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Everything posted by skint

  1. Lets keep the topic going and see what happens. It would be great PR for ultimaker to be able to market the fact that a huge bunch of the online community got together to party
  2. Conz posted it earlier in the feeder thread too mate http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/4393-ultimaker2-feeder-system-improvements-and-ideas/page-28
  3. Give it chance anon, it may pick up a bit after the weekend I would be interested, as it helps learn best practices. It could be a good way of learning and sharing certain settings. Edit: Oh forgot to mention, probably better calling it monthly instead of weekly.
  4. Interesting. Me wants too! I`ll try get some samples
  5. Wow conz, thats a really interesting article. Makerbot really do look like they will lose a lot of fans over that move. The three users who did some of the original design work are not happy at all ! Honestly with the design though, i`m amazed that it is even patent worthy... surely someone could find some prior art to appose that move by makerbot. "Head up thier arses" seems a good quote to use.
  6. I thought about the same idea some while ago and went about designing one up, but gave up half way through lol. I`d like to see someone try it
  7. Sounds like its just the spool of filament squeeking on the holder. Marie, just try printing for 20 minutes with the spool on the floor, unwind a few coils of filament and print that way, see if the squeak disappears
  8. There is surely a whole new range of legal proceedings in the making for 3D printing industry lol.
  9. Rguzzo, You should not have to wait that long to get something off the print bed. Once the glass has cooled you should be able to pop the print off. Don't worry too much about damaging the glass, or as most people, effecting the levelling. My build plate takes quite a beating and I rarely level the bed. If you are truly impatient like I am, just hit the print hard and it pops off lol.
  10. I would be happy with Amsterdam. At least we can have a bit of fun there if Ian starts boring us with feeder design talks all night
  11. Yeah nallath, come on admit to us what you do lol
  12. Don't recall even having one shock yet... ...apart from the shock of seeing a 24 hour print has died in the last hour
  13. So. At the moment we need a list of the 39 voters. Pick the most central location between all of them, and then draw a 200 - 500 km radii. LOL
  14. @drayson nice one. I don't think my g/f would ever forgive me if I handed her a plastic ring that I sanded down myself for 3 days haha. Nico... awww whenever we meet at an ultimaker event, I`m gonna give you such a massive man hug
  15. My girlfriend is really bugging me lately, to marry her! I have been putting it off for a long time because I don't want to pay for a ring haha... maybe this will be her solution. Please keep it quiet
  16. I tried to steal one Ian, didn't work
  17. Awww no way Leo, that's a shame mate, was looking pretty sweet too! Your profile pic says it all.
  18. Looks great, would love to try it. I wonder if Colorfabb have done any extensive testing on the bronze particles wearing any of the parts that they come into contact with, doubt it.. but... Cant wait to try it. The polished part really does look metallic, and so different from the non polished part.
  19. That`s a funny pic ian, I almost posted something similar. I cant help but look at the bottom two people ( Daid and ? ) and I think of Chewbacca MUUUAAAAGGHHHhhhhhh haha
  20. Nateokane That`s a great timelapse. oh you make me wanna buy a gopro
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