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Everything posted by skint

  1. Robert. Your obsessed! It`s not healthy lol, make sure you drink plenty of Guinness to keep your liquids high
  2. Great question Jonny! Have been thinking about this too recently. Once you have the basics done how hard is it to upscale? I seriously doubt that upscaling a current UM by 25% build volume would decrease the stability of components by much? What about the ambient temperature differences, would they effect build quality? Let`s build!
  3. You never know! You could of just thought of the next best thing in the world and make GaZillionTrillions Always happy to help if you need any more info. I`m working on patenting an idea at the moment and will be talking with my Chinese agent for supply ideas very soon
  4. http://www.epo.org/index.html Lots of info on here mate.
  5. Hey Didier Firstly, you should get yourself an NDA. This is a Non-Disclosure Agreement and you can download documents free online and then change them accordingly with your details etc. It is basically the first step you can take to protect your idea when talking to anyone such as potential suppliers, designers, tooling engineers or distributors etc. When you discuss your idea with anybody, ask them to sign the NDA. Legally binding document. Patents can be expensive. If you would look to cover the whole of Europe then you may need deep pockets. Secondly, and something most small businesses often forget is this. If say your patent is granted in the first place, then somebody comes out with a similar design that may or may not infringe your patent, have you got the sums of cash required to enter a court case, pay for the legal team etc to defend your design ? I have been in a court case over a design dispute and the fees were £5000 per day, with no limit on the time scales. I agree with Dim3 too, forget about the Asian markets. Copies of the apple phone are all over china and nothing really gets done about it... although the Chinese government is starting to make good progress with IP. I hope you have a great idea, but do your own research before spending any money on agents etc. It is incredibly difficult to come up with ideas which are original and of benefit which would really need a patent. You can do your own preliminary searches on sites such as espacenet, I think it is www.epo.org. Mass production is a whole different ball game. Would be able to advise you a lot more once we knew more details, such as preferred materials, manufacturing process etc. Sounds exciting
  6. Welcome Chris. Can`t wait to see your 3D printed fish and chips and see if PLA is as tasty as the real thing 10:16 am and now I want fish & chips!
  7. Ian, WOW... What brilliant news... not the sh**ty job, I mean getting chatted up by a hot girl haha... Nah serious mate, congrats on the job! Really glad you have found a way out of your life limiting crappy work place. How exciting! I`m back up and running with my laptop, cleaned out my Happy Corner and currently wondering how to set it all back up again... Will be printing again sooooon!
  8. Great topic, have thought about doing the same thing myself. The pellet`s are very cheap compared to manufactured filament. Would love to know if anybody has a recycle solution.
  9. Somebody needs to build me a machine where I can put all these stupid cylinders, melt them down and re-use the pla lol I think I have enough tested pieces to fill 10 complete coils !
  10. Hey Aaron, glad things are starting to relax a bit. It`s difficult sometimes to remember that work is a means to do other things, it should not overtake your life. I`m starting to realise this myself a lot lately, and am making plans I went home last night, and decided that my DEAD laptop needed some attention. Spent an hour taking it apart, every single component was spread about on the desk in front of me. Oh SH*t I thought, can I remember how to put all this back together! haha. Two hours, a few too many screwdrivers, a soldering iron and many glasses of wine later it was all back together again.... and WORKING whooo hooo Had fun this morning " googling " cheerleaders Happy Friday my friends.
  11. Leo, go back and get me all that stuff !! Buggers at imakr didnt give me any freebies when I bought my UM2. :(
  12. Whoa! More awesome prints happening. I have been offered some work today, CAD based stuff.. which should earn me a few quid, so I need to get a new laptop asap. Cant wait to get printing again That diablo print is cool, not keen on the time it takes tho lol
  13. Robert. Your about to tell us that your "stiff" all over... girls and pilates!
  14. Why cant the Bowden tube just be made with a larger I/D ? :???: Edit: Seriously, does this Bowden tube provide anything other than a guide way to the hotend? I feel like the attention this " plastic tube " gets is way overrated lol
  15. I guess for me anyway, the biggest part of the Mac vs PC argument is the cost. Like I suggest, the top of the spec mac is approx. £2200 before any upgrades. I Know I could buy a PC equivalent laptop for about £600-700 ( my dell xps 17 was a great spec )... BUT, its dead lol... so maybe the 2200 is worth it for a longer life span. I have used windows forever... and pcs forever. I have had lots and lots of errors and downtime. My GF has always used mac`s, I rarely hear her complain about it. :shock:
  16. Yeah Braddock, it would! Print me one of those bad boys! I see a lot of iron man masks and kits on thingiverse, have considered having a go at one of them. Edit: Wallan, I couldn't imagine the transition from real sculpting to digital " Fakey " sculpting lol. Do you prefer Zbrush to real sculpting? One day, I AM going to learn zbrush! Does zbrush prefer processing power over graphics card or vise versa? Or both.
  17. One fast workaround I have done when I have had bad coils, is to simply just cut the correct length amount required for the print +/- a foot or two Much easier to unwind it then.
  18. And can we change this thread topic to " A beer between friends " please. I need a beer!
  19. I have a PC box at home too, with a 2GB gaming card it in... but alas, that`s dead too haha. Motherboard gone I think and I cannot be bothered to fix it. The top MacBook has a dedicated graphics card
  20. Nico... I checked them out last night. £2200 for the top one.... hmmmm can I ? Anyone need dishes washing for a few days and can pay £2000 salary lol ?
  21. Man! when that filament twists its a bugger getting it untwisted. I leave mine on the floor behind the printer and basically unravel the approximate amount I need for my print. So far so good, no twists.
  22. I`m always up for testing anything... but gotta wait to get my laptop up n runnin first :(
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