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Everything posted by Dim3nsioneer

  1. 200 steps for one stepper rotation divided by 8mm thread pitch... or rather the inverse of it: 0.04mm.
  2. http://www.google.com/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=GnhnVIXqIqikiAaM3IDIAw&gws_rd=cr,ssl#q=crossflow+fan
  3. I wrote Colorfabb an email about this topic yesterday. Let's see what they going to tell me...
  4. Das Hotend ist noch zu heiss. Versuche es bei etwas tieferer Temperatur. Ich ziehe an meinem UM2 bei 80°C mit PLA.
  5. If your UM2 gets significant dust during a week you maybe should check a relocation. Make sure you use a filament filter as dust in the nozzle can easily lead to a clog.
  6. speaking of: have you tried it with the PID mode of the bed instead of the bang-bang mode?
  7. I definitively agree with DonMilne on his points 2-4. That's why I'm also a conviced user of Robert's design. The reasons why I exchanged it were mainly points 2 and 3. However, I'm aware of the fact that UM cannot declare their own feeder as bad. And without depreciating Robert's work: his design is actually based on the UM design of the Original model.
  8. ...and combing enabled with a too short minimum distance before retraction or a non-zero amount of extruded material before retraction? I usually set the first to 5mm and the second to 0, especially on the UMO.
  9. Please feel free to rewrite that part of Marlin and issue a pull request to the ErikZalm repository....
  10. It shouldn't happen anymore with the fix Daid wrote and which will be included in the next version (RC or official). But Daid is on holiday this and next week (unbelievable but true: UM-people are allowed to go on holidays... ).
  11. unselect the x axis and you most probably will get what you need....
  12. I guess you compiled your own Marlin with the http://marlinbuilder.robotfuzz.com? There you have options to invert the axes... edit: do you have a direct drive?
  13. Yes, thin walled prints in colored XT can be broken quite easily. I'll have to ask Colorfabb directly... (of course not because of the tooth-nonsense above but some serious projects...)
  14. Very good idea. Why not completely in Gold? I just have to produce a few more Fairphone cases through 3DHubs to be able to pay it... :-P
  15. If you tell me how I make the interlayer adhesion of the colored XT sufficient for this purpose... :blink:
  16. Dear Ultimaker R&D, In about half a year I will need a tooth implant for a tooth I had to be extracted today (yes, it hurts... :( ) So you have half a year time to develop a customer grade 3D printer for metal and ceramics so I can print the implant myself. Should be more than enough time, right? I mean, now as you found a solution to dual extrusion... Don't take me serious, I'm on pain killer... :wacko:
  17. Sounds like a skipping motor...or moving axes/pulleys.
  18. Die Eindringtiefe von Infrarotstrahlung ist relativ gross. Einen Infrarot-Schutzlack gibt es daher nicht. Du müsstest Dich nach einem anderen Material umsehen. Es gibt Zusätze, welche die Glastemperatur erhöhen (z.B. PLA90). Normalerweise ist aber eine Outdoor-Anwendung selbst mit PLA nicht so problematisch. Einfach nicht hinter Glasscheiben oder an Häuserfassaden; dort wird's über 50°C warm. Und eher weiss als schwarz drucken.
  19. Yep. On the day where the G0 and the G1 commands are treated seperately in Marlin... I guess the first taikonaut will be on Mars before that day...
  20. Because it's generated as infill and infill is always diagonal in Cura...
  21. @gr5: Just be careful... you currently have 5534 posts and each of them shows a minion... But if one really wants to sell prints from copyright protected content then one could ask the copyright holder for a licensing per print. Maybe it will pay off, maybe it won't (better chances with 'small' designers than with big companies).
  22. Sure you can adjust the speed at the machine. The only catch is that you change both travel and print speed with the speed setting in the Tune menu...
  23. Ummm... do we have to buy one or will Ultimaker put the UMO+ source online as for the UMO and the UM2? I have the same effect on my Ulticontroller: the white area gets more pronounced...
  24. Assuming the diameters are 2.85 and 2.95 as an example then you simply add M200 T0 2.85 M200 T1 2.95 to the start.gcode and the printer will keep it during the print. With volumetric flavor the E values are in cubic mm i.e. independent of the filament diameter.
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