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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. If you want tips on how to print small, @labern is your guy!
  2. I guess 15º depends on what angle it is uploaded to start with? It would be better to have a certain angle depending on the gantry. It would be even betterderder to solve it, like @IRobertI suggested. Either hardware or firmware related? Could it be as simple as upgrading to motors with more microsteps?
  3. Your cilinder test looks great and so does your Atomic Method (if you performed it correctly, your nozzle is very clean!)
  4. Whichever you believe would help a future reader! And without a doubt a big thank you 2 @Nallath and @MartijnvG
  5. Is it infill or is it motor-resolution/micro-stepping?
  6. Definitely! @Wisar, if you have found an answer to your problem, would you be so kind to select the answer that helped you as 'Best Answer'. It would help future readers to get to the answer faster. Thank you!
  7. A while ago I saw a prototype of this project in a video but never heard of it again until just now. MX3D will be 3D-printing a bridge over water, with the robots who build it on the very same bridge, going from one side to the other. Joris Laarman is also part of the team, who we may know from this famous chair. Next to this bridge, Amsterdam is also still working on building this full size canal-house. I must admit, we are doing some pretty cool stuff here in the Netherlands
  8. It seems like you are using a variety of materials. Could you do a list of what materials you are using? Usually, if you use an Ultimaker / Colorfabb PLA you should be able to use a regular CURA-profile. (50mm/s - 210ºC - 10%infill - default retraction settings) You could run it through Netfabb to fix your model, if you are worried it is not optimized for 3D printing.
  9. How long do you have your Ultimaker? If you have printed various materials, or maybe just 'because'.. there could be some junk in your nozzle. Applying the Atomic Method could really help. Is your feeder ticking / making small steps backwards? (I will move your topic to Hardware > troubleshooting)
  10. Were those captains inside that troyan horse first?
  11. @sopmod03, if you have found your answer between the replies please select one by selecting it as 'Best Answer'. It will help future readers to find their answer with a similar issue. Thanks!
  12. I think this is maybe something where a community solution will be much faster... While I think we have a responsibility in this, I must agree I think a community solution would be faster. Hopefully we will make a move in this as well.
  13. What are you planning on making? If it is just for display purposes PLA would hold up very well. If it will be exposed to high temperatures you may want to consider ABS or CPE (UPET doesn't exist anymore), but remember PLA is much easier to print with.
  14. @Jeex wrote a detailed report about his thoughts
  15. We already liked 3D PrinterOS because of their efforts on improving the 3D printing experience and offering online classes with Ultimaker. Now they also have opened up their development and went open source, hooray! Have any of you guys used their software to connect your Ultimaker / 3D Printer to the cloud? How did it go for you, and what advantages did it have for you? That leads to another very interesting topic.. the cloud. What would happen when it is more common for 3D printers to be connected to the internet? It would make it very easy to gather information and use that information for example to predict print profiles and give advice per X-hours to do maintenance etc. Would you consider connecting your printer to the cloud a good thing or not?
  16. Ok, I will send it over in a little bit. Thank you. And good to hear you had such a great time @UltiArjan! I suspect your Ultimaker was very popular?
  17. Hi @lepaul, Did you manage to fix your problem? If you have found your solution in the replies, please select it as the best answer to help future readers with a similar question. Thank you!
  18. Hi @rob_hoffman2003 If you have found your solution in the replies, please select it as the best answer to help future readers with a similar question. Thank you!
  19. Hi @eric-rea, If you have found your solution in the replies, please select it as the best answer to help future readers with a similar question. Thank you!
  20. Hi @CT2015, did you find an answer to your problem? If you have found your solution in the replies, please select it as the best answer to help future readers with a similar question. Thank you!
  21. @Nallath, do you have any tips for Roald?
  22. Thanks guys! Well, it is still closer to my last birthday then it is to my next so it is fine by me What have you guys been up to?
  23. @titus, wow hope you are ok dude! Hopefully you are in your own bed, and not a hospital's bed? Take care! @UltiArjan, yes I agree. There have been attempts to document it better but they usually stranded due to something like 'hay', 'fork' and 'a lot'. For that reason we also asked if there were people who regularly visited had any interest in participating sharing the content. I am still looking at the best way to implement it, but I did receive quite some positive feedback. Which I am very happy about! We know the current registration doesn't add a lot of value, and on a short term we want to change this (if possible also with previous editions).
  24. We have video's from the previous editions, and the one from yesterday will also be put online shortly. But the upload's do not contain the information shared during the Ulti-Evening and will need to be edited again. Currently they are global impressions of the evening. If you want to see them, they can be found here.
  25. How has everyone been doing? Personally I had a great weekend! Just turned 30 on Thursday, had a great party on Friday and Saturday. Was a great opportunity to invite all my cousins, uncle's and aunt's which I don't see very frequently and catch up. Summer is finally catching on here in the Netherlands.. which means I am already on my third sunburn this year How was your weekend?
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