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Everything posted by skint

  1. Ahh you can ignore my question on the other thread now, this IS your new feeder idea
  2. Hey Ian So have you done the presentation already? How did it go? Nice presentation, interesting stories and concepts. Is that your feeder idea? the dragnet one? A few grammatical errors. if you need a proof reader let me know
  3. Welcome aboard Adam, where about in the UK are you?
  4. I`m hoping to set a print going before I go out though, plan it for about 6 hours should work
  5. Rob, the green is nice you`ll like it. I also have their shiny silver but haven`t used it yet.
  6. Is that Natural Selection 2? I have no idea, but just googled NS2 game lol. You should be able to get more details on them when you print them bigger
  7. Guess what... I am on holiday playing golf tomorrow yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!! Sunshine, golf and a couple pints afterwards Happy Thursday afternoon lol * Apologies for all of these poor workers that have to do a full week. I take no responsibility for anyone crying or throwing a hammer at their screen.
  8. Weird isn't it, that we are all programmed differently. I love the organic model`s that are created in zbrush, I love the characters people produce, I love movie related stuff.. hulks, predators, etc etc etc... I just cant bring myself to learn zbrush cos it hurts lol I should of started with it 20 years ago!
  9. A tad longer mate You got me there! I downloaded sculptris. Oh, I have ABSOLUTELY NO CLUE where to start haha.
  10. Customer service should always be top of the list. UM seem to be failing recently :(
  11. I Was reading through some of the details and found a statement saying that " 5mm walls are the best using a form1 ". I didn't know this. Quite restrictive really when designing. I have never really looked in shapeways website, some wicked models but the prices are a little crazy! You entering braddock?
  12. Hi Mate, I printed a part recently with a thinner first layer and it came out fine using 60 degree bed. This wasn't me choosing to use 60C, more to the fact that heating the bed for a better result didn't even cross my mind at the time lol
  13. Now, if they modified it to insert a chemical that had filament property changing qualities, then that could be interesting. Bottom half of model nice and rigid and Top half of a model is like using flexi filament
  14. Sorry to hear your situation. Hopefully Sander from this forum will be along soon and can offer a helping hand. Your post and name put a smile on my face though
  15. Nice info on keys. @Ulbie, lol I know what you mean on the parametric stuff. I am so jealous of all these wonderful organic models that these Zeebrushers ( Not Zedbrushers ) create lol, but creating those keys on Creo which I use, would take 1 second. Its a surface offset
  16. That`s a really cool mean looking batman tho
  17. Lol Didier, sounds just like me at work. This PC I am using now only has 4Gb Ram!
  18. Are they using your feeder Robert?
  19. Nice enough idea, and it clearly works ok. But... would I want it? No. Cant see the point in horizontally changing colour like that, unless your printing rainbows of course.
  20. Similar issue, I recently moved my printer from a more stable table, to a wobbly table, and have noticed that the movement in the build plate increased. It will make its way back to the Solid table soon.
  21. Hi MCeep, Oh yes what a mess it has made. I think Ian suggested the calibration and glue stick etc, because it looks as though your print has came loose from the bed during printing, the print then can get stuck around the nozzle and cause the " blowback" lol that has caused your casing to get covered in mess. I agree with Robert, a hairdryer may even do the trick. Perhaps manually setting the nozzle temp to 250 may help too. If necessary, its quite easy to remove the fans and the outer metal casing. Good Luck Pal
  22. Ian, try to get someone to video your presentation so we can see your skills
  23. Leo.. +1 soluble support structure... mmmm cant wait too!!
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