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Everything posted by Smithy

  1. You should be able to use the S5 as stand alone network printer, without any group. Just setup the printer in Cura connect to it and send your job via network. If you still want to group the printers together, then the S5 must be the host of the group to work with the UM3s.
  2. The hint with the filament diameter was given several posts before in this thread, but we never got a feedback if you have checked it or not. So please do it now. And someone also mentioned that maybe the printer definition is different between your sliced files before and now. So have you also checked these settings? I don't think that you have some mysteriously settings if you really print with a Cura default profile, so this should work out of the box.
  3. 1. In Cura Settings/Preferences in the menu bar on the top of the application. 2. Fusion 360: 3. If you change the orientation in Fusion 360 to "Z up" then you don't have to rotate the model in Cura, everything is there like in Fusion.
  4. Good news! Don't forget to delete everything below the folder ~/Library/Application Support/cura, but double check that you have saved or written down all your profiles and customizations before.
  5. I think so yes, but anyhow, I register again when the link is ready, do not put too much effort in this case. Thanks!
  6. Blender ist für "technische" Modelle auch nicht wirklich geeignet. Wenn du mehr in diese Richtung machen möchtest, dann schau dir Fusion 360 an, sehr mächtig aber wenn man es einmal durchschaut hat, sehr einfach und man kommt rasch ans Ziel. Für Private ist Fusion 360 auch kostenlos erhältlich.
  7. hmmm? I didn't get an email yesterday and also no Cura newsletter in the past. But I am quite sure I filled out the form in the Cura download form. I have also checked the spam folder, nothing. If you want to check it Sander, it's the same email as I use here for the forum. Otherwise, I will reregister on Monday when you have the forms in place.
  8. You have more than one issue, so step by step. That you have to rotate your object is caused due different x/y/z settings between Fusion 360 and Cura. You have to configure Fusion 360 to have your z in the vertical direction instead of the default horizontal one. And then you have to understand how a dual color print works. With a dual extruder you design your object, then cut it in two or more parts, import these parts into Cura and configure which extruder should print which part. Then you merge the parts together and start the print. The printer changes itself the extruder which is needed during the print. With a single extruder this is not possible and the printer will also not stop after the first part. If you place a multipart object like described above in Cura, then our printer will print the whole object, all parts without stopping. The printer will never stop after one part is done by itself. So if you want to pause the printer to change the filament you have to do it manually, by sitting beside the printer and pressing pause or by using the pause at z plugin. But in any way it doesn't matter if you have one part or multiple parts, because you have to pause at a specific z height, the printer ignores your parts.
  9. I am sorry to say, but this is not completely correct. There is maybe a bug with the Cura Connect group functionality, but it is not true that you are not able to print none Ultimaker materials with your printer. You are not able to print via Cura Connect group, but if you send the job directly to the printer via the network, without a group, then it will work because of that's the way I print with my S5 with none UM materials. More things to try: Disable extruder 2 if you don't use it and see if there is any difference. Strange thing is, that Cura marks the material orange, which indicates a problem or warning, I don't have this warning when using a custom material. So maybe there is also a mismatch with the material/extruder in your custom profile you use. So a test with a Cura default profile instead of your S5 PLA fast would be interesting Maybe the orange warning comes from your configured material diameter, you set it to 2.83 instead of 2.85. But I have tried it here in my Cura and there is still no warning, so I guess it comes from your custom profile.
  10. But then I don't understand why you need 2 bodies? If you print with one body you have to pause the print at the specific height to change the filament. If you use two bodies, then you still have to pause the print at the specific height. There is no difference for you with just one extruder. Or did I miss something?
  11. But that's exactly what Merge do, it takes 2 or more bodies and merges them into one body. If you want 2 separate bodies, you have to uncheck these settings and then you should be able to place the objects where you want. But I still not understand why you want it to have separately.
  12. In den Einstellungen gibt es 2 Dinge die du deaktiveren solltest, wobei das erste Setting glaube ich nur beim Import des Objektes zieht. Aber der 2. Punkt muss abgewählt sein, damit das funktioniert was du vor hast.
  13. The settings page should be the same on Windows and MacOS and I can remember that there was a thread some days ago about this topic. So check the search function if you find the thread. Besides that, I personally don't think it is a good idea to manipulate the start sequence, because there is a reason why Ultimaker heats up the extruder before the auto leveling. I think I have read that the nozzle needs to be heated that the measurement is accurate enough.
