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Everything posted by skint

  1. Andrew, I printed out a spool holder for use with faberdashery stuff, but actually all I ever do now is leave the spool loose on the floor at the rear of the printer and it simply unravels itself. No problems so far and one less component issue to worry about lol.
  2. Hey Fabio, that looks great, turned out really nice! How long did your print take ( don't say 14 seconds like the video lol )
  3. Spain is fine by me, as long as we can make it near Marbella. Oooo golf, drinking and printing lol.
  4. Argh damn that`s a shame, the tinkertine post was quite good too! Damn the internet sometimes lol.
  5. Leo, you are building quite an ARMY of those little braddock monsters lol
  6. Allows us to push the printer much closer to the wall too
  7. Yeah I thought it may cause you a headache lol.
  8. Rob, same here mate. I haven't gone back to spooled filament since using Fab.
  9. Shame they were not printing!! I use mine for lighting too lol
  10. Hey Aaron, don't let the speaking think get you down... it happens to most people when they are not used to it. Speaking to an audience takes practice, practice and practice, if you are new to it then it can be incredibly intimidating. I`m sure you think it was worse than what everybody else actually thought it was though! Back @ work again, those nights just pass by so quickly don't they! Coffeeeee
  11. Already have 5 SD cards The point is Daid, that whilst a print is in progress, we can add extra build queues. I am correct in thinking that it would not be wise to remove the SD card whilst a print is in progress? As long as we have enough filament, we could keep adding another model to the build queue, up until the bed capacity is full.
  12. Lol. Just kidding, I was referring to this post made a few days ago, Osgar was just concerned that we were being a bit too manly, so think twice before you invite cheerleaders lol http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/5639-where-are-the-girls/
  13. http://www.livhambrett.com/everything-i-know-about-germany-germans/what-i-know-about-germans/ Lol, I was about to post on here " what can I print for my lovely German next door neighbour? ". Then I thought I should google " What Germans like ". Lol found that link which made me laugh! I know, I'm tired...need to go to bed! I would print him schnapps if the printer could do it lol.
  14. I've often found myself pulling the SD card from my laptop, whacking it into the um2 and setting a print off, all because I'm too impatient to wait properly lol...but Now that there is a pause feature we can make use of, a great little feature would be the ability to load a build queue into the printer. So the print is running, I hit pause, remove sd card, load sd card into cura, add new model to sd card, reinsert back into printer, add new model to a build queue and resume. Just thinking out loud!
  15. Too late, already voted lol But add a pic anyway
  16. Top Job Robert I`ll PM you my address and you can me 10 lol. Edit... Oh damn, Ive just realised I actually need your feeder! Cor3ys sending me some ninja flex lol.
  17. Oi, don`t mention cheerleaders, I get told off for uploading pictures of those
  18. Your a few days too late Check out the Post Your Latest Print thread. But yes, its looks great. We are all hoping colorfabb are gonna hand us out a few samples soon lol
  19. The Ultimaker mountain adventure, snowboarding, hiking, printing and drinking!! When`s the party? Tonight...its white wine, instead of red... and one of those evenings where I print my design, only to redesign it whilst it is printing and start the print again, 2 hours later. LOL.
  20. Chrisp, yeah your right mate, there`s a real sense of satisfaction when you print something that is Actually needed and useful, created by yourself to solve a problem! Great stuff. Leo, that`s one fat buddha. Nice print too!
  21. Awesome Chris..So exciting. I still remember my first ever test print
  22. Yeah small circular objects can be a pain, the tricks suggested above work a treat. Also, did you print the part like it is in your picture, this orientation? If so, I found that rotating it 90 degrees so that both eyes are on the same line as the left fan, can help a little too.
  23. WOW Cor3ys, two prints that I really wanna print. Think I am more of a kid than... your kid lol. There is a great Trex skull on thingiverse at the moment, is that the one? From makerbot? Printed in two pieces standing on their ends. I should buy an airbrush. Should I spend a lot, or are the cheap ones any good?
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