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Everything posted by ctbeke

  1. We currently have no plans to update the app to work with the cloud. You can use the mobile web UI however via https://digitalfactory.ultimaker.com and maybe pin that to your home screen. All the functionality available in the app is available there as well, with the exception of printer analytics (which we'll make available in the cloud as well in the near future).
  2. Improving the reporting (and moving it off the printer to Digital Factory) is pretty high on our wish list, so expect improvements in that area 🙂
  3. Great to hear that you were able to resolve the situation. As this is obviously not a desired situation I'll keep working with the embedded teams to make the networking more stable.
  4. Great to hear that Digital Factory is helping you with remote capabilities. All the current functionality and values can be found on our Essentials product overview page. We intend to add features over time to our online products. Some of them will be in the free version, some in the Essentials subscription.
  5. Hi, First of all, we take data security very seriously and we have multiple articles on our support forums about this topic. We also have an e-learning course for Essentials network administrators. The printer uploads and downloads the following data to the Digital Factory: 1) A status update every 10 seconds. This is only some text containing the status of the printer and print jobs. 2) A webcam image every 10 seconds, but only if the webcam viewer in the web UI is open. This is just a few KB per snapshot. 3) A print job is downloaded from Digital Factory to the printer when you send it from Cura. The amount depends on the size of your print jobs. Is there an option for you or your IT admin to see where the network traffic is actually coming from and going to? I'd also like to know what you mean with 'at a time'. Is that per minute? Per day? Chris
  6. Apologies for the late reply, I usually don't look in the hardware forums but a colleague just made me aware of this thread. I'll move the thread to the Digital Factory section. As for the issue, please try the following things: 1) If you printer has been a guest in a local group before, make sure to disconnect it from the host printer. You can do this via http://ip_of_your_printer/print_jobs. Then try the pin connection flow again. 2) If that did not work, please upload the printer's logs here or in a private message to me. You can extract the logs via the display's settings menu to a USB drive. 3) Lastly we have the nuclear option, which is to do a factory reset via the printer's display. This should wipe any inconsistent state that might cause the issue and allows you to start cleanly.
  7. Hi, At this moment we have not updated the user management yet, but the General Available version of Essentials later this year (we're in Early Access now) will contain improved user management for organizations. However the Ultimaker Account will remain unchanged, it's just that the account is part of an organization entity from there on and can access shared resources in that organization. The webcam feature in the cloud has been made available via a separate firmware release for S5 and S3 today (verwsion 5.7.3). After updating your printer to that firmware version you will see the webcam images remotely as well. As for the trial, there's not any risk involved to just try it out, you can choose not to continue with Essentials once we start charging for it later this year. At that time you'd loose the features specifically unlocked for Essentials, but basic remote printing workflows will always remain available.
  8. Hi, From the logging I think that somehow the network stack on the printer got confused and started reporting an invalid IP address. Usually this is fixed by restarting the printer or resetting the local data (in the settings menu). Chris
  9. tldr; Digital Factory does not support 3rd party printers at the moment. We currently support only Ultimaker 3, Ultimaker S3 and Ultimaker S5 (both revisions) in the Digital Factory. The communication between printer and Digital Factory is an Ultimaker-specific protocol. Other printers could be made compatible to follow this protocol, but Ultimaker would leave it to the manufacturers of those printers to do so. Someone could also write a small application that sits between a (USB) printer and the Digital Factory protocol to relay and translate the messages. We can't really block either solution, but we don't actively support it either, so you might run into compatibility issues.
  10. Hi, Can you extract the printer logs to a USB drive and upload them here or share them with me privately? Chris
  11. All the most up-to-date content would be on our support website in the Cura section: https://support.ultimaker.com/hc/en-us/sections/360003548339-Ultimaker-Cura.
  12. Thanks for uploading the logs, I have sent those do the firmware team so they can further investigate the WiFi issues.
