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Everything posted by Kevparang

  1. I know, but I meant it as a joke like not use electricity.
  2. How to install octoprint on a robo3d
  3. If you move it too fan you might need to change the places of the limit switch or microswitch etc.. If you change it buy a little just go to the leveling process again!!
  4. I think it should be able to run on air!!!
  5. No, I mean so in cura you slice it, then you drop it to the sd card, then you use take out the sd card out of your pc and then you connect the usb to your printer and computer and then how do you start the print with a command on cura to get the gcode to your printer with the sd card?
  6. I know that put if he has disassembled it. These things happen.
  7. Some people where on my forum talking off topic and then I spammed to get them off and they blocked me from the forums.
  8. No I mean like how to control the printer with usb, start a print with usb but unplugg it and let the sd have the gcode.
  9. Underextrusion could also mean spool feeding issues.
  10. I love it, great vote from me.
  11. I love ultimaker though I cannot get one:angry:, I have a RoBo3D, and the Monoprice Select Mini I use cura on the Monoprice. I love your forums, because RoBo3D has blocked me....
  12. I know, it is supposed to be, since it is the summer my friend challenged me. I meant smoothing them down. 50 kg is about 110 pounds. I would need to smooth because in need lift on the wings and less drag.
  13. Please list your price for a great condition any ultimaker printer if you are willing to sell. I might be interested.
  14. I think the Ultimaker can get 2.90 or 2.80 mm filament becuase the Airwolf and the robo can get 1.70 mm or 1.60 mm filament okay.
  15. If you have it out side you can also heat it up with anything.
  16. On Cura 15.04.6 I cannot use Cura like Mattercontrol and get it to print throught the USB, unplugg the usb and let the gcode on the sd card do the work.
  17. ] The SD card is better, and it will make less user and pc error. Yes, a 20 hr print is okay, but maybe not for a beginner I printed a 50 hour print.
  18. I am in the US and I would like to here about the Shipping Costs and 900 AUD is 677 USD could you do something to make it $670?I will update you if I really need it.
  19. Can you buy a Robo3D for about $1060 AUD or $800USD Or you can buy a Kit from Prusia from $600-700USD or $800-920AUD
  20. Hello, I am designing an Rc Airplane that will need to have a weight of 50 kgs on top and it needs to be durable. It is for an contest with my friends $100 for the winner. I can only print as big as 9*8*8 on my RoBo 3D. I would like to see if you guys have filaments that are easy to smooth down to get layers not showing. Also, if you have experience with electronic and batteries. Engineers and Areospace People please help.
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