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Everything posted by ctbeke

  1. Ultimaker Connect received the following updates (we forgot to include those in the on-screen release notes, sorry for that): Print jobs sent via cloud now show print job preview images in the cloud as well Remove authentication tokens for guest printer when removing it from cluster Fix printer disconnecting from cloud when sending an unknown material Fix crash when SSL errors occur when sending anonymous analytics Fix timestamp formatting for print jobs that take longer than a week to finish Several bug fixes that were carried over from the last S3 firmware update So apart from Material Station and Air Manager updates, there's more reason to update your printer. In general each release contains many smaller bug fixes.
  2. Nice! Good to see security in place 🙂 Btw, I'm getting an error on your /home page: TypeError: Cannot read property 'replace' of null at Module.n [as getAbsoluteURL] (f0278471e4fc5ec556510559c7bdb601d8646621.js?meteor_js_resource=true:215) at x.render (f0278471e4fc5ec556510559c7bdb601d8646621.js?meteor_js_resource=true:215) at ml (f0278471e4fc5ec556510559c7bdb601d8646621.js?meteor_js_resource=true:9) at hl (f0278471e4fc5ec556510559c7bdb601d8646621.js?meteor_js_resource=true:9) at Cs (f0278471e4fc5ec556510559c7bdb601d8646621.js?meteor_js_resource=true:9) at Ks (f0278471e4fc5ec556510559c7bdb601d8646621.js?meteor_js_resource=true:9) at Hs (f0278471e4fc5ec556510559c7bdb601d8646621.js?meteor_js_resource=true:9) at Ls (f0278471e4fc5ec556510559c7bdb601d8646621.js?meteor_js_resource=true:9) at f0278471e4fc5ec556510559c7bdb601d8646621.js?meteor_js_resource=true:9 at t.unstable_runWithPriority (f0278471e4fc5ec556510559c7bdb601d8646621.js?meteor_js_resource=true:9)
  3. Nice! I see your site doesn't have HTTPS on it though, so I wouldn't feel comfortable uploading my 3D files and creating an account.
  4. Should be possible. Cura runs in Docker without too many issues, although the memory and CPU footprint can be quite large. In general the problem would not really be technology, but the cost associated with running an intensive application like Cura on (virtual) machines that you need to pay for.
  5. In order to succesfully use Ultimaker's online services, you should whitelist the following list of domains: account.ultimaker.com mycloud.ultimaker.com marketplace.ultimaker.com contribute.ultimaker.com api.ultimaker.com storage.googleapis.com And yes, you'll need to sign in in Cura with your Ultimaker Account in order to synchronize marketplace items from web to Cura.
  6. Hi, I'm not sure why it wouldn't work with that URL whitelisted. Does your IT admin have some kind of network logging to see which requests are being blocked?
  7. Images and files come from Google Cloud Storage CDN, for this you can whitelist https://storage.googleapis.com. Or if you want only to allow Ultimaker marketplace resources, https://storage.googleapis.com/ultimaker-cura-packages.
  8. Great! Not sure why the previous reset didn't do anything. Let me know if you need further help. Chris
  9. Hi, If you allow outgoing HTTPS (port 443) connections to api.ultimaker.com everything should work fine. Chris
  10. Hi, I see some errors in the logs that have to do with some residual state of Connect, probably caused by bugs in previous firmware versions. I think a factory + connect reset should bring you back up to speed. You can do this from the printer's settings menu. Chris
  11. Hi, It would be great if you can upload the entire ZIP file that the printer dumps to your USB drive. Chris
  12. Please post the logs files that you can extract via USB. Without them we can only guess what is going on.
  13. I was talking about the other points in the original post, not the Cura crashes. But it’s hard to keep track with so many different types of issues in a single thread. With regards to Cura crashes, it would be best to submit an issue on the GitHub repo of Cura with log files attached. Otherwise the devs cannot debug your issue.
  14. The network problems are quite known by the development teams. Unfortunately (local) networking is hard, and Ultimaker does not have control over the customer network setup. Usually you'll find that connecting printers to Ultimaker Cloud (one by one, not using local grouping of Connect) results in a more stable connection, because we have greater control over the end-to-end connection. We're also working hard to bring all the popular features of Connect into Cloud (including the webcam feed). Regarding the Ultimaker App, it was designed to work with Connect in the local network, with the exception of push notifications, which are available remotely. Alternatively you can use the mobile web interface of Ultimaker Cloud, it works fine on your phone's browser.
  15. Hi, We currently have no plans to update the Connect app to work outside the local network. However you can use mycloud.ultimaker.com, our remote management solution, on your phone's mobile browser. It's fully responsive and provides most features that Connect does locally. Other Connect features will soon be available on MyCloud as well. We're also investigating a more thorough notification system that includes most printer errors. Chris
  16. Please use this subcategory for any questions regarding our online services. By posting here instead of in the Cura threads, chances are that the right people look at your question sooner!
  17. An S5 with the latest firmware should be able to pause/resume/abort jobs via Connect or Cloud fine, regardless if they were started from USB or not.
  18. You can use the new Application.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack().extruderList.
  19. I was able to validate the IP address against the regex we use: However, throughout the logs I find plenty of evidence that for some reason networking is not working properly: * Jan 20 18:31:41 ultimakersystem-0030d6210e3f flipflop_wsgi.py[671]: WAR - app.libs.printer_api:296 - Failed to fetch status for printer at * Jan 20 18:31:46 ultimakersystem-0030d6210e3f flipflop_wsgi.py[671]: ConnectionError(ProtocolError('Connection aborted.', OSError(101, 'Network is unreachable')),) * Jan 20 18:31:47 ultimakersystem-0030d6210e3f connmand[851]: Failed to set hostname to ultimakersystem-0030d6210e3f I don't know why though, so I'll send these logs to some of the embedded engineers. In the meantime, maybe a(nother) reset of the printer, Connect and a re-install of the latest firmware might do something?
  20. Mmm I'm not seeing anything strange in these outputs. Can you send me the full printer logs (via USB dump) one more time? I'm still not sure why the IP address would be considered an invalid value.
  21. Ah sorry, I meant /api/v1/printer/network (it's an API path).
  22. Ah true that's not in there. Can you also post me the output of /printer/network?
  23. In the logs it says 'invalid ip address', so somehow your IP address does not pass the regex validation we have implemented there. Can you scroll down on the /system endpoint can send me the values for the other fields (including IP address)?
  24. The factory reset should have removed any incorrect configuration caused by the bug. When connecting the S3 to your phone and going to the status endpoint on the API (/api/v1/system), can you copy the result and post it here?
  25. I'm not exactly sure how to help you further. Clearly there's some networking issues that cause the printer not to be able to connect to the correct addresses. You can try a firmware re-install and see what happens, I'm not sure if that would improve anything though. Do you have any other proper network that you can try?
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