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Everything posted by ctbeke

  1. I'm seeing this now: Time request for server failed (101/Network is unreachable) And then a whole bunch of different network issues and failing requests. So somehow using your phone as hotspost is resulting in some funny behaviour. I've used my own phone as hotspot for Ultimaker printers before as well and that worked fine, so not sure what the precise issue is in your case. Do you have a LAN cable available somewhere just to try another networking method?
  2. Hi, I see two issues in your logs: 1) There's an endless loop going on because of some broken configuration, probably from previous attempts while the bug was still there. You can resolve this by resetting the printer to factory defaults from the display. 2) The IP address cannot be validated. Can you confirm that your printer is network connected and has a normal internal IP address within that network (e.g. no custom network configuration going on). Chris
  3. Great! Adding remote camera support via cloud is in our backlog. Can't tell anything about a delivery date yet.
  4. Hi, I see GAI (Get Address Info) errors in your log. Is your printer able to access the internet? These error typically occur when somehow the network is configured in such a way that the printer cannot reach *.ultimaker.com. Are you on WiFi or LAN?
  5. Please share logs. Without those we cannot reproduce or find out what is going wrong in your case (as this is not happening for everyone, and also not at our office as that would have never passed QA).
  6. Sorry to hear that, I’ll help you debug right away. dmesg doesn’t contain application logs, could you export all logs to USB via the touch screen menu?
  7. The firmware version that fixes this issue (and some others) is now live. You can update via your printer's touch screen or manually via USB using the file at https://software.ultimaker.com/releases/firmware/213482/stable/
  8. I think it's available from Cura 4.5 and onward actually, not 4.4.x.
  9. We're using cryptography, a popular Python lib. Here's an example of how to import it: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Uranium/blob/c46da9cb2848f5e90846867efb028501afe2bb6b/UM/Trust.py#L9.
  10. I think some 4.5 fixes were backported to 4.4.1 because they were considered critical.
  11. Latest I heard just now is that the update is now being system tested and it will be made available next week (if no other issues are found). This update will include fixes for the cloud printing (caused by a GUID issue) and the SSH issue as well.
  12. As far as I know, the firmware update that fixes this bug has not been released yet (due to Christmas holidays). I'll check with the firmware team to see what their planning is for this.
  13. You can merge the models indeed via the guide above. Note that this only works if the models both have the same origin (reference to 0, 0, 0), as there's no way Cura (or any other CAD/CAM program for that matter) can know the required position otherwise.
  14. @thelemurking likely your two networks are not sharing discovery protocols between them (which are used by Cura and the Ultimaker app for the printer scanning feature). Can you try Cura 4.4.1? It contains some patches.
  15. We don't. But anywhere where products are developed, bugs happen. This is why we keep working on software for long after a printer is released and keep improving the experience and fix bugs. The firmware update that fixes the bug in question is now in our QA stage, so it'll be on the market not too long from now.
  16. Hi, This is a known issue with Ultimaker S3 at the moment. We have identified the problem and will supply a firmware update to resolve it (not sure about the ETA of that at the moment).
  17. In that case you're running into a bug that is specific for S3. Our embedded firmware developers are looking into this and a patch will be made available once fixed.
  18. Which printer type and firmware version are you running?
  19. Which firmware version are you running? Could you send the printer logs to me (downloadable via the printer's display to USB drive).
  20. Hi, Could you give me your email address that you used to create the account over a private message? Then I can send you a reset code so you can get into your account again (and disable or setup 2FA again). Support from the web page itself is something we're working on. Chris
  21. As @Smithy indicates, opening your firewall is not recommended at all. Any device in your network would be reachable from the Internet, for example by automated systems like botnets that continuously search for available servers to exploit. Any device in your network could then potentially be a stepping stone to infiltrate the rest. Ultimaker Cloud (https://mycloud.ultimaker.com) only requires Cura and the printer to be able to reach the internet from within your local network, not the other way around. For now functionality is limited compared to Ultimaker Connect, but more features will be coming soon.
  22. Remote queue management is only available with firmware 5.3 and newer (as it required changes on the printer to make this possible). This firmware version is not available for UM3 (and I'm not sure when it will be). As a work-around you could reset Connect on the printer's display and then setup the connection again (or override the material selection on the printer).
  23. I have created a PR (https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/pull/6580) to bring back this feature. We'll see if the Cura devs review and merge it for the 4.4 release.
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