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Everything posted by ctbeke

  1. Maybe you could leverage the Octoprint open source community to add support for the UM3? They seem to be quite active over on GitHub.
  2. No need to make passive agressive comments, let's keep it civil here. The UM3 has plenty of remote printing options (Ultimaker Connect, Ultimaker Cloud, it even has a completely open API for local networking interaction). It's just not Octoprint compatible as Octoprint is someone else's open source project that relies on a printer being connectable with USB slave functionality (which actually is quite a bad way of controlling a 3D printer because USB has plenty of stability issues). Now someone could easily go ahead and write an Octoprint plugin that connects to the UM3 over the network and add support for it that way, but apparently as no one has done that yet the other options that Ultimaker gives are satisfactory.
  3. It seems that UM3 support for Octoprint is still an outstanding issue (e.g.https://github.com/foosel/OctoPrint/issues/2288). The UM3 firmware does not support features like timelapse out of the box, so you'd have to use the webcam http endpoint and manually construct something.
  4. Can you upload a picture of how you're connecting your UM3 to the Raspberry Pi? The USB port in the front is for USB thumbdrives only (for offline printing), and there's no USB slave port on the back like the UM2(+) had.
  5. I'm not sure what you're trying to do, but the Ultimaker 3 series is not compatible with USB slave printing (and thus Octoprint). You can connect your UM3 (extended) via the direct networking or cloud features of Cura and UM firmware.
  6. Hi, I'm one of the developers involved in Connect. As @Smithy indicates, ethernet will always be more stable than wifi. However we're still interested in finding potential problems that are unrelated to wireless technology. Maybe you could share the logs of your printer with us (in a private message if desired)? You can find the option to dump logs to USB in the printer's settings menu. Also, which firmware version are you running? Thanks!
  7. You could extract the API spec from the printer one and paste it into a tool like https://mrin9.github.io/RapiPdf/ and generate a PDF from it. Reason we don't do that is because we ensure this way that the spec is always up-to-date.
  8. From the top of my head, the differences with UM3 are: * Multi-point bed leveling (resulting is better 1st layer adhesion) * Glass door to prevent (most) air draft * Filament flow sensor * Hardened feeder wheel to support abrasive materials (thus supporting the CC Red Print Core) * Trinamic stepper drivers (same as S5), so much quieter while printing * Improved feeder lever (instead of that kinda hard-to-use force push button) * Touch screen interface (after working with it compared to the old click wheel you really don't wanna go back...) * Improved gantry to support the full build volume with both print cores * Integrated power supply (no more messy power brick somewhere around your printer) * Higher EMC class rating due to improved electronics (safer for certain environments) * Stiffer build plate gantry and wider diameter X/Y axis * Improved print head (same as S5, which was an iteration on top of the UM3 head) * Slightly different side panels and screws (cleaner finish) * A UMB port to support possible future hardware add-ons I'll leave it up to the market to decide if this justifies the price point 😛
  9. You might wanna take a peak at the ultimaker.com homepage 😉
  10. There will be a firmware and cloud update very soon that brings the queue controls to the cloud (as they are in Connect)!
  11. Interesting idea. Their APIs are probably very different, so I'll either have to find common denominators and generalize the API responses to an internal model, or create separate plugins (but that adds maintenance burden, especially on the UI part). If I were to add one extra source, which one would you like to see first?
  12. I have updated the plugin numerous times since this thread, notable features are: * Improved search * Pagination * Improved error handling (e.g. when the ThingiVerse API is down) I have just submitted a release (1.3.0, hopefully approved soon) that adds buttons for accessing popular, features, and newest things: Let me know what you want added next!
  13. Yes, that works fine. Cura copies the whole user data folder when upgrading, but leaves the old one intact. So when you start 4.0 back up, all the data is still there.
  14. It's true. We call him Bob.
  15. I have raised the filament flow sensor notifications internally last week. We'll see if this makes the priority list anytime soon.
  16. The Ultimaker App only supports monitoring via the local network. For remote monitoring I suggest you use Cura to send jobs and mycloud.ultimaker.com for remote monitoring (works great on mobile browser). Note that push notifications in the app do work outside of the local network (as we relay them through the cloud).
  17. To get attention from the developers its probably best to report this via https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues.
  18. This is a fair request, I'll make sure it gets on the radar of the relevant people. Although a Cura plugin will not be able to solve this, a small web server talking to Ultimaker Cloud might do the trick. In particular the cluster status endpoint. Note that this requires knowledge of talking to a web API and a cloud connected Ultimaker printer.
  19. Cura uses port 80 (API) and 8080 (camera) to communicate to the printer on the local network. It also uses bonjour (zeroconf) discovery if you want automatic detection.
  20. Hi! Ultimaker uses port 443 (https) on every connection to the cloud. Whitelisting this port on the *.ultimaker.com range should do the trick. If there's other issue with setting it up, please let me know (I'm in the team that develops Ultimaker Cloud). Chris
  21. Hi @AndersK, Great you're up and running again! We'll keep our internal ticket around as it's clearly a bug (to us). Chris
  22. Hi @AndersK, Thanks for reporting this. I have attache your log file to an internal ticket with the team that works on Connect. Although we're quite busy at the moment we'll be sure to investigate your problem and try to reproduce it.
  23. Note: don't hold me liable for any of the following information, it might not be accurate over time. It just reflects my current state of thinking in my role at Ultimaker. We currently have no plans to make Connect work outside of a printer, and for sure not officially supporting people trying to do that themselves. We're focusing on using cloud technology to scale up the grouping of printers and scheduling of print jobs instead of a local server, because that's the only way that Ultimaker can guarantee service quality and the environment in which it runs. Also more and more companies want to buy SaaS solutions instead of owning and managing on-premise hardware. In terms of effort to actually make it work, that's hard to guess as we haven't put further effort in pursuing this option (so no estimations were done). If you wanna have a go at it yourself, feel free to SSH into the printer an have a look around what's installed on the file system in terms of Python packages. I'm not sure if you're allowed to run your alterations commercially, but 'hobbying around' is fine I guess.
  24. Well, Cura needs the plugin to do all that stuff. By default, Cura only understands networked Ultimaker printers. Any other networked printers (like OctoPrint, or in this case Duet WiFi board enabled printers) need a plugin to add support to the networking functionality. The plugin basically tells Cura which networked printers it found and offers those to the discovery mechanism. If that for some reason is not working in your case, your best bet would be to file an issue with the plugin author.
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