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Everything posted by Dim3nsioneer

  1. And put the tower at a location such that one fan is effectively cooling the antennae while printing the tower...
  2. This sounds like a SDcard issue. Did you eject the SDcard properly before removing it from the slot in your computer?
  3. The chicken of course! :lol: Great job! Congrats!
  4. I wonder if some of you have experienced a decrease in adhesion on the glass after some time which cannot be compensated by cleaning.
  5. It starts like that? Strange. I get a completely different view angle on startup.
  6. btw: @IRobertI: Congrats to your 2000th post... :-P
  7. AFAIK Ultimaker issues non-commercial licenses...
  8. Gegenfrage: Wählst Du immer schön brav 'auswerfen' bevor Du die SD-Karte aus dem Kartenleser am PC ziehst?
  9. @Jonny: This is why Sander wrote 'for you in the area'... @Sander: I guess the really interesting meeting will be on Monday... I would really love to meet you guys all together but it's indeed a bit on short terms for the distance... anyway have fun! @Robert: Putting garlic into your lunch is too late if you've already been bitten by a vampire... :shock:
  10. Wenn Du die Pulleys verschiebst, dann solltest Du berücksichtigen dass diese auch die Funktion haben, die Achsen zu fixieren. Ich hatte das gleiche Problem (Abrieb im Print, ganz toll bei Weiss) und habe mir angepasste Distanzhalter (5/10/25 mm) gedruckt.
  11. Die gesamte Wiki ist im Moment nicht verfügbar. Abklärungen sind im Gange. Leider habe ich das XYZshift-Plugin nicht.
  12. The pauseatz plugin uses the 'M0' command. Which seems to be implemented https://github.com/Printrbot/Marlin/blob/printrbot-prod/Marlin/Marlin_main.cpp#L1596 as well.
  13. @Peter Parnes: For me it looks as if your UM2 has a problem with the correct z position. The top of the third bracelet seems to have been printed too high up. Do you see any unusual behavior on the z stage? Are the bracelets actually printed at their locations shown in the pictures?
  14. There are (or rather will be) two killer applications for dual extrusions: soluble support material and two-compount prints such as hard material combined with soft material (as you have it today with injection moulding). Of course you can also print with two colors. Ebay? But be careful if you find 'new' UM2s with a price significantly below the official price. A few months ago, 30 UM2s were stolen from an UM warehouse.
  15. If I read the hints about UM2 dual extrusion correctly, there might be a rather different print head for the UM2 with dual extrusion. This printhead might be used on an UMO+ as well and would allow for a dual extusion upgrade of the UMO+. But this is pure speculation and therefore a bit off-topic, sorry!
  16. Short answer: Never of course... Long answer: It seems that answering times from Ultimaker HQ support are very different these days. Some people immediately get an answer others wait one to two weeks (which is much too long IMHO). Unfortunately, it's like that for quite some time now. The fact that some UM people are rushing from one trade show to the other doesn't improve the situation neither. If I'm not completely wrong some people at the HQ also had to move to a different building recently which also consumes time. However, if such reasons could be incorporated into a standard answer e-mail when submitting a new ticket, people might be more understanding. There are two things you may do to speed it up: write a PM to SandervG or call them. However, I understand the latter is a bit difficult for you due to your location.
  17. Being optimized doesn't mean it does not work with other materials. It just works best with PLA. The heated bed makes a lot of sense also for PLA. Surely you can print PLA w/o heated bed, but you certainly can print it easier with a heated bed... :-P Although I've no first hand experience with the UMO+, I don't expect it to be as quiet as the UM2 due to the still wooden frame. It will be somewhere in between the UMO and the UM2...
  18. Nein, es handelt sich scheinbar um ein Problem mit einer Umgebungsvariablen: http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/5132-conflict-in-python-with-freecad-and-cura/ Vielleicht ist es ja inzwischen auch gelöst...gutes Konstruieren in dem Fall!
  19. Any machine can be modified. Some with less effort and some with a bit more. The UM2 certainly needs some effort for modifications. Many parts work cleverly together which means that simply replacing it isn't an option. Take the electronics as an example. Although the UM2 electronics is newer and improved in many ways compared to the UMO electronics, it has everything integrated in one board including the stepper motor drivers. On the UMO you can simply exchange the stepper drivers. So if you really want to do modifications on the printer, I recommend you to go for a UMO or a UMO+(btw: the UMO+ has the UM2 electronics). If dual extrusion is something you want to have immediately, then you have to go for a UMO together with the dual extrusion pack and the heated bed pack. Don't by an UMO+ in this case as it will not be able to drive two of the present UMO hotends due to limits of the power supply (which is a significant design flaw IMHO).
  20. And did any of you get an order for an Ultimaker sample yet? I didn't... but quite some fairphone cases... And one or two reviews... http://www.3dhubs.com/zurich/hubs/dim3nsions
  21. Das Zucken um eine Spalte nach rechts ist seit längerem bekannt. Das mit der Linie und dem Einfrieren aber nicht. Ich empfehle, dass Du Dich bei Ultimaker oder beim allfälligen Reseller, wenn nicht direkt gekauft, meldest.
  22. Ok, they are quite different. I was hoping the default values could be improved... It might be an idea to define an option in the Maintenance menu for the PIDautotune...
  23. May I ask what values you got? Mine were: Kp=16, Ki=1.5, Kd=42.5... Just to see how big the variation between different UM2s is...
  24. That's strange... it should go up to any allowed temperature, e.g. 'M303 S210 C10'... if it doesn't then maybe something is wrong with the temperature sensor. Or the heater. But the sensor would be more dangerous.
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