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Everything posted by nallath

  1. The beta2 for 4.0.0 isn't out yet. The beta is indeed intended for those that want "bleeding edge".
  2. The PPA isn't supported by Ultimaker. If you want to run Cura, download the AppImage.
  3. True, but unfortunately even getting software interns is hard here. It seems that one slipped through. Fixed it.
  4. I just fixed that for the next beta. Thanks for reporting it!
  5. There are always more orders of magnitude more feature requests than there are developers/resources to actually build them. The same tends to be the case for bugs. So we are always forced to do "triage"; eg, what are the most important things that we can spend our time on and do that. As there is (to our knowledge) a limited number of people that want/need this feature and a lot of other features where this is the case, those other features get priority. It could, of course, be that we are wrong in that assessment, but we haven't had many people asking for it. That being said, Cura is built to be quite modular with the plugin structure, so it's definitely possible for other (third party) developers to pick this up if they want. If it works really well, we could also put that plugin in our bundled packages.
  6. That's up to the people making the plugins. Yes, but based on the previous times someone suggested it, it's not likely that we will make it.
  7. I didn't get the impression that a whole lot of people use the multi-buildplate functionality. Could be that I'm mistaken, but we hardly ever hear anyone about it.
  8. You could put a random number there, but the display & time prediction will go haywire if you do.
  9. We tried aligning it to the right. It looks horrible 😞 As for adding extra space; I personally don't show all settings. I know most of them, so i just search for it. I think most other devs also do this, which is probably why it didn't really come up earlier. But feedback like that is why we're doing 2 beta's this time around. So we're checking out some options now. Stay tuned!
  10. You don't have to set both extruders. This is only required if the print actually needs both extruders. The print time is a required field, so that's probably the culprit. Right now, the engine isn't really designed to be run as a stand alone. Quite a bit of the business logic is still within the frontend. We're looking to change that, but it will probably take quite some time to do that.
  11. The fact that instead of looking at what the shortest toolpath is that it just looks at what the order is in which is printed is the intuitive option? You must be joking right? We didn't even know that people were using it until well after the 3.6 release (mostly because it was never intended behavior (so see; https://xkcd.com/1172/)). In almost all most cases it should be left up to the slicer to find out the correct path (Because if we don't we get people shouting that Cura is being stupid / retarded or it's dev's bad at coding because it's taking a roundabout path to do something).
  12. The extruder name in the header is not set ;EXTRUDER_TRAIN.0.NOZZLE.NAME:unknown
  13. Yeah, sorry. The problem was that it was messing up all multi object prints that weren't' printing one at a time, as well as completely ignoring all the logic that should make the one at a time printing automatically calculate the order in which things should be printed.
  14. The only way to fix that would be to write a post processing script for the post processing plugin
  15. The models being printed in the order that they were loaded was a bug which has been fixed in Cura 3.6
  16. Change your second extruder to use the AA 4.0 core or disable it by right-clicking on it.
  17. Look for the setting called "infill support"
  18. ~/.local/share/cura/3.6/cura.log
  19. Could you check the logs? These are just some font warnings, they shouldn't break Cura.
  20. Okay, could you send me a message so I can get you into contact with one of the Cura Connect devs to debug what's going on then? This is the first time i've seen the issue atleast.
  21. That's why for Cura Connect we did implement more advanced analytics (jobs completed, completion rate, material used, etc)
  22. Well, the actual sending of the data is done by a framework that we use (Qt), so I doubt that the slowness of the sending of prints is caused by software on the Cura side.
  23. Would it be possible for you to share the file?
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