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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. Hi D, Thank you for your post. Indeed it has been in our planning to make it available, unfortunately it has turned out otherwise. The reviews you have read most likely date from the days when it was still in the planning, I can see how that has misinformed you. We still feel it has a lot to bring to the table, as a single extruder. There are not a lot of reliable dual extrusion machines out there, make sure to know that what you need is available. If you are confident about canceling your order, send me a DM before April 22nd. You are entitled to send it back within 2 weeks after it is shipped out, and I am willing to extend this for you until the 22nd as a gesture of good will. After the 22nd we will consider the purchase definite. Looking forward hearing from you,
  2. Hi Orion, I have send you a DM. Thanks for bringing this up again!
  3. I'll pretend I didn't hear that and make sure you get a reply today.
  4. Very interesting! I am happy to see you are also involved. About the extra parts, what is your ticket ID?
  5. Hah Skint, I should sent you a picture of our office.. I am surrounded by Ultimaker's! (I won't now.. not until the 'clean desk policy' gets more ground here..) I am ashamed of myself every morning I enter the office I am currently very busy preparing for the 3D Printshow NYC. We just came out of Madrid and Berlin which were great to kick of the events-season, NYC will be huge. We have a few debuts coming, one of them being an all new fresh booth :eek: :ph34r: Anyone planning on going to 3D Printshow NYC?
  6. You could also check out MakerShed, 3DUniverse, Imakr or Amazon.
  7. At the moment there is a lead time of 5-10 business days. please get in touch with our support team if you want any more information. Thank you for your time,
  8. Thank you for your post, but I seem to miss your point. Is there a question? Any way we can help? We use a very customer friendly policy, and at any time during the lead time or after just receiving the order a customer has the opportunity to cancel / return his unit and get a refund if he/she desires.
  9. Hi Krys, Good to have you on board! Looking forward seeing your first prints!
  10. Sounds like FedEx did a number on your machine. Unfortunately this hasn't happen to you alone.. It does sound you got off with a scare? If anything was damaged, post some pictures so we can help you trouble shoot the machine. If it is aesthetics you can contact Dynamism or FBRC8. Good to have you on board on the forums! Looking forward seeing your first prints
  11. Do you have a video of it working?? It is not like I don't believe you it is just well.. you know. Video or it didn't happen?
  12. Thank you, I got a note that Derek's payment went through and so did yours. Happy to hear everything was solved Again our apologies it took a bit longer then expected, thank you for your patience.
  13. Hi Cerilla, thank you for your note. I am sorry to hear you have been waiting so long, and also quite surprised about it. Did you get an order confirmation and have you been in touch with iGo3D? If you could share your ordernumber with me (you can DM me) I will make sure to reach out to them and make some one contact you and give you an update. Personally, I am in Madrid at the moment for the 3D Printshow so my reply may be a little bit slower but I will keep an eye out for your reply. Thank you for your patience and understanding. @AmyInNH, thank you for your post and taking your time to read through the forum. I am not going to lie, certainly we have had our fair share of problems and obviously those reflect on the forums because that is where people share their experience. But I must add, it is not the customer service that is lacking, in fact we work night and day to get back with everyone. If you have read through the different threads you should also read that sometimes a reply is slow, but we always will make things right and we will never leave a customer behind. In my opinion a valuable asset for a company. We have faced some problems with the IT-environment but those are improving, as you can see most posts (I saw you also replied to another thread) are older, and it is a sign we are improving our ways. If you want to check on other printers, you should! I recommend to read into the scene and see who offers what and where you can find the experience which is best for your need. And if you end up back with Ultimaker, (we did win the test for a reason) I would be happy to welcome you to the community Let me know if you have any other questions!
  14. Hi Derek, thank you for your post. I will bring this to the attention of my colleague who was helping you and make sure you get a reply soon. Thank you for being patient, it is much appreciated.
  15. Very interesting and detailed write up, thanks SP3D! I am happy to read your future posts about your experience and comparison. It looks like, and I hope they will both continue to be a great attribution to your toolbox!
  16. Ziet er gaaf uit Arjan, neem je jouw ontwerp ook mee? Ik heb het altijd prachtig gevonden om die eerste laag geprint te zien worden, vooral bij een complexe multi-part print en dat is met dit precies hetzelfde. Die eerste lijnen die zo precies worden neergezet, heerlijk! @Korneel, natuurlijk! Wellicht is het leuk eerst het thema even zijn beloop te laten gaan, maar neem vooral zo'n Olssen heater block mee. Ik denk dat veel mensen dat graag zien, en daarvoor zijn de ulti-evenings vooral ook. Om dingen te delen met de community.
  17. Please don't take my reply as offensive, it was more an invitation to expand this hack I think adding a knife would probably damage your build plate. You could add a steel plate, but I am not sure if it would work. I was thinking of a low power laser instead of a knife..
  18. This topic is about transforming it into a pen plotter. But if you can convert it into a vinyl cutter I will make sure it will be the topic of one of the next Ulti-evenings!
  19. Hi Guys, The next Ulti-evening is coming up with another inspiring and creative theme. As ever the interactive part is key in these get-togethers, and this time we are going to transform our Ultimaker in a desktop pen plotter! We also wrote a blog about it, in case you can't wait or if you want to prepare yourself Together we can transform our printers, and learn what it takes to get your Ultimaker to draw our pictures, drawings or designs. Date: 23-03-2015 Time: 17.00 - 22.00 Location: ProtoSpace, Utrecht 17.00 - 18.00 Arrival (bring your Ultimaker) and order food if you want. 18.00 - 18.30 Short introduction 18.30 - 19.00 Food! 19.00 - 22.00 Plotting time! See you then!
  20. Hi Guys, De volgende Ulti-evening staat weer bijna voor de deur met weer een erg leuk thema! Zoals altijd blijft het interactieve deel de kern van deze bijeenkomsten. Dit keer gaan we onze Ultimaker ombouwen tot een desktop pen plotter. We hebben hier ook een leuke blog over geschreven! Samen kunnen we onze printers ombouwen en leren wat er voor nodig is om onze foto's, tekeningen en ontwerpen uit te laten tekenen door onze Ultimaker. Datum: 23-03-2015 Tijd: 17.00 - 22.00 Locatie: ProtoSpace, Utrecht 17.00 - 18.00 Binnenkomst (Neem je Ultimaker mee) en bestel eventueel eten. 18.00 - 18.30 Korte introductie 18.30 - 19.00 Eten 19.00 - 22.00 Plotting time! Tot dan!
  21. Hi, I just heard you have received several answers; from me on the forum, a reply from my colleague over email and another reply from my colleague over facebook so I think you got our attention. I will tell my colleague from support to help you towards a solution, so the rest of us can focus on our other customers Thank you and have a great day!
  22. Hi malopezn, Thank you for your post. For the emails you have send, did you get a TicketID? If you send an email to our support team through the ticket system you should, and it would help me to track down your ticket. Our apologies that your problem has not been solved, we will work with you towards a solution as soon as possible.
  23. Not that long ago we introduced you to Joris van Tubergen, the first community member we covered in our series Community Stories. Near the end of that story we told you Joris printed a life size 1:1 elephant on his Ultimaker. We wrote a blog about how you can do this too!
  24. Thank you, I am very happy to hear so. Believe me, it is very high on our agenda! There is a lot of room for improvement, but even still changes and choices in this area should not be taken lightly and require a lot of preparation and investigating. But you should be happy to know we have a few people working on that.
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