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Everything posted by ctbeke

  1. Of course, I'm working on that with the content marketeers at the moment (they manage what's published on the website). When that's done I have a way to easily share it with everyone.
  2. Hi, I'm lead developer for Ultimaker's cloud efforts. If you send me an email on c.terbeke@ultimaker.com, I can send you some information regarding security and privacy in the Ultimaker Cloud. Not that these are secret or anything, but I'd like to engage to get to know your requirements. Chris
  3. The mobile app doest not support this yet, for now you can only use Cura 4.0 to remotely monitor and start prints. Note that this is just the beginning for this type of functionality, much more will come. I expect a significant update coming with Cura 4.1 already.
  4. Alternatively, you could make a backup in Cura on your 1st machine (after setting up the cloud connection on that Cura instance), and then restore that backup on your 2nd machine. This will copy over the connection tokens as well.
  5. During the setup flow, Cura Connect explains to open Cura to finish the setup. This step must be done when Cura is running in the same local network (it needs to 'pair' the local and cloud instances of connect). This is not optimal and will be fixed in the next release, but for now this is how it is.
  6. That's unfortunate. At the moment remote printing is only supported by Cura indeed, so either on a 2nd desktop or a laptop that you take somewhere else. I can't go into details here but we'll be adding a lot more features in the (near) future, this is just the basis for having a cloud connection at all.
  7. You can start the cloud connection flow from Cura Connect's settings page (http://IP_ADDRESS/settings). That'll guide you through the steps, eventually asking you to open op Cura for the final 'handshake'.
  8. Hi, I'm planning on adding some simple features first (like pagination, better search, featured collections). Not sure if Thingiverse sign-in will be added by me at some point (or if it's even possible/allowed given that sign-in goes through their servers). Anyone can make a PR on https://github.com/ChrisTerBeke/ThingiBrowser however to add functionality.
  9. The backups plugin was added in the Marketplace with Cura 3.6, so the previous versions were not impacted. Unfortunately Beta2 and final release backups are not compatible as they have different version numbers. Again this is something we have in sight to fix.
  10. The cloud backup plugin makes a backup of everything that is in the user data folder of Cura. This includes printers and their custom settings. As it back-ups and restores the complete directory (not only loose bits and pieces), the chance of it going corrupt is quite low. You can find the code on how the backup is made and restored on GitHub. Once you have made a backup, you'll also see in the plugin's UI the number of printers, materials, profiles and plugins that were backed up. Note that the plugin currently only allows to restore backups that were made in the same version of Cura, but we're working on supporting forward compatibility in the future.
  11. Hi all, I've published a new plugin in the Marketplace, available for Cura 4.0 (Beta). It allows you to search and import STL files from Thingiverse without having to go do the actual website. Functionality is limited now, but eager to hear feedback on what to add next. Note that this plugin was build in my spare time, it is not affiliated or sponsored by Ultimaker or Thingiverse. Chris
  12. Cura is open source, so you could always add something like that yourself (if you know how to). Given that Ultimaker printers do not have the carbon fiber inlay hardware available, I doubt that the core team at Ultimaker will spend time on this, but maybe someone from the community would...
  13. FYI: this feature was just released as part of the Cura 4.0 Beta and Firmware 5.2 Beta. It'll get some improvements towards the stable releases, but you can already try it out if you have an Ultimaker S5.
  14. Indeed the Marketplace only works for full plugins and material/quality packages at the moment. I do however like the idea of distributing post processing scripts through the Marketplace as well. I'll discuss it with the product owners of Cura and Cloud and see if it's something Ultimaker will work on. Technically it shouldn't be too hard. As a workaround you could make a small 'extension' plugin that simply copies your script to the Cura user directory on boot. I know the Dremel plugin that's currently available in the Marketplace does something similar but then for machine definition files.
  15. hint hint: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/pull/4926
  16. @JohnInOttawa Thank you for those kind words. While it is true that pressure is high, also from the market, it's our job to make great products. It's always good to get feedback from the customers and community to see how we can improve. Next week I'll be attending FormNext personally to see what is out there and what people are looking for. I'll try my best to gather much input for the R&D department. @kmanstudios It was never my intention to come across as defensive or to insult you, or anyone else. So sincere apologies if that is how it was perceived, I tend to forget how awful the Internet is as as medium to communicate with the right intentions. I was merely trying to explain why not all materials would be supported via a profile from the beginning. That could indeed be described as defending that decision, as I personally understand why this was done. The main focus for the CC core is abrasive materials, but I can imagine that from another point of view, it seems weird that capable hardware would not be supported via software. I'll relay that information to the involved people internally, maybe more support might be added in later software versions?
  17. It's a pity you see it that way. We always try to deliver products with the highest possible quality, hence we have to focus on a few items instead of doing many. Did you visit our office at any time? If so, you'll see several rooms with big test rigs containing many printers and material setups, just to get the perfect profiles to deliver to customers. I think it's best to use the UM support channels to get an 'official' statement on this or request other products, as I'm not going to get into a discussion here about what and what not Ultimaker works on. Anyways, Cura is open for everyone, so there's not reason technically why you couldn't put PLA in that core as long as you take the time to dial in the settings.
  18. It is very time intensive to make the profiles work well to such a degree that Ultimaker is comfortable enough to release them, so we have to make choices in which profiles we invest time. If someone from the community with a CC core finds the time and energy to make PLA profiles for it, go right ahead and use it.
  19. This is because the plugin is a system dialog. Your OS prevents the main window from being accessed when a dialog is active, so it's hard for us to do anything about that unfortunately.
  20. Profile overrules material, but usually the printing temperature is defined in the material and the profile has a formula to take that value and add for example 10 degrees, instead of overriding it with a hardcoded value.
  21. It's a new format we use for S5. It's basically a ZIP archive with the toolpath (G-code) and a preview image attached so we can show that on the S5 touch screen (and Cura Connect web interface). The format is fully open and specified on GitHub: https://github.com/Ultimaker/libCharon. It's an implementation of the OPC format (like docx is as well).
  22. This was a regression in 3.5. It has been reported on GitHub as well and will be fixed in the next release.
  23. We're waiting for the author of the solidworks plugin to make an update that is compatible with 3.5. Once that's done, it'll be available for update through the toolbox.
  24. I see several errors: serial.serialutil.SerialException: could not open port 'COM5': PermissionError(13, 'Access is denied.', None, 5) cura.Machines.MaterialManager.__addMaterialMetadataIntoLookupTree [255]: Material custom_material_cartesio_0.4_mm contains a variant 0.4 mm that does not exist. It will not be added into the material lookup tree. UM.VersionUpgradeManager._getUpgradeTasks [278]: Config file [.\Monoprice+Select+Mini+V2+%28E3D%29_user.inst.cfg] is of version [4000005], which is different from the defined version [2000000], no upgrade task for it from type [user]. I've forwarded it to the developers as well (I'm currently not working on Cura).
  25. Can you share the logs? Cura is supposed to upgrade your old configs to the new version, so something must have gone wrong in that process.
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