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Everything posted by nallath

  1. 15.10 is the next version. That one will have it.
  2. This week will be a beta. There will be bugs in it, but we did improve a ton of things compared to 15.06 (the slecting stuff is one of them). We also added new features, so this will probably cause issues as well.
  3. Well, the new beta should be released on friday. We merged the latest stuff that should be done before the release, so we should make it.
  4. We do support fullscreen for the next version. Not sure if we have enough control to save the full window state.
  5. This is exactly why its not moving anywhere. It should not cause system load. If it does, it means that something else is causing it. If I give an easy way out, I help those people, but do not fix the underlying problem. It is something that is hard, as it won't allow me to pin down the actual problem! So far we've had multiple major issues that caused Cura to slow down when it started to slice. All of these caused everyone to point their finger at the auto slicing. All of these issues had -nothing- to do with the auto slicing. Correlation does not imply causation. This is the reason why we don't change it, as the arguments that people have posed against it don't outweigh this. Recently there has been one argument that makes a pretty decent point, but I'm not quite sure if it's good enough reason to implement it.
  6. Well, the new Cura has a plugin system; so you could make a convert to barbaric button fairly easy (or convert from barbaric to metric).
  7. Well, thanks for notifying us. It's insane that webroot flags this as a threat. pyqt5 is the framework that we use for the GUI stuff, which is a widely used package. There is no sane reason why it would give this error.
  8. Based in the info you give it's a known issue. Please try the 15.10 beta that will be released this week.
  9. Well, we've recently had one good argument why we should disable the auto slicing (eg; Your laptop drains faster). All the other arguments were proven to be moot. A lot of the arguments had this kind of vibe to them; https://xkcd.com/1172/ We're not adverse to changing things if people want it, but if you will need to argue your case (and we, if we think we are right, will argue ours)
  10. If all goes well (and we don't have to delay it again) it will be released friday.
  11. I have no idea how to do it on mac.
  12. Put the folder of the plugin (PostProcessingPlugin) in the plugin folder of cura. A new menu item should apear under extentions
  13. It's defined as a machine setting. This is not something you can change in the user setting (same goes for build volume). This is why you need the right setting file for your machine.
  14. He's an intern. He's supposed to get the blame. That's what interns are for
  15. Well, the machine settings have a setting called "machine_gcode_flavor" (which defaults to "RepRap")
  16. https://github.com/nallath/PrintCostCalculator Yes you can. New cura has plugins! So if it doesn't have a feature that you want, you can add them.
  17. I'm not quite sure what 'reprap mode' is, but you can configure Cura to work with rep-raps. Some people of the comunity have provided us with printer profiles, which will be in the new version (released somewhere next week) or on the github repo https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/tree/master/resources/settings
  18. I think i'm the only GUI software guy with a forum account. Daid hasn't been active for cura for a while.
  19. Pff! Paul chandler will win this.
  20. https://github.com/nallath/PostProcessingPlugin There ya go
  21. Layout is still ugly, but it works. You can find it on https://github.com/nallath/PostProcessingPlugin
  22. @SandervG This sounds like your cup o tea.
  23. There are two important things to consider now; 1. Is speed an issue? Zotrax is much slower then the UM2 2. Is the ability to control all settings an issue? The zortrax software doesn't have all the bells and whistles that Cura has.
  24. I'm not sure how up to date that is. The latest commit is 2 years old, which is like the stone age.
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