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Everything posted by nallath

  1. Any chance of open sourcing it to get it done? If enough people are willing to support it, I could try and get this done.
  2. Yeah, i should say a bit more about that. So the scanner project started of as my graduation project. In total I spent almost 2.5 years on this. The project got as far as a zero series (25 prototype units) before it got put in the fridge. The idea was to have a structured light 3D scanner in the same spirit as the UMO; A kit that you have to assemble yourself with lasercut plywood and 3D printed parts. It was estimated to be around 2000 euro and would have a rotation table. The first upgrade kit for it also got some work done, as this was Ruben's graduation thesis. The frontend software is also based on Uranium (which is also why the split between Uranium & Cura exists in the first place). We're still trying to finish the project in our own time, but it's hard; After 40 hours a week, those 3-4 hours we can put in it without getting a burnout, isn't setting a great pace. Uranium is a whole lot more stable these days, so it's speeding up a bit, but not as fast as I would like. I'd love to find someone that can properly "adopt" the project so it can be finished. Seems like such a shame to not do anything with it (I do understand why UM shelved it, as we had & have bigger issues to solve with our "main" products).
  3. 12 year old me came up with that. Was too much of a bother to change it.
  4. My name is Jaime, 27 years old. I currently work as a software developer for Cura, but have worked on Embedded (UM3 Firmware) and the UltiScanTastic®™, a structured light 3D scanner. I've started working for Ultimaker 5 years ago, which makes me the second software developer to be hired by UM (Daid being the first). I "suffer" from the same problem as Ruben; If you're with a company like Ultimaker for an extended period of time, you tend to become the generic problem solver. I'm usually involved in a lot of projects at a time, ranging from Intellectual property to in depth software engineering. As for hobbies; I play a lot of RPGS (Tabletop & LARP), which also includes a lot of crafting. I build my own costumes (cloth & leatherwork) and assorted props (I even made a fortune telling "haunted" robot).
  5. What vendor told you that you are locked into Cura? That is definitely not the case. Granted, Cura is probably the best out of the box experience for UM machines, but locking in is always a bad idea imho.
  6. ha..ha There are a lot of people walking around at Ultimaker with a variety of expertise and knowledge. There is a small chance you would ever find yourself in a opportunity to talk to them, that is what I want to create now. Every AMA has a theme, no? Bribes help outside of the AMA
  7. Protip; use the CuraContainerRegistry. It does a bit more magic. If you ask the value from a stack that is returned there, it should also handle the resolve. Should be a simple as switching out the ContainerRegistry with the CuraContainerRegistry. Also; Very nice work!
  8. You're probably better of asking the people from Lulzbot. They have their own variant of Cura. As we don't test non-UM printers, there isn't a whole lot we can do to help you.
  9. Not unless we know what operating system you are using.
  10. Only a few settings are material "only" (Bed temperature, standy temp, etc). The rest of them depend on both the material and the quality that you are trying to print at. This means that we can't change this. As for layer height, this can never be set in a material, as all extruders must have the same layer height.
  11. Could you share a project file with the model in it?
  12. Could you post logs? I'm currently running cura on Fedora, and it saves the settings.
  13. Nope. We haven't put any time into this. This might change in the future, but I don't expect this to happen in the very near future. The next release (2.7) won't have any changes regarding this.
  14. Short answer: You renamed the material type. This won't work Long answer: Cura does a ton of magic regarding profiles, especially for the UM3. When you select a material, it will try to find a quality profile that matches the material type, machine and cartridge. We have hundreds of such combinations. The problem is that you renamed a material type to something that does not have such a quality profile. We need to improve the system so that it does give a profile, but warns you that it isn't supported.
  15. Who said you could only learn about 3D printing here ;)Something new to learn every day! Sounds like a little set back then. We also have insurances where you have to start paying more when you have reported some damage, after you pay your fee every X, and first also have to pay like the deductable excess yourself (if that is the correct translation). I just try not to think about it when too much cause it makes you wonder why you have insurance in the first place. (I guess, if you ever have any big expenses, you're probably happy you have it though) Good to hear your Ultimaker 3 survived! Now you can still make a new chair We tend to only have those for cars. My house insurance is <50 bucks a month and it covers a whole range of weird ass damages. As for the unclogging gel; Depends what your drain is made of. The active component is NaOH, which you can wash off. It takes a bit of time before it starts eating up your skin (fun fact of the day, they used to make soap with this stuff)
  16. The frontend doesn't just use just one file. A single extrusion machine can have: User, quality_changes, quality, material, variant, definition changes and definition. Settings are handled in a stack like way; If a setting is set in the user profile, that value is used. If it isn't there, the value of quality_changes is used (and on until definition is reached, at which point the default is used). You could create a custom definition file where you set the defaults to what you want, but this is a bit tricky for multi extrusion machines. We tend to use bat/shell files with certain settings to slice them if we don't want to use this method.
  17. If you still need help with this, drop by the next time you are in the office. I'm happy to help you set it up.
  18. There are 3 Two of them are for users, one of them is a developer joke. That's all I will say about it.
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