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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. Thank you for your post and welcome to the forum. To rule out any uncertainties, could you post a picture of your hot end and point out which screw is stuck? I think I know which one you are talking about, but it wouldn't be the first time where we ended up talking about completely different parts Like Nallath says, switching from ABS to PLA is not the best idea and should come with a sufficient amount of cleaning. Have you switched to an Olsson Block? If so, here you can find the manual on how to finish the assembly. I think going at it with a pair of pliers is probably your best bet, or alternatively you could also use a file or some kind to make a new engravement in the top so your screwdriver has a better/new grip. Good luck! Keep us updated.
  2. Hi @Jameshs, There are a few ways a user can find the unread posts. The bottom line is that you can recognize them by the blue bar on the left of the overview. You can use this filter if you want to bundle them in one screen. You could also use your default view, or rank them based on certain categories or time. You can store the filter you prefer, so when you visit the forum from your computer it automatically will show you the filtered topics. You can also customize your default overview (without a saved filter) by changing the order in which certain categories are presented to you and how many sub categories you'll see presented. You can list your favorite categories all the way up and you can even hide the ones you don't care about. I also heard from Anders that he experienced the forum as slow. I have told him that I would share his (and yours) experience with our team of dev's and we can see how we can make it faster. Where are you based @Jameshs, if I may ask? 'Best replies' are replies which have received most likes. By clicking on it, you are being escorted to that like-able post. I don't fully understand why you consider the forum as if we closed sourced ourselves from the community. Would you care to elaborate? Do you mean because we write the knowledge base instead of it being moderated by the community? I think it is a fact that we can not (no one can?) satisfy everyone, but our 'core users' as you are one of, are very important to us. And we will go to lengths to keep you happy. So I am curious to hear what steps you felt broke that loyalty. I don't think it is due to design, or even speed (as frustrating that may be). It probably is a sum of more things, but if you want to share your impression with me perhaps we can grow closer towards each other. Looking forward hearing from you!
  3. I just checked and the glass transition temp of XT is 75ºC. So @Neotko is right.
  4. You could also check if the drive bolt on your extruder motor is nice and clean. What are the teethmarks on your filament like? A picture could help if you want to add it.
  5. What nozzle have you installed? Are you sure it is the same as the one listed in Cura? It could be 'plain' under extrusion. Since you just installed the Olsson Block I don't think your nozzle could be clogged. They should be just new. So an Atomic Method probably won't lead to anything. Have you ever replaced the PTFE coupler?
  6. You current model could fit, but I think it would be better if you for example added some holders to it in for example tinkercad, so it ends up at the same area as where you originally would mount it. If you mount it somewhere else the cool air it is generating will probably not end up with your 3D print.
  7. Thanks. I'll share your feedback with our dev's so we can include it for the next sprint. I think it should fit the agenda. Otherwise I'll let you know it is scheduled for the next.
  8. Updates previous sessions: Community Ulti-Evening We made some preparations behind the scenes for an international expansion of the concept of 'Ulti-Evening'. These preparations are now behind the scene but results should surface within the next few months. Hidden album Every user now has a private uploads folder for images, which is hidden from every other user 3D prints We've added 3D prints to the moderation screen Nozzle sizes Nozzle size has been added to the 3D prints section Mark as read Mark as read now works on the 'topics' view Print inserter A user can share a 3D print from the 3D print session. These 'cards' can be shared with iframe, also on external platforms that support iframe embedding. New visitors When a new visitor comes to the website, a pop up is presented to suggest a registration to our community, if they don't want to miss any new updates. Cura We emphasised the BETA versions from the download page. Reminders After registration you receive a reminder if you have nog logged in after 2 days. Tooltips We've added tooltips on editor icons, this way people can see more clearly what the icons mean and do. Chatroom There is a chatroom again! Email delivery We've built in a new email system (Mandrill) which is quick and reliable Moderator options Some new moderator options Privacy issues Privacy issue with http/https fixed White submenu bar The white submenu bar is back on the community Notifier We've added a notifier when you navigate away from a page when you've typed something. This is useful when you accidentally navigate away by either closing or refreshing the page or by going back a page. Labels Changed the way the solved label works, it's now more obvious and it also shows up in Google. This way users searching for an issue quickly see if the issue was solved. Filter Added the topic filter "Solved topics", to easily find topics with solutions and added the topic filter "Unreplied topics", to find inactive topics easily.
