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A Coffee between friends :-) How was Your Day ?


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Posted · A Coffee between friends :-) How was Your Day ?

You're storing all of this according to all the rules so that it doesn't degrade in any way I hope? Personally I'd rather see it stored somewhere safer than a persons home, but maybe that's just me :)


Hi Robert... I bought this stuff years ago and sometimes for a pritty penny.. I have a handful of museums that want my films and photos but they want me to donate them all.. so my investment gone and they get locked up in another dark box to be rediscovered in another 50 years.

I am protecting my collection as best I can and have read a lot about preserving films but I really do hope to start making a small revenue from this collection and then reinvesting money in increasing the safety measures for these historical treasures...

Ian :-)


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    Posted · A Coffee between friends :-) How was Your Day ?

    What a great thread!

    A nice way to get to know all of each other and see what else goes behind all the 3D printing.

    I have been ill for the last 2 days so I haven't read the thread yet but I will later today.

    So.. what I have been doing is drinking a lot of tea and orange juice and sleeping.

    Not thé most interesting story I think.

    I have recently started indoor climbing which is a lot of fun.

    But totally drains all the strength from my hands when I am done :p

    Im also looking forward to the video Ian, sounds very very interesting!

    Im guessing you haven't looked through all those films?

    Gee, who knows what else is in there.. Ghandi. Amazing.


    Get better soon Sander !!!

    have a nice relaxing weekend.. and remember sleep is often the best medicine !! :-)

    Ian :-)


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    Posted · A Coffee between friends :-) How was Your Day ?

    Add "php" to any searches you do Ian. For about $80 per year you can get a bluehost web site (many websites actually) and they have unlimited storage and unlimited bandwidth and are a great company (I've been using them but have no other affiliation).

    If you find photo sharing software that runs on php then it will be easy to install onto bluehost. Like most hosting sites they can do mysql or postgresql database back ends. For example this bulletin board we are on right now - the umforum - it is done in php with a database to store all the posts.

    Maybe you should describe your requirements and maybe I can produce a website for you for royalties only. Is this a money making plan or not? I've done websites before and it's basically my job. My client for the last few years has me doing all the software on a private website so I do lots of web programming.


    George you give me a very interesting offer.

    Here is what I am thinking...

    (1) Clean and Simple.

    (2) Very easy to add new images to the site

    (3) Very easy to add meta data and decriptions

    (4) Each page is scannable from google (really important so google searches can find relavent material

    (5) Users can define what size images they want to purchase

    (6) Users can define what license they want to purchase.. image for a book 10 copies or 10,000 copies.

    (7) Images are automatically created as watermarked thumbnail.

    (8) Users can have a shopping cart to add different images

    (9) Original full scale images are kept very safely... if these are hacked and released.. then game over.

    (10) Users can move over images and make them larger to focus on details.

    (11) Picture pages can have associated recommended other pictures under them. Keep people buying.

    (12) a good search engine for detailed searching.. date... country.... topic.. etc..

    George I have no experience about this.. but if this is a massive amount of work for you.. then I can try one of these commercial things first and see if that works... I dont want you pulling night shift for this !! ;-)

    Please let me know what is the best practical approach.. as I mentioned I want to get this rolling now when I can.. or soon and then make this project scalable.. so in a few months I can add a few more thousand images to the system...

    Ian :-)

    THANK YOU !! :-)


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    Posted · A Coffee between friends :-) How was Your Day ?

    Good morning :-)

    How are you ? :-)

    This morning was funny.. I was in bed with my girlfriend.. first her alarm went off.. she just kept sleeping... i had to poke her with my foot for 5 minutes and then she switched it off.. then my alarm clock went off and I was fast asleep and she started poking me.. this went on for 15 minutes... im now black and blue ;-)

    On another note.. I have to pack up a lot of stuff tonight.. Europes biggest antik flea market is opening tomorrow morning at 4AM and I have to be there at 5AM... I want to clean out my apartment and want to emphty out a lot of old antik documents and papers that accumulated the last 15 years... maybe even make a few euros in the process.. ;-)

    Anyway its very cool to deal with people from around the world.. everyone is searching for a bargain .. ;-)

    wish me luck.

    Ian :-)


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    Posted · A Coffee between friends :-) How was Your Day ?

    Good luck! Where is this flea market? .. In Germany?


