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Everything posted by nallath

  1. If im correct, the files for the UMO are specified with a thickness.
  2. Did it start digging in the fillament (deforming the fillamant)?
  3. The panels are 6 mm, not 5. We have had quite a bit of issues with tolerances of the wood not being right. So my advice is to only buy the wood in person, so you can measure if the thickness is correct.
  4. We hope to have a beta / alpha (probably alpha...) version of Cura using pluggable unicorn in january. Will probably be late january...
  5. You could simply use the structure of .obj but with a different extention right?
  6. And of course, the solution with the intersection does not take any form of order into account. It would mean that you get different results if you started at a different location.
  7. Dat zou je even aan Daid moeten vragen. Ik heb nog niet de moeite genomen om iets anders dan de arduino IDE er op te zetten omdat ik alleen kleine changes aan de firmware heb gemaakt (en mij die flikkering in het scherm niet zo heel erg boeit)
  8. Next time, we should ask the comunity for 'horrible' work in progress names
  9. So how many people want Teflon parts? Then ill just buy a load and sell them to people (because i do accept cash )
  10. Recently the support was almost doubled (from like 4 people to 7), but it takes time to clear the backlog. It should get better.
  11. There are quite a few people with knowledge about marlin, but I've never heard about migbot. It's not that I don't want to help you, it's just that I cant.
  12. Which marlin are you trying to complile? The standard one or the um2 version?
  13. Please use ninjaflex in a well ventilated area. We haven't researched this fully yet, so there is no complete need for panic, but ninjaflex can create toxic fumes when heated. We're still double checking how big the problem is, but I'd rather that people err on the safe side of things.
  14. Try electric wire. I've had great succes with it.
  15. Nee, dit is zeker niet fout. Als je kijkt in UltiLCD2_low_lib.cpp staat er wat uitleg waar deze fout vandaan komt. Door daar de regel die onder de uitleg staat uit te commenten verdwijnt de error.
  16. Pink unicorn is definately a project name. We try to pick as ridiculous names as possible (hence Pluggable Unicorn).
  17. Did you check if the fanshroud is to high? The airflow needs to blow right below the nozzle. If it's directly on the nozzle, you get these temp changes.
  18. Don't expect it any time soon, as we (read; the software engineers here) are almost fully committed to pluggable unicorn, engine stuff and some yet to be disclosed projects. I do like the feature though. It would be quite easy to implement this with the new plugin structure.
  19. See the post daid made about pluggable unicorn. We removed the 'generic' GUI stuff from Cura and made a framework (now aptly dubbed pluggable unicorn) which supports plugins for almost everything (file loaders/savers, view rendering, input/output/ switchable engines/backend, etc). This makes the entire thing more like a game engine, with cura being just one of the games built on the pluggable unicorn engine.
  20. Aand plugins also allow the framework to be used for applications that can do something else (CNC machine control anyone?). We are going to use the pluggable unicorn for other stuff aswel (eg; Cura will be one of the apps using it, not the only one.) Most of the important stuff on pluggable unicorn is below the hood. Which isn't sexy, not one bit. But it does help reduce overhead.
  21. I agree, but we have to make choices. I'm hoping that someone can pick up our slack with the new plugin engine.
  22. You can still use the old prontoface, you just have to save the g-code to file first.
  23. Almost all development is on PU and other projects. Hardly any time is being spent on the current Cura. So if you want something, you are going to need to make it yourself (or find someone to do it for you).
  24. You do realize that someone made a stop button right? Ya know, one of the advantages of open source software
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