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Everything posted by bob-hepple

  1. neotko I will pm it you tomorrow id appreciate that.
  2. neotko yes I remember you had done some tests will try and copy your settings.....
  3. I went to the UK Distributor the other day, and spent about 3 hrs with this machine, and I have to say I like some parts of the machine, but the noise of the fans is beyond a joke.. there are 4 fans in the enclosure and another under the machine, when the machine is idle 3 of the fans still run. Don't like that at all... But had a chance to look at Rep Rap x350pro which was uber quiet.
  4. neotko thanks for the reply, on the first layer there is a point when it does not retract and lays quite a full lead of pla from one area to another, it only happened on first layer, if I could have found that line in the code i would have checked if there was a retract. Not sure what is happening really,, at the end of my print's in my script I tell it to retract and lift the head. when I check the code there is no retract... I also watch the print and check what the viewer is doing as well.. I think it may be time to go back to basics I seem to have lost the wipe feature.
  5. the problem is first layer I don't think the retract is working on that layer
  6. Hi you are correct first position is the centre First question has to be What Firmware version are you using???
  7. sorry to disagree with you LePaul. Farrari would not have released the second generation machine Knowing full well that the first had a problem (Feeder) and at the current uk Pricing the UM2+ is selling for £1,798.00 and the Sigma BCN3d £1,663.20 No Brainer in my opinion.
  8. Why Hate, if not for Bondtech, I would still be Under Extruding with a machine that cost me £1,900.00, but saying that if I hadn't got the UM2, I would of learnt a hell of a lot.
  9. I read something months ago about the Firewall Blocking the setup, I thought they had sorted that.. Glad you like it, the software for editing the Data sound basic, I am looking at the Davison and hope there software is up to the Mark,, they have been acquired By HP so when the Pennies allow I will purchase...
  10. yes I also hold my breath on the first layer after that its Fantastic.
  11. I think its the best thing I did to my UM2. and that's including the OB
  12. I am about 2hrs away from you and would help.. I have used 3D hubs when my printer was down and needed iRoberts Feeder Printed, it was a stop gap and would not do that again. Let me know if I can Help and yes I do cad
  13. I need Reliability, The grips are sold and need to be Reliable.
  14. That's interesting swordriff I am hoping to meet Bondtech at the TCT Show, I know they have a stand will you be there. also looking at the BCN3d Sigma.. Really want the Dual Head Machine.. Will get rid of the Shiny Alloy on the Plateau,, if I do would that make the block not leak???
  15. That is Hopeful, I asked Ninja a direct question could The Material (cheetah) be used to hold submerged a pump, for about on average 5 days out of 28days, I wanted to make sure the water would not effect the material and the material could grip the pump (snapfit) and hold it tightly.. I am hoping to pick a reel up from the TCT show in September,, I am also going to look at BCN3d Sigma, I was hoping that UM release a new machine this year.. Look forward to Trying the Material.
  16. Had A Reply from Ninja it is 2.9 so going to TCT Show in September Ninja have a stand there will pick up a reel then.. Thanks for the advise,,, also are going to be there so looking at there machine as well
  17. Thanks for the reply it looks interesting I'm going to order a trumbler
  18. iRobert Thanks for the Reply, but if it is 3.0 would that be to big for the UM2
  19. I will be sanding?? down my Block over the weekend and hoping to fit, I am glad I am aware of the issue before I fit, would it be better to leave the i2K out of the equation??. Would it be better to mount the Block in Lathe and take a cut off the face, say 0.15mm??
  20. Thanks for the reply on Ninja Tek website it quotes a size of 3.0
  21. Hi all I am about to buy a reel of Ninja Flex Cheetah which is fairly tuff, it is going to be used to grip a submerged Pump the size is 3.0 now I usually only buy 2.85 would this filament still work OK... I would put the dia in the field for S3d.. just want to check before I lay out £
  22. Guys Hi how are we getting on with the Tumblers, I looked at the Amazon ones but I'm in the uk so I think AC might be a problem, does anyone know if they are 110/240v AC.. onkelgeorge what are you using for the abrasive, I looked on Thingiverse looked good how long did it take to get a finish like your pics.
  23. Hope you enjoyed your coffee, have fun with your printer.
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