts, which means they are less sensitive, which should be noticiable in trying to scan darker objects. They do use two camera's, which makes the calibration process a bit easier.
  16. The None option is actually a misnomer in Old Cura. It printed a skirt (which is why we changed that, so it now actually reflects what it does)
  17. machine_platform_offset -> Offset of the 3D model with regards to the build area (usefull if the center of the build plate model isn't the same as the center of the build area machine_center_is_zero -> Is the center of the machine the origin (0,0) coordinate? Some machines see the center as origin. Ultimaker2 for instance sees the left front corner as origin. machine_width/depth/height -> Actual width / depth / height of the machine. This is what draws the build volume cube.
  18. I agree, I don't think manual slicing solve it. It was only for sharing it with you Any tips to avoid it ? Yesterday it was stuck all day long, close and re-open cura didn't do anything. Today it is ok. I was maybe very unlucky yesterday :/ Install linux It's an issue that only occurs on Windows. Other than that, you will just have to wait until we manage to fix it.
  19. The stuck at slicing is a bug. Manual slicing would not have resolved that as far as I can see. We're working on a fix for this.
  20. And you would be depending on comments to ensure that it works, which is kinda nasty.
  21. This isn't possible due to how g-code works. The machine has no idea what one object or the other is.
  22. There won't be an official dual upgrade for the 2+ (Although never is a big word, just don't count on it being developed by us)
  23. Disabling autoslicing would reduce our health costs. Small tablets slow down during the slicing process, especially when I have 4 pauses scheduled during the print, maybe a tweak or two at different layer heights, and several objects present on the Cura build plate. Every minor change I make to object placement causes a reslice Blood pressure goes up because I have deadlines. This affects all of our health costs Imagine picketers chanting "Go green and keep health clean!" Post processing is handled only when you save the code. Not after every slice
  24. Seriously, why do you have such a hard time understanding that auto-slicing is not something that works for everyone? The only argument I have seen from you is "it works fine for me". Every other argument I have seen from users saying that they want to be able to disable it is something I have faced too. As soon as you do anything more than "load stil" -> "save/print" it's a big hassle. Today I was playing with some small objects in Cura and there were times when the UI did not respond immediately to my actions. It can't be rocket science implementing a setting to disable auto-slicing and add a "Slice me now" button. Because it solves a ton of problems for new users (eg not the people that actually know how printing works). They have no concept of what slicing is. Automatically doing this solves a lot of problems. I understand that people don't want this. But if there is one thing I've learned is that the user isn't always right (https://xkcd.com/1172/). The only argument I hear is "But I want this". That's not an argument, that is an opinion. The UI doesn't slow down due to the auto slicing. If i disable it, it won't speed up. How do I know? Because I tried. Everyone is asking for a solution, but disabling the auto slicing isn't the way to solve it. All that being said; Everyone claims that everyone wants this. I find that hard to believe, as with all features that people outside of UM contributed, not one of em was aimed at disabling auto slicing for 2.1 TL;DR If you have arguments why we should disable auto-slicing, I'll take those into account. So far I only have: My laptop drains faster, so an power save mode would be nice.
  25. It's actually the firmware that gives these issues
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