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Everything posted by ctbeke

  1. This plugin is not maintained or supported by Ultimaker. You can contact the author of this plugin directly via https://github.com/Kriechi/Cura-DuetRRFPlugin/issues.
  2. The initial_layer_height is not affected by design, as we need that layer to be predictable in our profiles in order to ensure proper 1st layer adhesion to the build plate. All layers above the initial layer respond to the adaptive layers algorithm.
  3. The updated plugin (1.1.0) is now published in the Marketplace.
  4. If your firewall accepts all outgoing connections to *.ultimaker.com (on port 443) it should work fine. Your incoming open port for the webcam should not affect Ultimaker Cloud connections. Are you able to reach for example account.ultimaker.com on a laptop that is running in the same network?
  5. Hi, I have just submitted v1.1.0 to Ultimaker for review, it should be available in the Marketplace soon. It fixes some reported crashes and improves the search feature. Details release notes are available on https://github.com/ChrisTerBeke/ThingiBrowser/releases/tag/v1.1.0, as well as a .curapackage that you can drag into Cura if you don't want to wait for Marketplace approval. Next up on my TODO list are showing the file upload dates and a home page with featured items.
  6. The marketing team has published the before mentioned document on our website. You can find it here: https://ultimaker.com/en/resources/52892-ultimaker-cloud-security. We'll keep updating those resource pages as new functionality becomes available.
  7. Webcam support is something we're investigating (but might be quite hard due to the huge amount of bandwidth needed, so probably another solution is needed). Note that you need to update your printer to the latest firmware to make use of Ultimaker Cloud printing from Cura.
  8. Since Google is making efforts to bring a full Linux kernel to ChromeOS, I think it will get even easier in the future (if not 'out of the box').
  9. It’ll still work ‘the old way’. We never make using the cloud mandatory for any task related to just slicing and printing. Cloud is primarily a workflow enhancer and helps customers scale up their 3D printing operations. It also brings some security features like encryption during transport (which is hard in a local network due to SSL certificate issuing).
  10. Mm sounds like your Network is blocking some stuff then. Maybe a firewall issue?
  11. How many printers do you have? If you have only one there is no need to add it to a group, it's already in its own group of 1. Can you reach 192.168.xx.xx in your browser?
  12. I don't know what your local network situation is, but the following flow should work: 1) Sign in with your Ultimaker Account in Cura Connect (printer IP address -> Cura Connect -> settings -> Cloud connection). This pairs the print cluster with your account. 2) Sign in with your Ultimaker Account in Cura. This pairs Cura with your account. 3) Go to printers -> add printer. It should be in that list now as both are paired. Step 1 and 2 can also be done in reversed order. Note that adding the printer (cluster) to your account can only be done when in the same local network (as it requires access to Cura Connect which runs on the printers).
  13. For future reference: you can hover over the SDK selector (that is also red) to get more details about the error message. In case of plugins, this message contains the exact file that is missing according to the package building code. We are working on portal improvements in the future, this will include a clearer UX for error messages.
  14. Mm sounds like the list of printers is not coming back from the cluster. This can sometimes happen after a firmware upgrade. Is any of these things true: * Is any of the printers in your cluster (if you have multiple) on an older firmware version? * Do you have a CC 0.6 core installed on the printer? If not, try a Cura Connect reset on the printer's display, that will wipe any old data that might not be compatible.
  15. Cura 4.1 will support restoring a backup from earlier versions. Your mileage may vary.
  16. Cura 4.1 will have an improved cloud connection flow. Simply signing in in Cura and Cura Connect will make the printer appear in the 'add printer' list of discovered printers (no need anymore to be on the same local network for 'pairing'). We also silently (marketing starts with Cura 4.1 release) launched https://mycloud.ultimaker.com/app/devices, which shows your cloud-connected print clusters and their queue. You still need Cura (4.0 or higher) to add new jobs. But at least you can now see the status of your machines without having to open Cura. We'll be adding more functionality to this application over time. In Cura you're also able to see the status of the printers and queue. We'd love to hear your feedback!
  17. Cura 4.1 will have an improved cloud connection flow. Simply signing in in Cura and Cura Connect will make the printer appear in the 'add printer' list of discovered printers (no need anymore to be on the same local network for 'pairing'). We also silently (marketing starts with Cura 4.1 release) launched https://mycloud.ultimaker.com/app/devices, which shows your cloud-connected print clusters and their queue. You still need Cura (4.0 or higher) to add new jobs. But at least you can now see the status of your machines without having to open Cura. We'll be adding more functionality to this application over time. In Cura you're also able to see the status of the printers and queue. We'd love to hear your feedback!
  18. Cura 4.1 will have an improved cloud connection flow. Simply signing in in Cura and Cura Connect will make the printer appear in the 'add printer' list of discovered printers (no need anymore to be on the same local network for 'pairing'). We also silently (marketing starts with Cura 4.1 release) launched https://mycloud.ultimaker.com/app/devices, which shows your cloud-connected print clusters and their queue. You still need Cura (4.0 or higher) to add new jobs. But at least you can now see the status of your machines without having to open Cura. We'll be adding more functionality to this application over time. In Cura you're also able to see the status of the printers and queue. We'd love to hear your feedback!
  19. Cura 4.1 will have an improved cloud connection flow. Simply signing in in Cura and Cura Connect will make the printer appear in the 'add printer' list of discovered printers (no need anymore to be on the same local network for 'pairing'). We also silently (marketing starts with Cura 4.1 release) launched https://mycloud.ultimaker.com/app/devices, which shows your cloud-connected print clusters and their queue. You still need Cura (4.0 or higher) to add new jobs. But at least you can now see the status of your machines without having to open Cura. We'll be adding more functionality to this application over time. In Cura you're also able to see the status of the printers and queue. We'd love to hear your feedback!
  20. Does Cura indicate that the printer is connected (little cloud icon next to the printer name in the menu bar)? Cura 4.1 will have an improved cloud connection, where you only have to sign in in both Cura and Cura Connect, instead of needing to be on the same LAN network. The printer will simply show up in the 'add printer' list. The stable build of this version is due in about a week.
  21. Great to hear that the cloud printing setup works better for you now. The webcam feature is indeed not available yet over cloud, as are some other options, like mutating the print queue. We are constantly working on improving cloud features though so I think it's a matter of time before those are added.
  22. You'll need to get the new Ultimaker App with the latest firmware update.
  23. Please file an issue on https://github.com/ChrisTerBeke/ThingiBrowser/issues as indicated in the marketplace.
  24. Mm if your firewall blocks setting up a local server, I'm afraid the login flow is not going to work for you (we need that server that Cura spawns as a redirect location for the authentication tokens). Would your IT department be able to make an exception for Cura?
  25. Did you ever (in the past) see a screen where it asked you to either allow or deny Cura from accessing certain data?
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