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Everything posted by ultiarjan

  1. Korneel > what temp did you use... its supposed to be printed at 230 c
  2. Ian > " little white control thing" ??? are you using the stock feeder ??? Think I would definitely switch to a better feeder before putting oil in my bowden ...
  3. not sure where I read it but around 23:00 (NL) so thats around 22:00 your time I guess... think you can have a look at twitter #ultimaker
  4. Ik denk dat dit forum veel info heeft die erg lastig te vinden is, een soort WIKI zou beter zijn .... maar ik heb geen idee hoe zo iets op te zetten ...
  5. again a printer with the fillament inside the housing ... this thing must have been designed by the marketing department :???:
  6. I'll skip this one ... my understanding of french is limited to "Je ne comprends pas"... :-P
  7. Ill try to burn it clean in the weekend. No hurry as its a spare now... may even try to drill it to 0.6 for experimentation but wonder if its possible by hand held dremel? I suppose if you dril from the inside theres some guidance... ever tried it?
  8. Blizz> ik zie nergens dat er met 1 mm laagdikte wordt geprint. Dat sloeg denk ik alleen op de bottom/top. Tdo> er wordt vaak aangehouden dat voor een goede afwerking van de top je een top laagdikte van 6x je layerhoogte moet nemen Dus als je met 0.1 lagen print een toplaag van minimaal 0.6.
  9. I have this kind of stringing also a lot more with XT, but it's usually very easy to clean ... And it's probably a good idea to change to a different feeder ...
  10. we also have a dog .... but he's not allowed in my printing room
  11. seems you at least did your "good deed" for today
  12. He Simon (or do we have to call you "VP Ultimaker USA" now :-P ) congrats, looks like you'r going to be a very busy man... Now there is really no excuse in the US anymore to buy the makerb#$%!
  13. bewijs Geprint in colorfabbXT, 100%fill, is 15gram, vs de 25 gram van het orgineel. Heb ook nog even een "wetenschappelijk" onderzoek gedaan met een voor en na printje van de UM robot. De "na" versie (links) heeft een duidelijk beter geprint rechter oor. Lijkt me een aantoonbare verbetering .... En nog even de link voor wie dit later leest : https://www.youmagine.com/designs/ultimaker-2-fan-mount-dual--2 versie: "Fan Base V06 Rev01"
  14. Harold, interesting, so the fans seem to make a lot of difference. I downloaded your cilinder, currently printing something else but wil try it later with your settings. Will use your settings to do another comparison vs regular XT, as I saw a clear difference in favour of the regular XT in my previous test...
  15. zojuist de fanduct erop gezet, ik had hetzelfde ... linkerkant kwam tegen de zijwand. Makkelijk op te lossen, gewoon de eindstop schakelaar links achter iets uitbuigen (metalen lipje met tang iets naar voren krom buigen) en klaar .... let op!! niet te ver buigen want dan wordt de schakelaar helemaal niet meer ingedrukt... Na verbuigen even checken door met de stroom eraf de kop naar links achter te schuiven, per as aan beide zijkanten beetpakken zodat je de assen niet krom buigt....
  16. hmmm... dan moet ik denk ik zelf maar een voor & na test gaan doen :-P geen idee wanneer, misschien a.s. weekeinde ....
  17. You'll find the testfile here; http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/4586-can-your-um2-printer-achieve-10mm3s-test-it-here/?p=39383
  18. Hi Harold, Not sure, but I believe this test has a layer hight around 0.2 mm and fan's off... Butt the main point is that when I do the same test, on the same machine, I get a much better result with regular XT than with the new color XT ..... I'm hoping to get some test results from others ..... I'm sure others have some samples from the 3d print show ....
  19. ------------------------------------------------------- @Arjan Could you elaborate? Not sure I understand what exactly you are wanting to document. When you say "How to make corrections in CAD", are you thinking of a ,tutorial, if you will, on how to make those corrections in CAD? ------------------------------------------------------- Was more thinking along the lines off a data table with offset values, for example if you need a 3.2 mm hole in your project, printing in PLA the CAD design needs a hole of 3.5 mm, in XT you'll need a hole of 3.3 mm (fictional values..) In real life it will be a combination of CURA behaviour, material, temperature etc etc... so this will be hard to get precise....
  20. Harold, To be honest although I use this test I'm not at all interested in the 10mm3/s, I usually print at low speeds. My main concern is the poor adhesion between layers at lower speed. I see a big difference between the "normal" XT and the color XT. The test printed at 3 mm3/s / 250 celsius are strong in "normal" XT but very weak in the new color XT... I can just pull them loose with my fingers.. I know this is just based on one sample piece, so I'm curious to hear from colorfabb if this material should have the same properties as the regular XT.
  21. I had the same, and since I'm still using XT but always let it cool till the part gets loose by itself, I'll never put pressure on it anymore or use a knive .... If the ambient temp is to high (higher than 20 celsius) put your glass plate a few minutes in the fridge ....
  22. when you want to adjust a post there's the edit button.... but how can I edit the tittle of a post ?
  23. Did another cross check with regular colorfabb XT, also at 250 celcius. Optically the same result as with the color XT (failing at 10 mm3/s) but here the inter layer adhesion is MUCH BETTER. Just as with the PLA at 230, I can not pull layers appart using my fingers.....
  24. gaat dat goed met die fan shroud van PLA (wordt dat niet te warm??) ik zou dat denk ik met XT hebben gedaan ... merk je hier echt effect van ?
  25. Just tried again at 250 celcius, as you see it looks a lot better, but still the inter layer adhesion is very poor. Even the layers in the 3 & 4 mm3/s area can be easilly torn appart. Did a check with Ultimaker PLA red at 230 celsius and this came out perfect to the top, and here I can really not pull the layers appart using just my fingers... So It seems you need to go higher than 250 celcius.... (and order a pack of teflon pieces ...) if you want to use this XT.
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