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Everything posted by Dim3nsioneer

  1. You have to see this as a 'natural' protection of the UM2 against drone attacks. It's not a bug, it's a feature... :lol:
  2. Yes, it does: I had to use the standard UM nut instead of the large black part on the right.
  3. Kurzer Hinweis: Die Farbübersicht in http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/5712-pla-von-diamondage-plastics-sammelbestellung-schweiz/page-3&do=findComment&comment=57408 wurde gerade aktualisiert...sie ist jetzt vollständig.
  4. I didn't say I wouldn't optimize it at all. But I would optimize primary processes first. It's true what you say about sympathy but a company cannot pay their employees with sympathy...
  5. bang-bang mode means the bed is switched on until it exceeds the target temperature by I-don't-know-how-much, is switched off until it's more than I-don't-know-neither-how-much below the target temperature and then it's switched on again. PID mode is a closed loop control with a (p)roportional, an (i)ntegral and a (d)ifferential coefficient... The anti-backlash nut is mounted at the very same place the standard nut is mounted. Actually I had to combine the two...
  6. I forgot we are talking about refunding and not purchasing. Thus, it would also not be my first priority to optimize that process...
  7. Welchen Reinheitsgrad verwendest Du beim Aceton/Isopropyl?
  8. I don't agree. The means should meet a company's needs. If you sell a few hundred printers a week your IT systems and your internal processes should be able to handle this number. For sure you cannot proceed as if you just sell 10 printers a week (which you don't, I'm aware of this). But IMHO a company of the present size of UM should handle the billing and accounting internally ('make or buy' decisions during growth). And as UM is (luckily!) a fast growing company it should anticipate that the sales numbers may go even up by one order of magnitude. I'm pretty sure they will when especially your work, Nallath, gets the shape of a product being sold. :ph34r:
  9. Case solved. I mounted the anti-backlash nut and the print quality got even better. The lines are now determined by the diameter accuracy of the filament I think. As it should be.
  10. Another thought just crossed my mind: Make sure the nozzle is clean on the outside. If it gets covered by PLA, this has a adhesive effect onto further PLA and you get much more stringing. Maybe you have the situation that at some places material is not cooled down enough before the next layer is applied. This then leads to diving of the nozzle into the still soft PLA and getting covered.
  11. I bet it's rather slicer based. The resolution of the printer is much better (80 microsteps per mm!). I printed all my fairphone cases at 45° so far. And the customers were quite happy with it.
  12. Another approach might be to eliminate the source of the toppling over. With small prints the origin is the curling of the edges when printing too hot. The raised edges do harden enough from layer to layer to represent a solid piece of resistance for the nozzle. Z hopping can also cause similar raised structures. In this case try lowering the temperature (and speed) for the last layers.
  13. Did you run into underextrusion when lowering temperature? If not, try going further down. If you can go down further, then something is wrong with the temperature sensor. Some filament has a tremendous tendency for stringing. Are you printing with pure PLA or with a PLA/PHA mixture?
  14. There are at least three UM2 which show(ed) the problem as http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/6613-firmware-surface-kwality-bug-1407-vs-1403/ and this one show. And it seems more likely to be a problem in the firmware. Daid mentioned the EMF issue in the other thread. It's a pity. After knowing the reason I do not expect anyone affiliated with Ultimaker to post a hex file with the PID mode for the bed activated. And neither will I do as I consider this reason to be serious enough to make anybody think first before it's changed from the compliant state to the non-compliant. I actually also found that the temperature in bang-bang mode is surprisingly stable. If you read one of my earlier posts in this thread you will find my thoughts on the temperature sensitivity of light blue PLA filament. The case is somehow solved for me with the fact that I got rid of most of the banding with the switch to PID mode. I'll leave it to the software engineers to find the bug in the system called Ultimaker2Marlin. I hope to get rid of the last few remaining horizontal lines with the anti-backlash nut from Robotdigg I received today. Unfortunately one part of it is a bit too big for the available space behind the Ultimaker2-printbed cover but I figured out that with a combination of the new nut and the standard z nut including a new, already designed and printed part it should work as well and fit there.
  15. I use 255°C and 30mm/s atm. I never had troubles with the uncolored XT.
  16. Can you please send me the gcode to Dim3nsioneer@gmx.ch? It will not going anywhere else and will be deleted after the issue is solved.
  17. And how do I get maximum inter-layer adhesion? I'm trying to print something 4 shells thick (1.6mm) and get a very crispy result meaning it breaks all the time. I'm using XT red on my UMO.
  18. ...and UltiGcode or did you switch to RepRap flavor in the machine settings (maybe accidentally)?
  19. Together with a 'version tag' this might be sufficient for having multiple versions.
  20. With a Bowden extruder such a sensor makes only limited sense IMHO. You would have to store the width profile for the distance between feeder and hotend...
  21. Ich mühe mich auch gerade mit Colorfabb XT ab und zwar mit der rot eingefärbten Version. Allerdings auf dem UMO, nicht auf dem UM2 (der meiner Erfahrung nach ziemlich ausschliesslich für PLA geeignet ist und mit anderen Materialien generell Mühe hat). Folgendes hilft: - Fan reduzieren oder ganz abstellen - Deutlich heisser drucken (ich bin inzwischen bei 255°C) - Langsamer drucken (ich bin bei 30mm/s) - Dünnere Schichten (0.2mm ist wohl für XT einfach zu viel) Bei Adhäsionsproblemen auf dem Heizbett gilt: Immer ganz sauber machen und nie zuletzt mit Alkohol reinigen. Mikrofasertücher sind zu empfehlen. Was auch gut funktioniert ist eine Reinigung mit Spülmittellauge. Es scheint auch einen deutlichen Unterschied zwischen dem transparenten und dem eingefärbten XT zu geben. Beim eingefärbten XT ist die Schicht-Adhäsion recht schlecht... Grundsätzlich drucke ich auf 70°C warmes Glas. Aber auf eine Glasscheibe, die deutlich mehr Adhäsion zeigt als die UM-Scheibe (IKEA-Spiegelkachel!).
  22. Hi Erik Thanks for your thoughts. I agree with them. A view thoughts from my side: - The description should allow for embedded pictures as today on the wiki. As long as this is not possible I would rather see a documentation of the plugin as a pdf. - Documentation should be very easy so everybody does it properly when uploading a new plugin. If I look on the Wiki today not every plugin is well documented. - It should be visible when the last update has been made and which was the last known working configuration (e.g. Cura version). There are quite a few plugins which were made some time back and do not properly work anymore with the present Cura version and/or with newer printers as the UM2. - More general: A lookup table per plugin would be nice where you can see what functionality it offers per version/printer (I takea mental note to myself to do such a table for the next TweakAtZ version). - One plugin = one person in charge of the development/documentation/etc. Of course multiple people can participate in the development of a plugin but in the end, one person should be responsible for the presentation on Youmagine. So a plugin-entry should be connected to a person's user and not to a generic plugin user. The ownership should be transferable. - Nice-to-have: having multiple versions uploaded in parallel, but can also be achieved by including the version no. into the filename btw: You may use me as beta tester... Stefan
  23. I'm pretty sure Daid has something like that in mind for the Pink Unicorn edition as a lot of people have trouble with pause functionalities of any kind (pause on the printer, pauseatz plugin, missing pause feature for the printing dialog of the old GUI). Unfortunately the work on the PU edition is stalled at the moment due to more urgent things Daid has to take care about (yes there are more urgent things than the pause feature... ).
  24. Because there will be a completely new GUI called 'Pink Unicorn' and the old GUI including the print dialog is therefore not extended by UM for the time being.
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