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Everything posted by LePaul

  1. So using the Ulticontroller, how high (in %) would it take to go from 10 mm/sec back up to 40 (or more?) How high can the Ulticontroller go above 100%?
  2. I'd slow down to 40mm/sec and 210C...and set Flow back to default (100)....try again
  3. I recently upgraded my UMO to the Heated Bed Plate and while I had everything apart, I discovered a lot of things had come loose over the years. Some of the electronic terminals needed a half twist to be snug again. I also had the two back cover pieces to the rods come apart...the nut was still on the thread but it wasn't a lot of fun to put back together! Good luck!
  4. Hmm so first layer at 70C bed temp then back it down to 55 after the first couple layers are on? I usually print at 40 mm /sec , nice balance of slow but not crazy fast Interesting to see what others are doing. From all the videos I've seen about the Ultimaker 2, I hadn't seen much discussion on bed temps
  5. That's a very enlightening and good piece. I'm pleased Ultimaker has been successful and shipping a lot of printers I look forward to seeing what the larger printers will offer. I know with my R2-D2 and BB-8 printing, larger would be very convenient!
  6. I'm also noticing...with the bed at 55, this print I am doing, it has a large square base....the front left as lifted up some from the bed. Should the bed be a tad cooler? Or resort to brim?
  7. LePaul


    I guess this screen has me a bit stumped...
  8. LePaul


    Question....how should you adjust the Ultimaker 1 profile to use the Heated Bed?
  9. Just installed the Heated Bed Upgrade to my Ultimaker Original and wanted to do a long test print. Overall a good print, it was stringy in areas so I think the retraction needs tweaking. The surface shows all those zig zags...not sure how to clean that up? (Noticed the picture of it on Thingiverse looked the same too) Since I had to add a new printer in CURA, I think I need to search for the tweaks I had as a stock UMO! But, tips appreciated Put it to work right away ColorFabb Black PHA/PLA, 210C 40mm/sec, 0.2 mm layers, Bed Temp 55.
  10. ANOTHER little discovery....for those going from unheated beds to heated! BED LEVELING! For years, prior to loading the file, I would heat the print head to 175 and use a piece of paper to calibrate the bed. Just a touch of friction and I'd call it good. Well with a heated bed, you need to HEAT THE BED as well! Heat rises, so that little gap you thought you had tuned in just right is no more! I discovered this the hard way. I had a print starting and the skirt lines only appeared on one side and nothing on the other (bed too close). Opps! So...while this may sound silly to those who have had a heated bed forever, this was all new to me. The upgrade documentation really doesn't walk you through basic calibration as thoroughly as it should. (Especially, as in an upgrade situation, you've been doing your own way for years!) I guess what I would be GREATLY interested in knowing is....How do you calibrate your bed? What I did....and not sure it's the best way to do it...I pre-heated the nozzle to 175C and the bed to 55. Disabled steppers and did the 3 point bed leveling with a sheet of paper. I find this kind of funny yet very educational.
  11. I've had good luck with ColorFabb as well. Although white is a challenge!
  12. Interesting thread, I just got the heated bed working on my UMO and the idea of dual fans seems like a good idea (my robot test print had some real overhang troubles on the right side) I see fans of all shape and size online and wondering if you can 'splice in' another fan into the existing fan's power lead?
  13. Pulled a cracker? I love this forum being so international. Being from the United States, my mind was wondering if it was a Saltine or a Ritz cracker
  14. I turned off the [annoying] 'New Print' notifications and just got another. Can you guys please go buy vBulletin Board or the like Or one that works with the Taptalk app?
  15. No Z issues showing, just annoying sound...I wish I could get in there to adjust it minus a complete teardown of the z-axis. And it's only that one side showing the rubbing.
  16. I'll try 60C next time...didn't you recently post a lot of details about best heated bed temps? I searched and searched for that, but the search function on the forum isn't quite the best. A follow up question... If one were to use the 10:1 ratio water & PVA Glue, what temps would be advisable? Same? Lower?
  17. I'm sure there's some really great tips out there....and I've tried to search for them! Here's my question and I hope others can chime in with what's worked for them/hasn't worked.... I'm a new member of the 'My printer has a heated bed club' ...I just installed the Heated Bed Upgrade kit in my Ultimaker Original. A few complications but I really had a good time with it. I did the first test robot print on a the 70C bed. I noticed the little guy's hands, which are the big overhangs in this print, really had a tough time. Since that's a small object and the hands are a 1/2 inch above the bed, it probably got pretty warm...maybe a tad cooked! On larger prints, I am guessing this wouldn't be a problem? So, friends....what tips can you offer! Maybe my question will help a newbie out someday!
  18. I moved the bed up and down a few times using the Z movement option on the Ulticontroller. I also added a bit of grease and the movement is very smooth, just that rubbing where the Z-Top cover rubs the back of the UMO back piece. A little annoying but knowing the source isn't mechanical...I'm OK with. Plus UMO's make all sorts of noise and this new bed just continues the tradition. I recorded the entire upgrade process and am going to post my YouTube review of the upgrade on my channel soon.
  19. It's been very wintery here too I got yelled at for using alternate transportation
  20. Hi Yeah the Ultimaker Robot test print was tough, the hands, the first overhangs, had a really tough time! I need to find out what the sweet spot it for temps on the bed
  21. Okay heated bed working! I see a crease on the back piece of my Ultimaker from the Z-Cap rubbing against it. Should this be a concern? I mean it will eventually wear ...but it's a bit noisy as the Z moves. I'll post a pic soon
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