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Everything posted by nallath

  1. Make overhangs printable does so by performing some magic on the 2D level of the slicing process. This is a whole different ballpark then doing the same thing in 3D. We can't save the modified result, because we don't have the modified result
  2. I can't and wont either. But this is not the case in this situation.
  3. http://3dprintingforum.us/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=705&p=9890#p9885 I'm sorry? You didn't get mentioned? We haven't even written the frigging release notes yet. I know it's easy to say (after someone posts a rant) that we fully intented to mention that it was based on your idea, but we did. Who the hell do you think we are? Everyone in the Cura team feels that doing this is important! You're getting the pat on the back. By being mentioned as the inspiration source of the idea. Are you now pissed that someone got inspired by what you did and did it slightly different? Yes, we could have asked you, but it didn't happen. This has nothing to do with vision or disrespecting you as a person or an engineer. I feel your reaction is quite over exaggerated and also implies that some people who wanted to build something awesome get attacked and painted as the bad guys here. I don't think any of my colleagues had any intention of "stealing" your work. I personally find it offensive that you even suggest such a thing. The fact that you're even tweeting about this gives the vibe that you want to create some sort of riot here. The same thing you accuse us of ("you should have asked beforehand") is also valid here; You could have asked us why or how we did what we did before escalating this.
  4. As not a whole lot of people use post processing scripts and it would make it quite a lot more complicated to save those due to the way it's set up.
  5. Postprocesisng scripts are not saved in the project.
  6. Manually sending g-code snippets it not possible (unless you want to hack a whole lot). Moving the head is possible by means of the API (doing a put http request on the head position)
  7. +1 I will pitch this to our product owner. I'm hugely in favor of this as well. +1 !!! I think that in general, dragging a part with the mouse should have exactly one function. everything else is irritating. maybe use modifier keys like shift or ctrl for rotate and scale? naybe 3 buttons to rotate 90° in each direction? that would help me out in 99% of cases. He actually implemented it himself. It's now in a pull request, so odds are it will be in the 2.7 release. It allows you to switch between rotate, translate & scale.
  8. Cura doesn't have any other logs. I don't know where marlin leaves it's logs (if it even has them)
  9. Err, I beg to differ. If you have lots of holes and several wall skins it can make quite a big difference. I have a test model that when the walls are optimized would print in about 3 hours compared to around 4 hours without the optimization. That's a worthwhile gain. Of course there are instances where the travel time is a thing. I'm just saying that in most cases it won't have that much impact.
  10. We haven't really looked into this, as travel moves are only a small part of the time spent on a single print. Doubling the speed of ~3% of the print will have a really big impact.
  11. +1 I will pitch this to our product owner. I'm hugely in favor of this as well.
  12. The definition file is not the only place with settings. The files are different because you give the engine different settings.
  13. We heavily rely on openGL. So if your computer cant support it (Which is the first machine i've heard of in 8 years(!!)), there is nothing we can do.
  14. Also share logs. That way we can see what is going wrong.
  15. I hate the bed clips with a passion. I cut my fingers on them a few times and they have caused my quite some grief regarding the disallowed areas (the amount of issues we had on this on the software side is staggering!). The only way to remove the disalowed areas is to change the .def.json file.
  16. Well, if you make a pull request regarding these changes they can be added to the release. The other dev's don't look on the forum a lot, so github is the best place for this.
  17. Or even better; 2.7 will have a purge before prime tower function I second this request. Please add layer change gcode customization.
  18. You can do this with anti overhang meshes.
  19. The versioning is a bit a long story. We used to use year.month.revision as versioning number. At some point we re-wrote Cura, which was released as 15.06. This was a waay to early release and is widely regarded as being horrible. In order to prevent confusion somewhat between "Legacy" Cura and "New" Cura, we decided to do a major break and call the new Cura 2.x The 2.x has been developed further, whereas legacy cura has not been updated in quite some time. So if you want the latest & greatest, download the newest Cura 2.x
  20. Disable use support towers.
  21. It's already a running joke at UM HQ that you really spend a lot of time not doing your taxes
  22. Many thanks to @ahoeben (and others, of which most aren't on this forum) for his contributions!
  23. Probably more towards one week then two.
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