  14. Das kann sein, aber die Farbe die du auswählst (für ein generisches Profil) ist egal, du siehst dann in Cura dein Model in dieser Farbe und kannst daher nehmen was dir gefällt.
  15. Schick doch bitte einmal einen Screenshot von deinem angelegten Materialprofil. Wobei du nicht zwingend ein Material anlegen musst. Beim Laden am Drucker wähltst du CPE+ aus und in Cura das generische CPE+, fertig. Da kommt keine Meldung, zumindest nicht bei mir am S5 mit Cura 3.6. Ausser und jetzt kommt's, du verwendest Cura Connect mit einem Gruppen Host. Da gibt es anscheinend einen Bug, weil es dazu gerade einen anderen Thread gibt wo das Problem auftritt. Ich verwende aber keinen Gruppen Host sondern schicke meine Jobs direkt auf den Drucker und habe dieses Phänomen nicht. Verwendest du die Gruppen Funktion in Cura Connect?
  16. You can try if you load a new material without the Bowden tube if the piece comes out. If not then there is no other way to open the feeder. It is basically not difficult, just the 4 screws to get off the top of the feeder, but the problem is, that these 4 screws are also holding the stepper motor behind. So you have to be very careful that the stepper will not fall down. Best to unscrew only 3 screws and the 4th screw only a little bit and try if you can open the housing. Another way is to try to hold the stepper motor with some longer thing, a small ruler or something like that. On the Um2Go the stepper motor will not completely fall off, so you should be able to grab the motor on the wheel and pull it back into his position.
  17. No, I still guess your print bed is not plain. Please check it with a ruler to be sure. Or your bed is not leveled correctly. The Ender has 4 screws to level the bed if I am right, which is not so optimal and much harder to level, so take your time to level it perfectly. Do it at different positions on your bed and recheck the positions again after the first round.
  18. Have you checked if your axles have play and are perpendicular? You can find the instructions on the UM resource pages with pictures how to check and how to solve it.
  19. Very useful and interesting, many thanks for your effort!
  20. Thanks for the information, I think I should try the group feature and see if there are any benefits for me. Basically I can do all the things now too, but I have to switch in the app the printer or select the printer via web directly. I read that you have to recreate the group each time you do a Cura Reset on your printer and due the fact that I have to do that every few days on my UM3 I never tried it. But maybe with the S5 as the host/master I don't need the resets anymore. I will try it and come back with feedback....
  21. The sliced picture looks ok, that you have walls and inside the diagonal lines is ok. The gap between the walls is normally under extrusion, your nozzle extrudes not enough material and therefore the line width is actually too small. You should check your feeder and print slower. You can also try to increase the flow setting 110% or even higher, but this just compensates some hardware problems which should be solved first.
  22. I would not use the 0.8 print core for such a small part. You will get more imprecise problems than you can save time. If you really want to use the 0.8 core you should keep your min. layer time high, set it to 10sec or more, that the previous layer can cool down and print slowly. I would recommend a gap of 0.4 mm, maybe more between the parts. But it is a trial and error process. So I usually cut the model in Fusion 360 in a very small part and make a test print, just to see if the gap is ok or if I need more (or less). With splitting the body you can quickly print a test part without waiting too long for a result. With construction offset planes in Fusion this can be quickly done and after your test, rollback in the history line and you have your body again in one part.
  23. I know, sorry for that, but I thought it was not so clear because of this post: So I thought you have selected UM PVA in Cura and you are wondering why this message is shown. If I have time over the weekend I will try to create a Cura Connect group and put my UM3 and the S5 in the group. If it is a bug with the S5 I should get the same issues. But another question: Why do you use a group mixed with UM3 and S5? I also thought about to do it, but I am not sure if I have any advantage over just using each printer alone. So is it easier to handle for you?
  24. Hallo Dein Modell ist nicht korrekt, Beim importieren in Cura gibt es eine Meldung, dass das Modell nicht "wasserdicht" ist und wenn du in den X-Ray View gehts (oben rechts) dann siehst du eine kleine rote Stelle, die markiert dir das Problem. Du solltest also dein Modell reparieren bzw. checken wo die undichte Stelle ist. Ansonsten schaut das Modell so aus bei mir, weiß nicht dir da etwas fehlt oder ob das so gehört. Blender ist auch nicht unbedingt das Programm der ersten Wahl wenn es um solche Objekte geht. Da bist du mit Fusion 360, Tinkercad etc. besser aufgehoben.
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