  9. I promised I would update this thread so here we go: Updates from February: Ghost notifications: did some fixes to address ghost notifications. Like notifications in the bell dropdown menu are now set to read when you open the topic in a different way (e.g. from the forum overview). And inactive users (not approved yet by mods) don't generate notifications anymore Modified Ultimakers In the edit profile page a user can input extra info about his products. This info will show up in their profile. It also shows up in the user profile card next to a topic/reply when you click on the user's printers. @Dim3nsioneer, I believe this one was yours? Error messages. There's an error message now when you upload an image that's not a JPG, PNG or GIF Image deleted When a post has an imag that's been deleted by the user it now shows this message: "Image deleted by user". This is also the case for deleted prints. Email notification tweak Preview text is slightly darker grey, makes it easier to read. And when you receive a notification from a DM, the entire DM is shown in the email, instead of a preview text of a few words @IRobertI, let us know what you think. Picture orientation Pictures uploaded from phones should be oriented correctly now. Mark as read Mark as read / delete notification should work again on phones NotificationsTurning off notifications for new prints actually works now Drag and dropYou can now drag and drop the order of images in an uploaded 3D print Featured printsThe featured print is now the most liked print that's not older than 7 days. Before it was the most liked print that wasn't older than a month. Issues DM Issues that some users had with DM's should be resolved. If not, please let us know the details. Audio The audio bug should be fixed, as we no longer check with Javascript if the device supports audio. Profile pictures On some devices the user profile picture was shown in half behind an embedded print card. Should be fixed. PreviewThe reply/topic preview now opens in a popup in the same tab, instead of in a new tab. SubmenuThe community submenu bar now has an active state. Moderator functionality: in the mod screen you now see all of the categories and the topic title in a reply card. The topic title is clickable so a mod can check what the user is actually replying to. Blog reply notifications now actually go to the reply, instead of the top of the blog post.
  10. Thanks @Labern for the tip. Labern suggested I post a list of improvements we have made. That way you get some more insight in what is being done, and tells you the forum continuous to be an organic, growing and evolving platform. We started doing this when the forum just went live but for some reason it disappeared from my radar. Anyway, I'll update the list based on the last few updates we made so you have more insight in what we do. Ghost notifications: did some fixes to address ghost notifications. Like notifications in the bell dropdown menu are now set to read when you open the topic in a different way (e.g. from the forum overview). And inactive users (not approved yet by mods) don't generate notifications anymore Modified Ultimakers In the edit profile page a user can input extra info about his products. This info will show up in their profile. It also shows up in the user profile card next to a topic/reply when you click on the user's printers. @Dim3nsioneer, I believe this one was yours? Error messages. There's an error message now when you upload an image that's not a JPG, PNG or GIF Image deleted When a post has an imag that's been deleted by the user it now shows this message: "Image deleted by user". This is also the case for deleted prints. Email notification tweak Preview text is slightly darker grey, makes it easier to read. And when you receive a notification from a DM, the entire DM is shown in the email, instead of a preview text of a few words @IRobertI, let us know what you think. Picture orientation Pictures uploaded from phones should be oriented correctly now. Mark as read Mark as read / delete notification should work again on phones NotificationsTurning off notifications for new prints actually works now Drag and dropYou can now drag and drop the order of images in an uploaded 3D print Featured printsThe featured print is now the most liked print that's not older than 7 days. Before it was the most liked print that wasn't older than a month. Issues DM Issues that some users had with DM's should be resolved. If not, please let us know the details. Audio The audio bug should be fixed, as we no longer check with Javascript if the device supports audio. Profile pictures On some devices the user profile picture was shown in half behind an embedded print card. Should be fixed. PreviewThe reply/topic preview now opens in a popup in the same tab, instead of in a new tab. SubmenuThe community submenu bar now has an active state. Moderator functionality: in the mod screen you now see all of the categories and the topic title in a reply card. The topic title is clickable so a mod can check what the user is actually replying to. Blog reply notifications now actually go to the reply, instead of the top of the blog post. This is the list of what we did last sprint, which was 2,5 weeks. I'll copy this list to this thread and add the list of the last few sprints as well. If you want your feedback to be included in the list of next sprint, let me know!
  11. Have you already tried the kapton tape? Usually, if you print around 50mm/s with 90ºC bed temp you should have sufficient adhesion. Good luck!
  12. On it I have received a DM and sent @Dweldz a reply.
  13. See there you go again ,scaring us! Everyone says "just splice in another, works fine!" then a couple threads later, people say not to....I wish Ultimaker or somebody would give a definitive answer on if we CAN splice another fan in safely (with same power limits as first fan) or not. You can! I did it too! Didn't I mention this already a couple of times?
