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Everything posted by skint

  1. Antiklesys, I can`t figure out what causes it. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt. Not just on this home laptop too, it happens in my office at work also. Really REALLY annoying!!
  2. @Chrisp, yeah the company I am now working for want me to use Solidworks..full stop!! Even though I can create something in a 10th of the time in Creo, they prefer solidworks files and NOTHING else :( So it means I have to train myself up on solidworks. Solidworks is incredibly popular in the engineering world yeah, so is Creo. They dominate the market. Your right, I am hoping that solidworks should prove quite easy, especially after using creo! I must check out this Fusion 360. I dont need any software at home for designing, as I can use my company creo license.
  3. @ Everyone. Wow such awesome stuff being printed... i`m so jealous! Ive been too busy with work, printing has been on hold for a while until I have time to design something I wanna print .... not fair :(
  4. Great to hear from you Aaron, you seem as busy as I am lately!! It`s nice to be busy, but I am looking forward to a rest. Congrats on your UMO!! I`m kind of jealous... :shock: But im not really giving my UM2 the love it really needs at the moment. I am working on a design job for a project I am looking at doing, and then importing from China and selling... anybody got a good Rack & Pinion gear generator I can use in Pro-e CREO lol ??
  5. Prints look great What`s the motor for? What software do you use? The smaller cylinder with the gear teeth inside looks a little low poly ( square sided instead of fully round ). Isn't it just awesome that you can print anything and everything whenever you want! You will find yourself walking around the house and suddenly thinking and pointing " Oh, I can fix that by 3D printing ". Soon your wife / gf will predict what you are going to say haha
  6. I don't want to get back to the Strength and Fitness discussion lol, BUT... with your brute strength Robert just Pull the window open and work about the paint afterwards
  7. Use a Stanley knife and carefully trim along the gap between frame and sash if you can reach it that is.
  8. Are you using glue stick with your PLA too? If not, try a bit, it may help with the warping.
  9. How do you change filament? Standard way or heating up and pulling the filament out? Standard way, always. Do you "sharpen" the filament tip so it doesn't get hung up inside the teflon piece? If the material has a sharp bend near the start I will often just clip with pliers. How often do you change filament? Varies, but usually after a print finishes. Do you let the nozzle heated up for a long time? Only at normal stages, printing and material change. Do you perform _very_ long prints? Longest so far is about 14 hours. Room temperature where the printer is stored. 20+ degrees Wich filament do you use (spool, loose, brand)? Faberdashery 95%. Intend to trial others soon. Did you change motion settings? Nope Did you increase stepper motor current? Nope Do you use an alternative feeder? Nope Do you have a filament dust filter? Nope Have you took the electronics cover off and checked where the extruder motor wires are guided? (maybe if they are guided wrong and are too close to other componentes, the extruder motor might be influenced during prints). Nope
  10. I have been using Pro Engineer... or Creo, for about 10 years. Due to a change in job position, I also have to change to solidworks!! Oh no, the thought of starting from fresh with a new design system!! :( Hopefully solidworks will become easy quickly after years of using Creo lol
  11. Yeah dont worry about the printer... just dont set the print and then realise half way through your well needed sleep that you only loaded 2 meters of filament when you needed atleast 10 lol
  12. Welcome Bez you noob ... from a fellow Brit
  13. Hey all Are you on facebook? Are you reading through the ultimaker page and wondering who is who? I have just seen Marie on there and thought we should all " friend up " lol. So find me and add me Wayne hurdman Picture at the moment is braddocks ieyo bust.
  14. I like to see printer used and print settings too, so you have a good idea what it prints like. But mainly the choice comes down to how cool the model is I do like to see other users printed ones.
  15. Hey Corey, yeah mate that`s what it`s all about. The print is 100% yours I have downloaded sculptris, but havent had time to play yet. Cant wait to see what rubbish I can come up with lol
  16. Marie. There is a definitive difference between girls happy corners and mens happy corner. Cleanliness Mess it up a bit lol !!
  17. Some dude saved me doing this https://grabcad.com/library/ultimaker-2-1
  18. @ Dieselpower. Congrats on your first prints Welcome to the world of um2 !!
  19. Illuminarti, fuh Thanks for the info. I was assuming that with such a long length of Bowden, any compression within the filament will only be exacerbated, in theory creating more friction and possibly stringiness. I assume Bowden`s are made from PTFE? If I could get hold of a slightly larger I/D Bowden I would trial this for a while, as I would be interested if this makes any difference at all. I understand that keeping the material feeder away from the hotend allows for greater accuracy and quicker printing speeds.
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