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Everything posted by nallath

  1. I only got the notification of the feedback once though.
  2. Oh right, sorry. It's such a common thing in computer science that I sometimes forget it's not that common in other circles.
  3. Yeah. It uses the machine head size with and without fan brackets. These sizes are then used to make a minkowski sum around the convex 2d poly (the shadow that is visible) of the object. Based on the which of those polys intersect what you can figure out if there is a solution. It simply stops at the first solution that works (so it can sometimes give weird sequences)
  4. I've seen people print with a welder, so tin should theoretically be possible. I do think that there will be a ton of problems involved.
  5. It's reasonably complex how it makes the decisions. It uses multiple (different) head sizes and tries to find a configuration wherein all of these are printable.
  6. I really want editable support for Cura, but there are a few other features that need to be fixed first.
  7. How does the fillament look? Is it mangled / digging into it? I've had it more often that smaller prints would work because then there isn't enough time for the feeder to fail (the pressure of previous layers would finish the top ones). The large objects would then fail as it would not have enough pressure.
  8. It does save a print profile of sorts; it remembers the changes that you made. We are working on 'real' print profiles, i've already created a chunk of the functionality required for that. The issues dim3nsioneer has with the post processing were already in the plugin, as it uses the same json structure for settings.
  9. Sorry for the late reply guys, i've been on holiday for the last week. You can send the file to me, I will ensure that they go to the right people (and are not shared outside of our R&D department). I've send you a PM with my contact info.
  10. Sparse infill is what the name suggests; infill that is not massive. So setting your infill at anything that is not a 100% is sparse. Sorry for the long wait for an answer, i've been on a short holiday last week. Catching up now.
  11. I've sent you a message with my contact info. I'd love to have a good link between different software and Cura. The new plugin structure should even allow for more information to be shared between applications. If you send me an email we can discuss the possibilities.
  12. @kodaimo Linux build should be fixed.
  13. So it was a trap all along :( Smart way to get stuff fixed though
  14. The new Cura does not quite support the command line option. We've heard from multiple people that they now have problems with Fusion360, but we didn't know that fusion supported Cura in such a way (they never told us they did this, nor asked us if this was the right way to do it).
  15. You're probably better of using 15.04. Is almost the same as the 14.12.1 version but with more bugfixes.
  16. Uhm. Could you remind me what the bug was again?
  17. I've had it as well and reported it to the right people.
  18. Whoops. I've updated the code. Should work for everyone now. If you feel like changing the GUI, feel free to do so and create a pull request. I'm going to be away next week (holiday in Germany actually) so I won't be able to look at it next week though. German is so much better for raging
  19. Yeah true. But I can't wait for the new features to work
  20. We're statically building lib protobuff because of LTS reasons, but something went wrong in our build script. It's going to be fixed soon. Thanks for reporting it. Yes. We're not going to support that anymore. You're free to spent time on it, but there just aren't enough people using it for us to spend the amount of time needed to make it work.
  21. This is usually why you use an existing solution as a base and modify on top of that. There is no need to re-invent the wheel over and over again. This philosophy was one of the main reasons to implement plug-ins and create Uranium; easier re-use and modification of code.
  22. 15.06 won't detect doodle3d, but 15.04 should work.
  23. You need to put the plugin in the plugins folder. The script folder is inside the PostProcessingPlugin folder
  24. I've notified our electronics engineer, he will be able to tell if this is a problem or not. *Edit* Nope; nothing to worry about. It just discolours very fast.
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