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    Ultimaker 3 (Ext)
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  1. Still not avalable unfortunately Hoping to maximize build plate for my UM 3+
  2. Hello, I was excited when Cura 4.13 announced new default speedy 0.3mm profiles for all Ultimaker printers. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find that new profile for my ultimaker 3 Extended. Still not with Cura 5.0, no new 0.3mm speedy profile. Only my old ones. Any guidance? I really hope UM three support is still hanging in there. It has only been a few years since they were released. (Edit: Nozzle is standard AA0.4)
  3. Same problem, fixed with same solution. Was printing a single wall cube (not in spiralize mode) and the nozzle did a second pass on all layers. Changed the minimum wall flow from 0 to 15% made is a single pass. Thank you gr5.
  4. Sounds like a good walk-around. Will check it out. thanks
  5. So I probably added that plug in before I register as an essential user!! Thats counterintuitive. Honestly I’m not benefitting anything from being registered as an essential and might delete my account just to be able to access the rest of the more important plug-ins. Thank you for pointing this out.
  6. Ok, so I updated from 4.11.0 to 4.12.1 (latest on webiste). Still I got an update notification on Cura and when I click "update" nothing happens. I deleted the plug-in and restarted cura, got a notification to sync settings, and got the new version of the plug-in installed. That problem is solved but I do not see the plug-in. In fact, I do not see a lot of the plug-ins in the screenshot you showed. I can only see 22 Cura plug in in the market place!? Any thoughts on how to see all the plug-in? Thank you.
  7. I am an essentials user indeed. but I have always been an essentials user. The plug-in was present before. Now it shows a sign that it requires an update inside cure, but doesn’t update when I click the update button. And when I search for it in the market place I don’t find it. Now I’m afraid if I delete it I won’t be able to find it again.. Edit: just checked, I’m missing an update on my Cura version. Will update Cura and hopefully it’ll show again.
  8. Hi, What happenned to the plugin? I cant find it in the market place anymore?? It was such a helpful tool !
  9. I think the problem is with support interface. Uncheck "Enable support interface" when using tree supports and the distance should be corrected. If enabled, changing z or x/y distance doesnt really do anything and the support will still be far from the model. Hope this helps.
  10. I think I found the culprit. Its the "Smooth spiralized contour" button that is causing the spiralized part to shrink a little. So the lower layers are actually not protruding out, rather the whole upper spiralized part that is going a bit inwards. I hope this would be fixed at some point in the future, so that the whole vase prints smoothly without any bulges.
  11. Usually stuttering blobs dissapear by printing at slower speeds. STLs with high number of triangles / vertices cause that. Going slow gives the printer a chance to "think ahead".
  12. Its Sept 2021 and the problem is still present. id like to clarify that the large layer/s are actually the bottom layers, not the first spiral layer. I’m printing vases and if I have 3 bottom layers I see the 4th one (the first spiral layer) smaller in diameter from the outside of the model. Layers are all smooth from the inside. it is as if the line width of the spiral layers is smaller, or as if the inner wall of the bottom layers is pushing those bottom layers slightly out. tried decreasing line width and flow rate of the inner wall, didn’t help. the second and third layers are not “first layer” anymore so can’t control them with that.. only if there was a way to remove the inner wall, or to decrease the line width of the bottom layers!!
  13. I believe the feature is available in Cura: Combing mode. Check it out. I hope it works well with you.
  14. Thanks for posting the settings. I have an UM3 Ext. I was hoping you can kindly post the settings of the other S5 profiles so I can use them on my printer? Thanks again.
  15. Found the reason. It disappears when concentric pattern layer is selected but appears when lines pattern is chosen. Setting visibility dtrangely doesn't show the exclamation mark that notifies when a setting isn't visible for a reason on this one.
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