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Posts posted by Torgeir

  1. Hi @tojiero,


    There is several thing can cause this problem, but what "often" fail here is the power supply devices.

    Since your external power supply have the outside blue light on, you need to check the 24 VDC to 5 VDC power supply on the main PCB in the bottom of your UM2. PLS. Do not try to measure at the connector plug at the power supply, as there is "open" pins that's not insulated and very easy to short -damaging your (external) primary power supply.

    You'll need to remove the metal shield cover that's protecting your main PCB.


    Here is a link to a similar issue's story in here:


    Have a look here as a start.




  2. On 12/31/2020 at 12:46 AM, wdvogel said:

    I have a couple of questions about the decouplers:


    1) What is the proper procedure to install (re-install) the bowden tubes into the decoupler? Specifically, the upper tube (between the Material Station and the S5) was removed - how far should it be re-inserted into the decoupler?


    2) Is there such a thing as "recalibrating the decoupler" as mentioned in the quote above? If so, is this something an end user can perform?


    I ask because we are unable to reliably feed UM PVA using our Material Station (brand new Pro Bundle, latest firmware 5.8.2).


    Hi @wdvogel,


    Ultimaker do not recommend removing the bowden tube from the decoupler.

    However, if it do come loose, you may look for the notches made by the locking clip (the four knife inside that's clamp the bowden tube) for the end entering the decoupler, if you find this marks you'll know how far in this tube go.


    Yes there is a calibration procedure for the decoupling units, just read about it in this document:



    The PVA can have very strong feather effect curving when it become some old. The filament may tend to hook up inside the feeder during installation.


    To avoid this You may strait the end and make the tip like an arrow about 45 deg angle. 

    If the PVA feels very hard to strait out, -it may be brittle and may break when feeding into the printing system.

    I use an old bowden tube that is straightened and clamped to a wooden plate that is straight, so before I use PVA for printing, I will feed the filament into this test jig just to see if it breaks/fails. If this goes well, the filament can be used in the printer. You may find that the filament become much better if unwinding some of the roll.


    Good luck



  3. 3 hours ago, Navin2020 said:

    I have the latest version of the firmware installed. NOw filament is stuck in the decoupler and i cannot budge it? Honestly is one problem afer the next. For something which is meant to provide 24/7 printing. THis thing is just not working.

    I bought the S5 and material station on ebay brand new. Can i not claim from the warranty?


    Thank you for the help i am receiving


    Hi @Navin2020,


    Was the firmware 5.8.2 installed from the beginning or did you update it yourself?


    So, first problem first.

    The material station can move filament in both direction if filament is not broken.


    If filament is broken, the material station cannot retract all the filament back, but it can tell you by error code where the filament ruptured and where to look for broken filament remains.


    Any error reported is essential for us to understand your problem.


    For all work with removing a filament trapped into the material station, the power core has to be disconnected.


    So if this filament is broken into two pieces, there might be a problem to get it out from the bowden tube.

    If this piece is located inside the material station, it has to be pushed out from the feeding port where the actual filament was feed from.

    To do this, disconnect the bowden tube from the feeder used on the S5 (if it was PVA it should be feeder 2).

    Now manually feed (a new good roll) PVA that's properly cut(*), into the port used where filament ruptured, you might use some forces to pass the first feeder. 

    It is important to feed the filament in the port, so that the curve is oriented as it is unrolled from a filament roll installed.


    Important, do not use another port using the same print core (with associated coupler) that's failed.

    If one do so, there might be a sever blockage in the coupler directing filament to one of the core from one of the filament port in the material station.

    All the above you can do yourself, but Ultimaker do not recommend removing the bowden tubes from the couplers.








  4. I'll agree for sure, -but in your case, maybe @SandervG or @CarloK can give some advice?


    I've been wondering -what Firmware version does you printer have?

    As every firmware update have a correction description for known issues.

    It might be worth to look at this "release note" file.


