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Everything posted by skint

  1. Would love to work for Skynet lol...and yeah not too surprised Sundays are meant for hangovers..and I have a REALLY bad one... went out to watch The Couting Crows last night!
  2. Haha not quite that simple Robert but it was a fun 10 minutes as we discussed it in this Serious meeting...there were other products too... I admit... guilty as charged
  3. Having played with and owned various 3D printers I certainly believe that those kind of issues happen with ALL of them, however the UM2 is such a stable machine. Yes we all know that 3D printing is never a plug and play scenario, but the UM2 is almost that... the reliability of ultimaker machines has allowed them to knock makerbot from the top spot!!
  4. @titus Haha brilliant. Today I had my third disciplinary meeting at work, long long long story but basically I am about to be fired and am having lots of legal/employment discussions etc etc ... so today I go into a meeting and they accuse me of "designing products that conflict with the nature of our business ( hardware parts )... and proceed to show me some images of a development that they have knowledge of. Images were very very familiar, they were the Terminator Arm that I designed and printed when I first got my UM2... haha how I chuckled at them and how they felt so silly. Long live the ultimaker for making the T1000 Arm lol
  5. @Wallan, they look awesome..great job mate!
  6. Holy s**t Titus, at first I thought it was your UM2 that exploded .. lol glad it was just a desk
  7. I do find differences in the manufacturers of the PLA bob, aswell as differences with colours. More likely that than the machines. My typical temp is around 195-200. Just bought some colourfab bronzefill
  8. BHahahaa Nico... mouse & keyboard are so 1980`s
  9. Titus, that machine gun is crazy!! So much PLA lol... I love destiny, playing it on the xbox one
  10. @ Valcrow they are awesome You could put the pets address in there incase she/he gets lost
  11. Yeah nice! I`m heading to London tomorrrow and am planning on stopping off at the imakr store, hopefully they have some bronzefill
  12. LOL james.... that`s just wrong! Great vid Barnacules
  13. You will probably get very similar results using stereo-lithography printers too. Out of curiosity Bob, assuming that the part is hollow, have you tried printing with this surface face down on the bed? The angle of the walls should print OK. Maybe a small amount of support on the lowest short wall. If you upload the part somewhere I don't mind having a go at printing for you too.
  14. Nice post gr5! Some pretty funky stuff there.
  15. Yeah true that jameshs, I see they have been into power tools etc. Over engineered plastic mouldings! Still...fair play, they seem to have designed a fairly robust and competitive printer from what I have been reading.
  16. LOL that is one seriously clean desk... although if I ever need anyone to print me a transformer autobot... your the man!!
  17. She`s printing right now. 11 hours
  18. Brilliant ksn!! you going to paint it ?
  19. Nice thanks for the info! My niece will have an extra toy to assembly on her birthday
  20. Haha must be pretty bad if they can't get a hockey puck printing right
  21. Lol Daid, I thought they had some weirdly designed parts just from looking at thier videos.
  22. Looks a great little kit dirk. Is that on youmagine or thingiverse ? My niece turns 7 in a couple of weeks
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