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    Posted · A Coffee between friends :-) How was Your Day ?

    I guess this thread is most suited.

    Note to self, make sure ALL the wires are out of the way... *sigh*



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    Posted · A Coffee between friends :-) How was Your Day ?

    Robert? Seriously? You're gonna try and bury that confession in some 'Gossip' thread? Coward!! :-p


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    Posted · A Coffee between friends :-) How was Your Day ?

    Robert? Seriously? You're gonna try and bury that confession in some 'Gossip' thread? Coward!! :-P



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    Posted · A Coffee between friends :-) How was Your Day ?

    You're right, I should be dragged out into the town square, stripped down and shamed publicly for my stupidity as an example for generations to come.

    I take no responsibility for any mental scarring incurred by picturing me naked.


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    Posted · A Coffee between friends :-) How was Your Day ?

    Damn the last days were exhausting..... sorry that i have not uploaded the final stuff for the spool/feederholder yet.... i just made the changes and now only have to reprint one part to make sure the issue is really resolved.... even if it was just a minor one.... but damn is it hot today where i am 26 degrees..... could it not be 20 degrees less? :D


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    Posted · A Coffee between friends :-) How was Your Day ?

    My last few days have been exhausting. I have done a lot of thinking and walking because I don't know what to do about my ex/still wife. And while I can barely focus, eat, sleep - I am working on a mobile game with my friend. I thought I'd distract myself and tick off easy tasks like searching for a specific sound effect but now I am stuck at it for hours and still haven't found one.

    How hard is to find a really big and clean earth shattering BOOM sound for a common 20 feet monster samurai falling from the skies and landing on a meadow - Jesus!

    On the upside - I am burning through filament spools because the printer mustn't ever sleep :)

    I started printing gifts for friends in advance and I am also experimenting with some weirder models like the wall mounted deer head (http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:239585).

    But I am positive because winter is over and today I could walk outside only wearing a t-shirt (and pants, occasionally).


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    Posted · A Coffee between friends :-) How was Your Day ?

    No matter how bad it gets, Stefan, remember the pants... it's important.


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    Posted · A Coffee between friends :-) How was Your Day ?

    No matter how bad it gets, Stefan, remember the pants... it's important.

    damn... I knew I forgot something this morning.... LOL :wink:


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    Posted · A Coffee between friends :-) How was Your Day ?

    My last few days have been exhausting. I have done a lot of thinking and walking because I don't know what to do about my ex/still wife. And while I can barely focus, eat, sleep - I am working on a mobile game with my friend. I thought I'd distract myself and tick off easy tasks like searching for a specific sound effect but now I am stuck at it for hours and still haven't found one.

    How hard is to find a really big and clean earth shattering BOOM sound for a common 20 feet monster samurai falling from the skies and landing on a meadow - Jesus!

    On the upside - I am burning through filament spools because the printer mustn't ever sleep :)

    I started printing gifts for friends in advance and I am also experimenting with some weirder models like the wall mounted deer head (link).

    But I am positive because winter is over and today I could walk outside only wearing a t-shirt (and pants, occasionally).

    Couldnt say it better than this... :wink:


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    Posted · A Coffee between friends :-) How was Your Day ?

    ps... how do i paste in a youtube video directly into my post ??

    Ian :-)


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    Posted · A Coffee between friends :-) How was Your Day ?

    Hi all, and good happy monday to all of you :mrgreen:

    Have been experimenting with prints that need support this weekend. This can be a real pain in the @ss :mrgreen:

    Except that i gave my first 3d printed gift to my brother (a go-pro handle) and i also gave him a little money which i placed in the labyrinth gift box that Robert created i think (very fun). I already plan to make more of these because it's very funny to see the gifted person struggle to open it.

    A part from this weather is getting better i had the opportunity to have a picnic with my daughter yesterday but today back to crappy work :mad:


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    Posted · A Coffee between friends :-) How was Your Day ?

    picnics are always really lovely :-)

    Can I ask you what crappy work do you do ?

    Ian :-)


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    Posted · A Coffee between friends :-) How was Your Day ?

    About my weekend.. as the coffee maschine warms up... :-)

    Saturday morning got up at 5AM and sold old photos and documents at the famous AGRA antik flohmarkt in Leipzig.

