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Everything posted by Smithy

  1. You could try to uninstall Cura and delete everything in der Library/Application Support/cura. There are all configurations, also from older versions. Beware that you will lose your profiles, so save them first or backup the folder before deletion. With this action, you could try if a really fresh installation of Cura runs better. It is not always hardware, because there are also some people who have problems with brand new Macbook Pros and the latest MacOS. I found out that memory is not the trigger for Cura to make it more performant. My Macbook Pro 2018 has 8GB and i5, and Cura runs ok, not the fastest software but useable. In my office, I have an iMac i5 with 24GB memory, and Cura is not quicker. So I guess Cura needs GPU power, and maybe an i7 would help, but it will never be as fast as a native MacOS application because it is built to run on multi-platforms.
  2. Also 100% darauf schwören würde ich nicht, aber mir ist es beim UM2GO erst mit der Firmware aufgefallen. Interessant ist, dass das Display seitlich um 1-2 Pixel kurz springt, dann bleibt es wieder wie es sein sollte. Die Helligkeit bleibt dabei gleich. Spannungsschwankungen oder ähnliches könnte es schon sein, denn es passiert nur beim Drucken. Aber halb so schlimm, man gewöhnt sich dran und ausserdem schaut man ja nicht ständig aufs Display.
  3. Das habe ich auch, dürfte normal sein, stört mich aber nicht weiter, also kein Grund zur Sorge. Einfach genial was man alles einstellen kann, alleine die LED Steuerung, da kannst du dich austoben. Ich hätte es so interpretiert, dass es generell die max. Geschwindigkeit ist, also auch beim Laden. Ich habe es jedenfalls bei mir so belassen und der Ladevorgang ist so wie immer, kein Unterschied zum original Extruder. Aber ich habe es bei einem UM2Go gemacht, also kein 2+, aber ich denke das wird schon passen, einfach ausprobieren.
  4. You cannot really compare your iMac with the Surface Pro, your iMac has only an i3 cpu which is often on its limit by just surfing the web. Memory is not all you need for Cura, it's cpu and a good dedicated gpu.
  5. Hello I cannot help you with your specific question, but I think you should ask this question also in the Github area of Cura, because there are more developers available than here.
  6. I printed it with an UM3 and used the default generic ABS settings in Cura, haven't changed anything.
  7. Then you should use ASA which is more UV resistant than ABS which will get discolored after some time. My parts are out in the garden for 2 months, so too less to say if it is really UV resistant, but theoretically, it should.
  8. Yes you can set the extruder which should print the raft -> "Build Plate Adhesion Extruder"
  9. Fillamentum materials are good in my opinion and they are cheap compared to other brands. I printed some parts in ASA for outside use and they come out without warping with the UM adhesion sheets. Normally I try to avoid ABS because of the bad smell of the fumes, but I haven't found an alternative for UV resistant materials other than ASA so I gave it a try. Smelled a little bit but was not too bad.
  10. Which adhesion methods have you tried? Only glue will not help with ABS or not with all brands. So try the UM adhesions sheets, Dimafix Sprax, hair spray, 3DLac spray, ....... I got good adhesion with the UM adhesion sheets and Fillamentum ASA which is like ABS. Without the sheets, it was not sticking at all to the bed.
  11. This is normal but can be fixed easily. Remove the clamp from the socket where the Bowden tube goes into the feeder. Then push the socket down with your finger and you can pull out the tube from the feeder. Now you have access to the tube, remove the filament and then put the tube back into the feeder. Push again the socket, push the tube down and install the clamp again.
  12. Das kannst du glaube ich auch anpassen, wobei ich das bei meinem UM2GO nicht gemacht habe, da der Wert auf 45mm/sec gestanden ist und ich mir gedacht habe auf die 5 kommt es jetzt auch nicht mehr an. Aber einstellen kannst du es, ich hab nur nicht mehr das Menü im Kopf, irgendwo bei den Motion Settings glaube ich.
