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Everything posted by LePaul

  1. Got your PM and asked you some questions this already answers Be in touch!
  2. Welcome to the family. In retrospect, I enjoyed the assembly and learned a lot how the Ultimaker works. I'm hoping to upgrade to the heated build plate soon....and add an Ultimaker 2 to the workshop for evil inventors =)
  3. I'm receiving notifications of new replies where there are none
  4. I wonder if putting a small fan in...for some airflow would be wise?
  5. Since I am about to order the heated bed upgrade...is this something I should be on the lookout for (hot z-stepper motor)?
  6. Try the latest build of Cura. I had that problem with my UMO trying to print using one of the recent builds.
  7. Heads up....he posted it on Craigslist and it has been sold. Wish I could say it was to me!
  8. You've got bigger problems....your battery is almost dead!!
  9. You should live stream these with USTREAM or the like
  10. You'll find the community here extremely friendly and helpful. You will also be amazed at the level of modifications and tweaking many members do! -Makerbot, I have yet to hear a good thing about one. They once embraced open source...then sold out. Someone needs to hammer a wooden stake in their heart - TAZ4 and other machines look neat...but do some searches on YouTube for reviews on them. While some are quick to praise their build volume, they seem to have a fair amount of complaints about their complexity and software. I've never seen one in person but again, being the avid reader/review follower I am, advise you to do a cursory search and check them out. - Ultimaker was what opted to go with, obviously! I bought an Ultimaker Original two years ago after months of reading online reviews, forums and various articles. And I am debating an Ultimaker 2 or Ultimaker 2 Extended. The reviews are very good, my friends own them and the support team....and the community...are extremely helpful. If you have a problem on a Friday night, post on the forums....and you'll have responses fairly soon from very helpful gurus!
  11. I've been to a Mini Maker Faire (Dover, New Hampshire) before An amazing amount of science, technology and intrigued kids & young adults. I had my R2-D2 there last year and they had a few 3D printers (low end kits). I thought about going again this year with my Ultimaker but the scheduling doesn't work for me this year. Great events, attend if one is near you! http://makerfaire.com/map/
  12. When your United Air Lines 747 needs gas to make it to Australia, I'm not too picky either
  13. Its all together already? Very good! I was a little surprised at the removing of the lower caps too If you read the guide, its interesting the layout used.
  14. A couple comments/constructive criticism about the guide I downloaded, version 1.3 (I'm reading it prior to purchasing the upgrade) 1) I don't know if this is a Europe vs American layout style sort of thing but the directions jump around. I would expect the directions and pictures to go Left to Right. Not.. Up, Down, Far right up, Far right down, as they seem to be. I find it awkward to follow along. (As an example, I am trying to read along as I would a comic book) 2) There is no mention on how to attach the Z-screw to the new stepper motor. Perhaps easy to sort out once the pieces are in front of you. But going through the steps, it was just magically assembled already 3) The first steps of the directions state to remove the top caps (3B) and then shows a photo of the caps, 3A and 3B. The directions should include removing the lower caps (3A) Again, not being picky, just trying to be helpful!
  15. The previous version of P90x, which I have, has a DVD called "Plyometrics" Oh my word, that one left me hurting for days LOL Maybe I should check out the new version I tried the Insanity workout and that was just way to fast for me!
  16. Hi Nico, you've made a lot of progress on your machines since we both started out about the same time! I read the Tips and Tricks on ColorFabb, it looks like you are doing everything they suggest Adviced 3d printing temperature: 240-260C (colorFabb_XT filament produced before 7th februari can be printed at 220 - 240C) Adviced 3d print speed: 40 - 70 mm/s Advised Heated bed 60-70C (colorFabb_XT filament produced before 7th februari 2014 can be printed on a cold bed) Build platform For our latest release of colorFabb_XT (production date Februari 2014) we advice to print on a heated bed. If you’re using aluminum of glass as the build plate we advice using glue stick to make sure the first layer sticks well and keeps the part from warping. After printing, the build plate needs to cool down to about 20-30 C at which point you can remove the printed part.
  17. Appears they had some troubles with the Ultimaker 2 Extended but a good review over all LINK
  18. Are you using those Beachbody/workout/P90X videos everyone is crazy about here in the 'States? I couldn't handle those. And the video shows two guys the size of Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime and a girl whose pretty much a star gymnast. And they start the first video with 35 push ups to warm up! I work with the trainer at the gym. 45 mins of cardio and an hour or so of weights, focusing on a different muscle group each time. I hope to start sporting an Austrian accent like Arnold once i bulk up
  19. My wish list... Wider and taller build volume Think Iron Man helmet sized capacity like the Lulzbots, etc. Auto calibration. Many threads about it. Would be wonderful to have, or the ability to do manually. Improved print head. Again, lot's of good threads about Olsson blocks and other setups Built in Wifi. Better feeder. Coffee scented filament to make the house smell great
  20. Funny you say Imperial...its for a Star Wars Stormtrooper blaster
  21. My flight had a stop over in NZ. I was amazed how green it is. The gent sitting next to me remarked that NZ is where 'Xena Princess Warrior' and others shows were filmed. We landed in Christchurch so I never saw more than the three hours in the airport terminal :-)
  22. I had do look twice at your location to realize you are in New Zealand. Many years ago (1997) I spent a month in Australia during November. Summer was well on the way. Wonderful trip. Came home to the United States (Maine) in the midst of the first big snowstorm!
  23. Thanks for posting...and fixing the thread not showing! I can scale up but not knowing what the original size should be...tricky!
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