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Everything posted by nallath

  1. Well, they do have a 30 day money back guarantee.
  2. Well, Daid not the only coder working on it. As a matter of fact, he is one of the few coders -not- working on Cura at the moment. If you post the issue with the engine, combined with the solutions that you give here, we could take a look at it.
  3. If i recall correctly (im not an electronics guy, so i'm not quite sure) the older electronics have a jumper that can set the extrusion to 8x or 16x microstepping.
  4. Om nog even Harma te quoten; "Pritt is geen pritt!" Niet iedere pritt stift werkt even goed. Ik heb persoonlijk goede ervaringen met het blad goed schoon maken. Sommige mensen zweren bij prit of bij haarlak. Is ook wel een geval van persoonlijke voorkeur denk ik. Ik heb wel goede verhalen gehoord over het oplossen van wat prit in water en dat op het bed smeren, daar krijg je schijnbaar een mooi egale laag over je platform van.
  5. err derp derp. Download it. Damnit. You dont need to buy it.
  6. https://github.com/Ultimaker/CuraEngine/issues <- There is a new button issue. It helps if you post the following things; 1. What did you do to cause the problem? (Steps of the problem, data we can use to reproduce it) 2. Why do you think this is a problem (eg; What did you expect would happen and what actually happend)
  7. There is no one author of Cura. I assume you mean Daid, who is currently not even working on the slicing. It's not a matter about not being interested, it's a matter of not having resources or having other priorities. Just because we dont implement something right away (or ya know, we forgot, we get a lot of feature requests), does not mean that we're not interested. All that being said; It's open source. You can help us with this.
  8. That is weird. Could you post an issue on the github about this?
  9. Word toch ook nergens gezegd dat het vanuit UM is?
  10. Sounds like your teflon part (its the white part in your hotend). Have you replaced that since buying?
  11. As far as I know, cura does not try to hide it, it does however has some optimisation with regards on where it starts with a new layer.
  12. The only difference with 15.04 and 15.02 is an improved firmware for the UM2Go. So if you dont have a 2go, there is no reason to buy it.
  13. Nja, iemand kan printers gekocht hebben die er alleen stonden om er pretty uit te zien natuurlijk. Dan kan het best dat ze (naast de tests die er gedaan zijn) 0 uur gedraaid hebben.
  14. 15.02 -> The version that is found on https://github.com/daid/Cura/ The new version (15.06) is now in closed beta, but does not have the overhang stuff as of yet.
  15. I'm merely saying that it could be something that has an impact on what you do. A number of small 'flukes' such as those could stack together and result in larger, previously unknown problems. If you re-read my post you could see that it's simply tested more in 'our' conditions, not that we never tested extreme conditions (we did that, but no test is 100% sure and more testing brings it closer to the 100%) Extreme conditions are also things like high humidity, as PLA does not play very well with water. Also note that nothing I say about this is meant as an excuse, its meant as a possible reason why you could have these problems. I'm curious why the original spool holder didn't work for you, as I've not had problems with it.
  16. I've never had to change any parts in the UM2 (Apart from teflon part, but you get a spare one), despite it being very easy for me to do so. It could be possible that more extreme conditions (eg; Brazil is a pretty extreme climate compared to ya know, The Netherlands) give you more complications. We do test for that to some extent, but 'our' climate is tested the most, as every engineer at Ultimaker has at least 1 printer that they use to print with. With regards to new stuff; We'd love to share it, but this is sensitive information. I do think that a new machine will not automatically make the old machines useless. Look at the difference between an UMO and the UM2; the UMO can still stand up to its younger brother with regards to print quality / speed, it just needs a lot more tweaking & maintenance.
  17. Check it out on cura.ultimaker.com
  18. We've also had a lot of talks about this. Keep calm and continue posting
  19. The glass is only tempered so it can stand temperatures better. It does not have a special coating.
  20. Ja, maar in de assembly guide zou iets moeten staan mbt haaks staan van de assen. Is een beetje lastig uit te leggen.
  21. Het is hout, wat erg lastig is mbt toleranties (natuurproduct enzo). Als je ze vast schroeft moet je de assen wel goed haaks op elkaar zetten, anders beweegt de kop nauwlijks. Het moeten hameren is geen probleem. Zo heb ik de machines die ik in elkaar gezet heb ook gedaan
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