  13. A plugin would be possible, but then it will be stored on your computer. Saving to the USB stick on the printer is not possible when running a plugin in Cura. But anyway, such a plugin is currently not available. But there is python script which does timelapse from the UM3/S5 cam. It has to run on your computer and only takes screenshots of the cam at a given interval. When the print is finished the script merges the pictures to a time-lapse video. Works well. If you are interested, search here in the forum for timelapse, there is a thread with installation instructions. But of course, you should have a stable network connection to your printer.
  14. I got good results with ABS & ASA and UM adhesions sheets and have also good experiences with Dimafix spray. But I haven't tried it with NylonX so just with ABS/ASA/PETG/PP. Dimafix is nice because it is like hairspray but only sticks when the bed is heated. The cold bed has nearly zero adhesion, so it comes off easily.
  15. Es ändert sich eigentlich nichts, ausser, dass du mehr Möglichkeiten danach hast. Das Menü sieht anders aus und du kannst dort sämtliche Einstellungen setzen, die dir sonst verborgen geblieben sind. Firmware Version sollte passen, einfach Downloaden und via USB und Cura installieren. Danach (WICHTIG) ein Factory Reset machen, damit sich gespeicherte Werte von der vorigen Firmware mit der Tinker nicht in die Quere kommen. Hört sich alles komplizierter an als es ist 🙂
  16. Cura 3.6. is quite new and probably the plugin needs an update to work with 3.6.
  17. I don't know if there is a size limit, but with 5.2 GB you should not wonder that it takes very very long! You should really try to reduce the size of the file, because I am also not sure if your printer is able to print such a big file.
  18. You should give us more information because there are too many possibilities. The obvious one is, that your model is too big and doesn't fit the build plate. Occurs often when selected a brim or skirt which needs also space in the bed. But best is, to upload the Cura project, then we can look into it.
  19. Not only, I often print with an AA 0.8 core and then I put the core on the right side. Then I disable the Extruder 1 in Cura and have to switch the Extruder for the object in the left toolbar. Or if you have 2 AA 0.4 installed with different colors or materials you could decide with the left toolbar icons with which extruder you want to print. I think per default Cura always selects extruder 1 for the model, that was maybe the reason why it was working for you after you started from scratch.
  20. I guess a dedicated graphics card is a lot better than the built-in Intel chip. Most Macbooks don't have dedicated graphics, only the 15" Pros or if you order it. Here is mine, also without a dedicated graphic card. And it has nothing to do with memory because at my office I have an iMac 2017 i5 with 24GB memory and speed is the same there.
  21. I have such problems always when the application is available for multiple platforms. It works but it is not as fast as native apps and there is always a very little delay in using the gui. Native MacOS apps don't rely on these libraries I guess and therefore they are much faster and more responsive. When I look back, there were a lot of Java apps, all for several platforms available and they were all slow and sometimes unresponsive. Cura frontend is written in Python but I think it relies also on those shared libraries for generating, viewing the gui elements and windows. For me it is usable, not fast as a native app, but not so slow that I can say, I cannot use it. And nothing has changed for me between 3.4.1 and 3.6., speed (starting, using) is/was always the same.
  22. Hallo Ich kann es dir nicht sicher sagen, aber ich denke die Einstellungen im GCode haben Priorität wenn du dort explizit etwas angibst. Die Setting im Drucker wären eine Art Default wenn du nichts setzen würdest. In der Firmware gibt es dann noch max. Werte die eine Art Begrenzung darstellen, die kann man softwaremäßig nicht überschreiben.
  23. Check in Cura when you select your object which extruder is set to print. You can find two icons on the left menu at the bottom. There you can switch the extruder for the object, maybe there is the mistake. And then check in the right settings menu if you have selected extruder 2 for support structures.
  24. It is for sure, but try the settings mentioned above and you should get better results.
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