    Morning was freezing and I thought my feet were going to fall off but then at 11... the sun came out and we got cooked :-)

    Made 120 euros profit from the day.

    Sunday took my 120 euros and brough my girlfriend for a day trip to the Palaces of Potsdam. Walked 4 hours around the palaces and parks... amazing place !.. bought yummy ice cream and then went into Potsdam and sat down to a really tasty Italian pizza dinner. Came home and did Solidworks and feeder testing for 3 hours.. collapsed into bed...

    That kind of weekend reminded me that life is actually a real treasure.. its just sitting down here now in my office... having nothing to do that... starts getting me down again....

    Ian :-)



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    Posted · A Coffee between friends :-) How was Your Day ?

    @lan i'm a software developper (Java) i work in a big company which provides geeks like me to other companies and the things i work on at the moment are not interesting at all.

    Strangely i got even more bored at work since i received my um2...


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    Posted · A Coffee between friends :-) How was Your Day ?

    My last few days have been exhausting. I have done a lot of thinking and walking because I don't know what to do about my ex/still wife. And while I can barely focus, eat, sleep - I am working on a mobile game with my friend. I thought I'd distract myself and tick off easy tasks like searching for a specific sound effect but now I am stuck at it for hours and still haven't found one.

    How hard is to find a really big and clean earth shattering BOOM sound for a common 20 feet monster samurai falling from the skies and landing on a meadow - Jesus!

    On the upside - I am burning through filament spools because the printer mustn't ever sleep :)

    I started printing gifts for friends in advance and I am also experimenting with some weirder models like the wall mounted deer head (link).

    But I am positive because winter is over and today I could walk outside only wearing a t-shirt (and pants, occasionally).


    It a poignant reminder that behind all the avatars and jokey comments are real people with real lives.

    Stefan, I wish you well my friend.


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    Posted · A Coffee between friends :-) How was Your Day ?

    forums are nice and happy and fluffy places but it is very refreshing to see the real people behind the laughter!

    Ian :-)


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    Posted · A Coffee between friends :-) How was Your Day ?

    It a poignant reminder that behind all the avatars and jokey comments are real people with real lives.

    Stefan, I wish you well my friend.


    I agree.. Stefan I you the best, it is a shi*tty situation.

    Take care man!


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    Posted · A Coffee between friends :-) How was Your Day ?

    You suckers, you made me all weepy (which isn't too hard to do lately) :)

    Thanks guys.

    @Ian: To paste Youtube videos just enter the url with no extra parameters (I use the share feature on youtube to get the short url like this: youtu.be/SJUhlRoBL8M (I did cut off the http:// part here so it won't show the video inline)).

    @Ian: About your exciting work - aren't you allowed to bring a laptop with you? Then you could tinker with Solidworks all day. Or if you have a beefy machine just slap Virtualbox or VMWare on it, install your own Windows and use Solidworks with it.

    It is funny how we humans complain when we have too much to do or nothing at all. I worked for a computer helpline once and didn't have anything to do at times. I have read so many books back then...

    Btw. I wonder how AaronAlai is doing. He has not posted anything for two weeks now. I dread we'll soon witness the Franken-UM2 he has secretly built :)


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    Posted · A Coffee between friends :-) How was Your Day ?

    Thats the difference.. go to a makerbot forum and you will have a group of people talking about meeting and doing electronics testing through the night.. the ultimakers users will meet.. drink a red wine together.. watch Sleepless in Seattle and talk about our feelings... :smile: LOL.

    But all joking aside. I really like being here on the forum and know I can share with people a little about me and ask for some advice from the other good people here...

    3D PRINTING.... FINDING FRIENDS..... LIFE BUILDING.... :smile: :smile: :smile:... http://www.ultimaker.com

    And happy we can help sometimes Stefan and reminding you that there are so many good things and happy things in your life... like US :wink:

    Ian :smile:

    ps. about AaronAlai.

    Im sure hes knee deep in prints at the moment.. perfecting the perfect PLA printed sun glasses with LED illimination :wink:

    pss. Im not allowed to install non work related software in the office.. :wink:

    I do have a laptop and am doing solidworks design work for a cool filament feeder idea I have.. thats the cool fun part of my life.... the other time im sending my CV to every company in germany looking for a creative solidworks designer..... :smile:

    Ian :smile:


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