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Everything posted by nallath

  1. This is caused by the octolapse start/end-gcode. A patch release for that pending testing. For the moment you should remove that in order to keep using 4.7
  2. Someone else is already doing this, you could have a look at it: https://github.com/tetonsim/is-cura-ui
  3. Yeah, you're right. Could you post this on github? We prefer to have all issues in the same spot (it decreases the overhead we have to do for it!)
  4. You can always go back a version and delete whatever profiles the beta creates. I have never seen a case where installing the beta would destroy profiles already present on the machine. So yeah; If people don't provide any feedback, we will only focus on Ultimaker printers. At the point that we get bug reports (that contain actionable information), we will strive to solve them. Case in point; We already have a patch release available. Creating FOSS is a collaboration. You don't have to upgrade, but if people that don't pay me don't put in any effort, why should we? As for any complaints on how the software currently works; You can also discuss those things with us! By all means post the things that you like / don't like on the github. Discussing workflow (and suggesting new ways it should work) or documenting existing workflow (because it might work as intended, but people don't understand it?) is also a way to contribute to open source. It's not just writing code that is important. Even seemingly simple things like telling people that didn't fill in the bug template to do so will greatly help us (since now it takes up valuable time from developers!)
  5. You probably created a custom material profile and changed the material type. See https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/8229
  6. https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/8230 https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/8249 Check these bug reports for a work around.
  7. I like that idea. Perhaps it's something that we should put in the first run wizard.
  8. Well, there is a reason why i fixed the bug. It's not like we don't care at all about what third party printers do / work with Cura. But well, there are hundreds of printers available in Cura. If we would need to test all of that, we'd need 20+ QA engineers. At a certain point, there is an end to the amount of money that Ultimaker is willing to invest into support third party printers. That value isn't zero, but it's obviously not the same as in our own printers. I guess my frustration with all of this is that the bug was blatantly obvious to someone who had that configuration. But even though there was a beta build out there for 2.5 weeks, it wasn't spotted (because not enough people used it, I guess). Then a lot of other people start complaining that they are "being tricked into beta testing something" because there is a pretty annoying bug to them in the release. A part of the value from supporting these third party printers stems from the goodwill / gateway that you describe. But a fairly significant part is also based on it helping us find issues that are generic for everyone. It's not that I ask people to run a complete testing plan or check every single feature they use. But a few percent of our users would just download and start the beta, slice a few things and maybe play with some of the new features, it would help a great deal. I still strongly believe in an open source product that works for everyone. But it's really hard to do it. That's why I push so much on people using that beta. I desperately need the feedback from that in order provide what I want to provide; A stable release for everyone.
  9. Is there anywhere specific where this is/was mentioned? I've not seen it so far (i would have said something about it if I did, since we simply can't provide that support!)
  10. Glad to hear. I'm also super happy that I finally manged to track down what caused it. It was super elusive, because it would only happen occasionally (making it very hard to reproduce what caused it and if any changes we made actually resolved the issue)
  11. I recently fixed a bug with the profile saving that caused these corruptions. This fix is in 4.7, so i dearly hope that this is the last that we see / hear about this issue.
  12. Get our crap together? Excuse me? You're using an open source product, on hardware that we don't sell or support. We don't even have those third party printers nor the capacity (and desire) to actually test them. So if you want to prevent issues like that, pleas use the beta and report these issues during the beta. As you can see, i've managed to create a fix for this within a single hour of this being reported. We test Cura as much as we can, but we greatly focus on Ultimaker machines since 99% of the development of Cura is paid from the revenus of Ultimaker.
  13. Fix is already read to be tested -> https://github.com/Ultimaker/Uranium/pull/633 See the info on this issue: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/8229
  14. I think i've found something. A fix is pending review: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/pull/8232
  15. Nope. For third party machines we rely on outside contributions. Unfortunately, no-one made the contribution so far.
  16. In that case is the printer visible/online on the cloud? Also; Could you share some logs? There might be something in there that could help me debug the issue.
  17. Well, it's little help for you now, but i've increased the timeout on Cura's side a bit. 4.7 has just been released, so it will take +-2 months for the next release. You could also try connecting with the cloud. I know it sounds a bit weird, but that connection should be a lot more stable.
  18. We really, really need the logs in order to give some insight into what is going wrong.
  19. It could be the auto-detection, which is a fickle system (as it depends greatly on the configuration of your network). You could try to manually connect by IP, in which case the auto-detection system is ignored.
  20. I think (emphasis on think) it's: sudo journalctl -fu griffin*
  21. Because the settings for 1.75 mm and 2.85 are very different. So it might show up, but it won't give you settings that work very well with your printer.
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