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Everything posted by skint

  1. Keep going Schafe!! Your project is starting to take off For info, I used some acetone on a carbon fibre piece and it left the surface quite messy. Didn't interfere with the strength of the part so much, but it didn't look pretty. My kit building skills may of been the major culprit though!
  2. Thanks for the info on this thread. I will update to 14.05 later.
  3. You only won because your Ping is so good lmao
  4. @ Andrew, whoa man thats insanely cool Proper Game of Thrones like!
  5. No time for gaming :( Ive decided to give up the rat race, start my own business.. working on my first design right now lol... i wanna play games
  6. When I think of excellent swedish things.. they are usually naked in my dreams lol
  7. If you throw in a few rolls of PLA, my girlfriend is always around for You. You know that picture I posted of that beach soccer girl before... thats her... !! OK I wish lol
  8. Nico is hiding under Roberts bed now? Jeez this bromance has gone further than I thought haha! 22:16 pm, bored.. might go to bed... Oh I have just got a brilliant TREX model from thingiverse... ooo its gonna be a long print! I`ll save that for a rainy weekend. Hey Nico, lets make the meetup in the UK.. I have a 5 bedroom house, saves you guys some hotel bills lol
  9. Hey Darth I am in UK too, and have started using Faberdashery quite a bit, so far my preferred material. I have started to measure diameters regularly and so far every spool I have had has been very accurate, 2.85 typically is what you get. I use the UM2. Here`s a picture of the black which I have just measured. On another note regarding filament, when I do a change material I also measure the filament when it has been retracted back through the feeder. It seems that after the feeder has chewed it up a little, and added its little teeth marks, the PLA typically ends up at 3.10mm
  10. Hey Leo, the cheap one looks about the best so just buy that Faberdashery is nice, I have chosen this as my default plastic at the moment. Are you planning on printing Ieyo much bigger? I want to print a nice sized and high quality model of this, to do Braddock`s model justice... I`m just waiting for a 15 hour time slot lol.
  11. I sometimes cut my filament with pliers, always gives a nice sharp point for loading
  12. I cant wait until we all have a HUGE ultimaker meet up, and somebody spikes Roberts drink with a shot of vodka haha.... lets see what crazy stuff we make make him do, and forget by the next day So funny Ian!
  13. @sander TCT 3D print show, whenever and where ever it is, I will make it and buy you a pint
  14. @ Abstract. Excellent breakdown and feedback. That`s a very messy feeder! lol I started printing again last night, had a few issues. After clearing the bunged nozzle and changing material, noticed a white strand of material inside my feeder! Now considering I have NEVER printed with white, I thought this was strange lol. It was a circular strand of material that had worn and fell off the feeder wheel. :shock: Hoping I can start printing again later without trouble and hope this feeder wheel isn't an issue. Why do we love these printers so much when all they do is treat us so badly?
  15. @ braddock. That looks ace!! If you need any help with the modelling let me know, although I am on Creo. Cant wait to see some of this. @Didier. Oh thanks for the reminder on the Pause button. I have a bad habbit of playing with prints whilst its still printing lol, pause will help me fiddle easier @Calimero. Really coming along nicely. That`s going to be an awesome model.
  16. Haha Nico & Robert, I`m impressed with your bro-mance lol, are we going to see our first ultimaker wedding with you two haha ? JonasK, I use creo too mate, havent had many issues exporting .stl`s yet. If there is anything you want me to look at let me know, i`ll send you my email address.
  17. Cor3ys, whoa man I didnt know you was working on a terminator. You, Braddock and I need to meet up for a beer soon, bring all out T800 parts and we should make a full terminator lol. Conz, great video link. Loved seeing the T800 arm, reminded me of my one which I should finish haha. The plating process which they refer to is standard " electro plating ". There is a series of dip baths, first copper, then nickel then the chromium plating on last. Dip bathing used to be done by hand ( still is in lots of places ) but big factories are all mechanised dipping booths now. ABS, which our lovely printers can print, is a great plastic for electroplating!!
  18. Think of the Environment Chrisp
  19. Welcome aboard Jamie.
  20. Conz, I Know the feeling. I have hundreds of meters of wasted PLA ready to be recycled, just from the UM2 feeder test cylinders haha
  21. Yes 3D printing is now making it even easier for the average person to re-design something and get a pretty good idea of the ground much quicker. I have been working in design for quite a long time, and have a lot of good contacts in manufacturing etc, both in the UK and in China If you ever need a supplier let me know lol
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