    Hmm, -It seems that firmware version 5.8.2 deal some with your issues..


    The firmware for S5 is found here:



    A part of the release note:


    Firmware 5.8.2

    October 20, 2020

    Firmware 5.8.2 is a patch upgrade to the 5.8.1. In this release we have introduced a loading error wizard for the Pro Bundle which catches errors whereby loading would have failed. The wizard provides the user with a chance to recover from this error. Furthermore, improvements to the NFC reading mean that the Pro Bundle should more often correctly read the filament type and material left.

    Ultimaker S5 Pro Bundle

    • Introduced loading error wizard for end of filament. When a critical error occurs during loading at an end of filament (ER52, ER54 & ER56), users will now be shown an error recovery wizard. By following the steps and correcting the fault users can prevent the critical errors from showing up and ensure their print resumes correctly.
    • NFC improvements. Improvements have been done to NFC spool detection. The Pro Bundle can now more reliably read the NFC tag of the material loaded. The chance of an unknown material detection is significantly decreased, leading to less chance of orange exclamation mark. For best results, always load the material by placing on the left hand side of the loading bay.



    You may have this version, but if not -download this version and save it to your USB memory for the printer and install the new firmware from the USB directly to the printer using the menu here.


    PS. Do not think about the next firmware 6.0 at the moment..


    Good luck








  5. Well I've been looking through the file, but could not find anything wrong as far as I could see.

    However, got a little surprise when I opened the project file, the model was very different -until I've realized that both fins was installed on the bed..  😁   -And I could not rice them in any way, as they kept falling down..


    Ehem, until I've realized that I've to turn off the function "Automatic drop the model down to the bed"..


    I could not find anything wrong with your model, as it went all ok through a number of gcode previewer apps I have..


    I'll assume that this might be something that your printer is responding to?


    So, lets hope Greg's input will solve your issue.


    Good luck






  6. Great, hmm -you might look more closely with a good light and see if there is more that's locking the fan from rotating.

    If you can't find the problem this way, it might be easier for you this way:

    So here's a video made by @fbrc8-erin if needed to open the extruder unit:



    Good luck



    • Like 1
  7. Hi @StefanF,


    since this happen after some time printing, I'll think this is maybe due to a faulty/partly blocked front fan (hot end cooling fan).  As lack of this fan gradually increase the temperature at the "cold" upper part of the heat block and make filament become soft here before entering the heater (so it will create a lot of additional load for the feeder)..


    Check this fan..





  8. Hi @Bobriley,


    Welcome in here,


    Congratulation with a brand new printer.

    You said you got a new printer (with material station) so it must be an UM-S5, right?

    I've a S3 and guess they both use the same feeder unit.

    I have found that some filaments will keep "strongly" the curvature from the spool, so I've use to straighten out the first (3-4)" or say about 10 centimeter of the spool.

    This make the filament go strait in without any "hang up" inside the feeder unit.


    My best guess is that this might happen if the filament is feed by the hand or feed from the material station.

    But think others might have some advice for this issue.






  9. Hi @dshin172,


    Not much response with this question..

    BTW. Welcome in here.


    Good findings,


    I'll think you're right and assume the first one should be "Enable it will ensure the layers.."


    And this error is found here, right?




    For anyone interested, roll down to; "No Skin in Z Gaps".


    Also, -this is a good place to learn about how Cura works with details versus settings.







  10. Hi @Padey,


    Some time since this..

    This looks like the firmware is not frozen, but just jumping back into an endless loop(?).

    I would try another reset for another try.


    Also, what do you mean here; " My ultimaker 2 extended + have some issue".

    Such information can help others, so it's interesting.





  11. Hi Rich,


    According to the BOM for UM3, the name of this unit is; "Grip axis" and P/N is; 1960-1.

    Best place to find this item is your UM dealer in your country, I'll think.

    If there is starting to be "much" play between this shaft and the (plastic) gear wheel you may consider changing this gear wheel as well.


    Good luck.



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