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Everything posted by skint

  1. Who would of thought it... a flexi material being too wobbly? Haha That grip looks great, assume it held it`s wobble better due to thicker outer wall shell, as compared to the turtle? I wanna try some
  2. @ Didier, thanks for that link. I may print that and give it a go. @ Cyan. I have actually taken apart a PC and stripped the fans out of it, ready to mock up a fan test. I intended to design a simple funnel/duct for the right hand side. The link you posted didn't work for me?
  3. I should be able to make both as well.
  4. 3mm is closer to causing friction in the Bowden tube, however should be fine. It`s much worse when there are bends or small defects in the material though. From the colorfabb I have measured they rarely go over 3mm. Faberdashery filament that I use is pretty accurate, a constant 2.85. Ubi, like Robert said drop your bed temp to more like 60c, you can see your parts have started to lift in the corners.
  5. I`m jealous Aaron, would love to meet you all at the maker faire too!
  6. These look primed already? Pretty cool though!
  7. @Aaron... yeah top job mate, very creative! I`m doing some proper work with my printer at the moment so have no time for fun stuff booo !
  8. Aaron, I`m kind of hoping that I get some feeder issues soon, because I want to try out Roberts design lol... but so far my standard feeder is coping well. On the other hand.... has anyone ever stuck a fan on the front of the head, so that the right hand side of prints get some cooling action? I printed a symmetrical part last night, the left hand side was perfect, beautiful... right hand side wasn't....need some cooling action !
  9. Haha Ian, your life is taking an exciting twist lately!! I`m not so keen on the sharing apartment bit, but you`ll have fun no doubt with fellow geeky engineers
  10. Another one for a UK ultimaker meetup http://www.tctshow.com/index.html
  11. http://3dprintshow.com/london2014/ I see ultimaker are coming to London Pint time!
  12. Just found this as the science museum if anyone interested http://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk/visitmuseum/Plan_your_visit/exhibitions/3D_printing_the_future.aspx
  13. Thirty, that show was pretty cool actually. There was tonnes of printing going on, and the scanners amazed me, such detail these days! There were speakers from GrabCad which was pretty cool, and speakers on the emerging legal companies that are starting to look into the IP regarding printing, its a mine field. I`m just searching for another exhibition in the UK, i know there is one coming up soon, will post link when i find it
  14. Hahaha Moev, that`s great, love it when life just tricks us like this
  15. Colorfabb, wow peachy! Looks great, any chance of getting any sample from anywhere in the UK?
  16. Anyone got a link to 14.05? I cant find it :???:
  17. Looks like multiple parts. Silver metallic is nice, i have some from faberdashery, i need to get it going
  18. @braddock Yeah that turned out great! Would love to see you do a tutorial on your filling/priming/painting stages.
  19. I was dreaming last night about setting up a go-pro on my um2, I don't own a go-pro though lol. Whoa they are like £350 for the best one, they do look great. I also dreamt that I had full control of the um2 with wi-fi etc.. oh and it had water soluble support material Dream on huh ?
  20. The French Alps will do fine Ian, Snowboarding and beer drinking in the day, Designing Printing and beer drinking in the night ! I`m not sharing a room with either Robert or Nico! Bhahaa ( Unless my drinks are spiked )
  21. Nice job braddock, glad you got that beast done! Cant wait to see it finished up.
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