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Everything posted by skint

  1. Windows 7 x64 bit here and working much better. Title page is a little slow to load, and if the design has numerous images ascotiated with it then these can take a little while too. But... I don't think much to worry about. ** Regarding the Star rating feature. Personally I do not see a need for this. There are already statistics like " likes " and " total downloads " that we can view, to gauge if a product is any good or not. Star rating systems in my opinion are not very accurate anyway, if somebody downloads a model and has trouble printing it, for whatever reason, they may leave a negative rating. Somebody may make a complete mess of printing a perfectly good design and model, but still have trouble printing and leaving negative scores. Secondly, if I have gone to the effort of uploading models for people to use, for free, I don't particularly wish to see that everyone rates it so badly! Just another two cents
  2. Whooohooo nice one diesel Weekend is here... in errr... 1hour 15 mins
  3. Cant wait to see what you have come up with. Nothing wrong with the way grabcad does it, just make it prettier https://grabcad.com/library
  4. I knew I`d caught you out braddock Another great looking character, I will add him to my " braddock creature corner " lol
  5. And what about your g/f ? Is she not going to join you
  6. Smooth as a baby`s bum !
  7. I need some nerdgasms, I`ll check you out laters
  8. :cry: Work is so boring :cry: Another hour or so and then I`m off home to stare at my beautiful um2 printing useless items haha Has Ian started his new job already ?
  9. Is that just your render, not a print right? Oh god, my zbrush love is kindling again, I need to give her a try. I hate learning stuff from the noob level :(
  10. Yeah c`mon colorfabb, at the moment I have NO colorfabb filament in my office... show me the bronze!!
  11. That`s pretty cool. Give us an estimate, how much total price to build ?
  12. @Leo Exactly the pic I was talking about. @Sander. If i remember correctly, hulk threw his body parts a long away away from each other, and wolvie crawled back and regenerated. Its BS.. the HULK just wins and would kick wolvies ass any day
  13. @ Nateo, Lol you do love your timelapses I love missing a day reading this thread and then coming back to see what`s happened.
  14. Faberdashery PLA. Robot Silver. It printed really nicely
  15. Did you ever see the comic with ultimate hulk vs ultimate wolverine ..the one where hulks rips wolvie apart...haha loved that artwork!
  16. I may have a go too. I need to download meshmixer and try it out, never used it before.
  17. Didier, thanks mate. There is no infill at all, just printed with 1.2mm walls. The quality of braddocks model is superb. I printed it at 140mm tall. When it got to the antenna on top of his head, I slowed the print down quite a lot and decreased material temp to 195, worked out well.
  18. Great video Ian, reminded me very much of my Sunday night out I finally got to my hotel room at 7am, oh and had to catch a train at 10am :???: Tueday and I should really have gone to work, but still feel quite rough so booked a holiday haha Now... @ Robert. Happy birthday ( sorry im very late )... but i think its time i cut down on the alcohol and started exersizing as much as you do!! I`m going out today to buy some running shoes!
  19. I had a bit of spare time yesterday, mainly due to the fact that the UK weather was SO BAD. Rain, rain and RAIN. I bought some sexy new filament from Faberdashery. Its called Robot Silver. Once printed its a nice bright grey/silver but with spec`s of shinier silver, almost metallic finish. It printed very nicely and the colour shows the detail very well. Pictures do not show the colour too well i dont think. To test the new material out I thought it was about time I printed braddock`s wicked Ieyo bust. Printed at 0.08 layers @ varying speeds. : EDIT : I moved this post, accidentally posted it into cgbobs personal thread
  20. Cant wait braddock. The modelling you have done so far looks top notch already! Eagerly awaiting progress
  21. Great looking prints cgbob. Im so sorry. I realise i posted my latest print in your thread instead of the general thread. I have deleted it.
  22. Afternoon ultimakers. Im not looking forward to tomorrow morning... today I am going out to celebrate a good friends 40th birthday, we will start drinking at 2pm this afternoon, and are planning casino`s etc at midnight. So, will probably crawl into my hotel at 3 - 4am. The head is going to HURT tomorrow Have fun everyone!
  23. Poor adhesion by the sounds of it, printing with the 75C bed. Try your bed at 60c and see if that help. Posting the info that sharky refers to would help a lot.
  24. I decided it was time to print braddock`s great Ieyo bust yesterday, i will post pics in the latest print thread in a minute so you can have a look. Anyway... loaded up the model into both 14.03 and the newer 14.05 RC2. Exactly the same settings on both. 14.03 gave an estimated time of 9 hours. 14.05RC2 gave estimated time of 7 hours. So i picked 14.05. Print came out great by the way. No problems using the 14.05 so far.
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