  14. Not sure if the picture is playing tricks but on your drive bolt it looks like the bottom half has pointy teeth and the upper half has flat teeth? Seeing if you can pull out the filament by hand is a good test and your theory also sounds plausible. Do you have a spare, new nozzle? Only swapping the nozzle could be a good test to check your theory.
  15. Have you also considered adding the fan to this part of the screws? That is where they were located when I installed my second fan.
  16. Hi, We are working on expanding our knowledgebase as some of you have already pointed out. It will be expanded with the following categories and we'll work hard on filling it up completely with valuable and relevant content. The topics it will have (although the titles might be improved) 3D Modeling Slicing Materials Improving print quality Post processing Maintenance Print tutorials Upgrade tutorials Lesson plans Terminology General knowledge If you have specific knowledge in any of these areas and you want to contribute feel free to let me know and we'll see how we can all best work together! Alternatively, if you have any other suggestions I would be happy to hear about them too.
  17. wow guys, come on. I would be the last one to deny we didn't have a rough start but from day 1 we have been here online, collecting your feedback and including it in our developments. We even went out to visit some of our community members in person to talk with them and make sure their feedback was collected. And we also wanted to make a statement, it was a gesture to show our good intentions and respect to you, our community. This offer still stands. Anyone who wants to talk about the community, forum or needs to get something else of their chest, please contact me and I would be happy to hear you out. Even if it is just a feeling like; it feels clumsy or sluggish. I would love to hear what you think causes this feeling so we can work towards improving it. A lot of energy goes into getting frustrated, angry and venting, but this energy can also be used to help build something, or be a stakeholder in the process. @LePaul, what makes you think we don't take complaints seriously? All feedback we have received was implemented, or was put on the agenda for a later date if it was too complex. There are only 2 things that remain open, which frustrate me as well, I am a user too. The ghost notifications that pop up and the search engine. Both have been proven to be more difficult to fix than a common bug, but it is still on our agenda. I understand, feeling annoyed doesn't have to be rational, so maybe there is no concrete example but I hope you at least want to try to put it in words to give us a chance to make things right. Overall, the message is; if you want it to get better, talk to us. Going away will help nothing. Moving forward, I'll take the suggestions of highlighting / sticker at heart and talk with my moderators to highlight interesting topics. @Neotko, would you be interested in helping? We are also working on expanding our knowledgebase, which will be expanded with different topics like; 3D modelling - post processing - materials - maintenance etc. This could be considered as the alternative for a wiki. If anyone is interested in contributing to these pages, if you have the knowledge, let me know! We have a dedicated colleague on this project. @LePaul, @Labern and @zumfab, If you feel unheard, please let me know so I can help and we can do a better job. Thank you guys, together we are the only ones who can make things better.
  18. Hi Jeroen, What do you mean by crashes? Does it reboot itself, or you can not continue in the wizard? - If you prefer to communicate in Dutch, we also have a Dutch section on our forums where all of our Dutch friends hang out. In this section English is the desired language.
  19. Can you make a screenshot? Thank you!
  20. Ok, first heat up your nozzle. Then you can remove the blue horse shoe from underneath the white clip at your feeder. If you have done so, push down the white clip and pull out the bowden tube. You should be able to grab the remaining filament and pull it out. Good luck!
  21. @Labern, I understand your train of thought. I would think filament is being extruded in a liquified shape, and being 'squished' on the previous layer. It would probably flatten it and ensure a 'good' layer adhesion. With a flat nozzle hole, I think it will show things like with calligraphy where you can not have dimensionally accuracy. (unless, you can rotate the nozzle, but that sounds very complex ) @Neotko, brainstorming is good! Whatever idea you have, shoot it my way! Unless it involves a certain different forum platform, I have plenty of those suggestions already The problem with blocking of a nozzle, is that you 'force' it to stay inside. Inside a hot nozzle. So that would probably always lead to clogged nozzles, unless you have something to cool down the nozzle 'immediately'. Any ideas how a nozzle could improve printing with flexible materials? @Labern, nice idea by the way with the different shaped nozzles. How would this affect layer adhesion? About the needle, cool! Just like your other hot pin idea. It adds different functionalities to the machine next to 3D printing. How could we make 3D printing more versatile?
  22. Maybe this thread holds some answers for you There are various threads to be found on our forums about dual fans on the Ultimaker Original. I know @LePaul is also working on this now.
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