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Everything posted by nallath

  1. First off; The estimations of Cura 15.x are way worse compared to Cura 2. This is mostly because Cura 2.x also takes acceleration into account.
  2. If the activate button is greyed out, its because the material is already active.
  3. Above the z = 0 can be done by disabling the "automatically drop objects on the build plate" option.
  4. Someone is going to get some referral bonus if I get some cookies
  5. Uh, that should work. Sounds like you found a bug we missed.
  6. There is probably something wrong with the definition. The logs should mention if there is a reason why it failed.
  7. As aldo already said, it is disabled by default. However, if you have an older version where it was enabled by default and then upgrade, it's still enabled (as we don't touch preferences).
  8. Help -> Show local configuration There should be a .log file there.
  9. Yep. You're completely right. But UM doesn't have a bigger printer, so this isn't an issue for us. It's up to you guys to fix this. I don't think it's hard to get right.
  10. This is also fixed for 2.6, so you won't have to manually change this anymore.
  11. Nope. They should pop up after a bit of time if you hover pretty much anything.
  12. Our QA team just upgraded to 381.89 on windows 7 and could not reproduce the issue.
  13. What version did you come from (what is the last NVIDIA driver that does work?) What version is your OS?
  14. New Cura doesn't have a way to save post processing scripts. I'm not quite sure if we will ever have it though. It's not very high on the feature list.
  15. It's deactivated for Windows. Unfortunately there was a regression in a library that we depend on (Qt). Downgrading wasn't an option due to a bigger issue with the previous version. I hope that this can be fixed for 2.6
  16. Not all Cura upgrades have new versions for the firmware. I don't think we are going to have a whole lot of firmware upgrades for the UM2. We are going to have a ton of updates / versions for Cura, so I expect the "gap" to become bigger over time.
  17. Are you using Windows? If so, that's the problem. The work around is to manually add the IP in the connect with printer interface. The USB drive issue is (being) fixed. Try updating your firmware.
  18. It is, but ultimaker does pay for the brunt of the work that's being done. But AlephObjects (LulzBot) also put in effort, as do a number of community contributors. I think we do. But as fieldofview mentioned; Do help out. We do offer contracts to active community contributors (As Ultimaker benefits from big improvements, we feel that at some point people should be awarded at some point )
  19. I'm not quite sure what you mean, but infill meshes are not taken into account wrt printable regions.
  20. That was also a point of consideration. Together with more developers (both inside and outside of UM) being familiar with the distro. The last should not be a very strong reason to do it, but it's something one should take into account.
  21. Because it's cheap? The machine is already expensive enough as far as i can see. There is nothing wrong per se with UVC, but this is indeed a pretty rubbish camera. Because when we started (+- 3 years ago) Alpine wasn't really a thing yet. Switching distros is dangerous & expensive. SystemD does perfectly what we need it to do. Especially if we ever want to open up the platform. It's not out yet. Most of the code is in python anyway and easy to view on the machine.
  22. Was this loaded from g-code or directly received from the engine?
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