  13. It's unfortunate that we weren't able to solve your networking issues a while back. If I remember correctly, we received some logs from you and found networking related errors in them, but we were unable to resolve them for your particular machine (event after firmware reset). I have however forwarded those logs to the embedded software team that works on the S-line firmware (including networking), so hopefully they can figure out the root cause.
  14. The Maintenance Schedule and Analytics features are currently only available in the local network in what previously was called Ultimaker Connect. We're working on bringing these features to the cloud part of Digital Factory as well, but they need some more work to be implemented properly (especially the meta aspect across multiple printers/clusters, and taking access management into account). It's pretty high on our list though as many customers are asking for this.
  15. Hi, Some details are indeed not (yet) published on the support pages. For now I can elaborate a bit here: * Print jobs in the queue and recent history are stored on the printer itself. You can send jobs to the printer via local network and cloud and they'll end up in the same queue. * Cura switches between local network and cloud automatically depending on availability of either connection type; and if you're signed in with your Ultimaker Account. Local network always has preference over cloud for sending jobs. * Jobs sent locally can be monitored via the cloud connection, and vice versa. However jobs sent locally will not have the preview image available in the cloud (as the UFP file never passes through the cloud in the first place, which is needed to extract that image from it). * In order to use printing and monitoring via cloud, all users need an Ultimaker Account. From there on, the person that has connected the printer to their account (the 'owner') can share the printer via teams with those other users. Combine this with restricting local access via LAN firewall configuration to force all traffic via the cloud connection you can more strictly control who access to the printer. Also we're working on more functionality around the topic of access management so keep an eye on upcoming releases of Digital Factory. * For concerns about the user account ID, I suggest that those users create two separate Ultimaker Accounts: a 'personal' one and a 'business' one. This is quite a normal practice in other software as well. Note that the username and full name are already separate fields, and only the username is publicly shown in the Community, Email addresses are NEVER publicly shown unless manually configured to be visible (only available in the Community). Hopefully this clears some things up.
  16. Note that PETG is not supported by Ultimaker printers (or at least: there are no pre-shipped profiles for it), so it won't appear in the materials list if your active machine is an Ultimaker, regardless of the package being installed or not.
  17. For those that have similar problems, it turned out to be a system configuration issue and it has been resolved now. If you still experience this please sign out and in again and all the plugins (that are supported by the latest stable Cura release) will be visible again.
  18. Hi, Which email address do you use to sign in to the Marketplace? Feel free to send me this in a private message.
  19. Under the hood it already kinda works like this. Unless we do a breaking SDK change in Cura (causing the major version number to be bumped), all existing plugins on the same major SDK range are still compatible and will be shown. We try to reduce the amount of breaking SDK changes as much as possible (one, maybe twice, a year).
  20. Hi, This is a known bug and is fixed for the next firmware release! Chris
  21. We currently show all plugins compatible with SDK 7.1.0 (and 7.0.0 because those are compatible). I'll make sure it gets updated to 7.2.0 (which includes back to 7.0.0 in terms of compatibility) to reflect the most recent stable Cura. Edit: a fix is in the works that handles the SDK versioning in the web version of the Marketplace a bit differently so that it always automatically reflects the most recent stable Cura SDK version. This should prevent the problem from reoccurring in the future as well.
  22. Hi, Which firmware version are you running on the UM3? To get the analytics and other newer features be sure to run the latest (5.2.11).
  23. A bit late maybe, but you'll now find our new 'app switcher' in all of our online products. This will make it easier to switch between the different applications, as well as knowing what is in the ecosystem when you just joined.
  24. Sending an email to either support@ultimaker.com or security@ultimaker.com with an account cancellation request works. We'll make sure that your account is then deleted from all the different systems that are used.
  25. @SigvardsKI see the following error in your logs: "ERR - stardust:129 - WebSocket error: ConnectionRefusedError(111, 'Connection refused')" Unfortunately the logs do not tell me why the connection is refused, but likely it's due to network setup.
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