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Everything posted by nallath

  1. You can use prontoface to send the .gcode file to your printer.
  2. I don't see why that would be a problem to code.
  3. Even though something is in a TOS, does not mean it's legal. There are quite a few things that are being said in a licence agreement that will not hold in court. Pro-tip; Make the stuff while slightly drunk. This means you are unable to accept any agreement and therefore still have the rights to your own stuff (as that is automatic).
  4. Oh ja, die spin! Daar hadden we plannen voor. Zeker na de conclusie dat alles wat dmv spierkracht voortgedreven word geen vergunning nodig heeft. We zijn nog aan het rekenen welke dieren dus de beste massa / volume vs spierkracht verhouding hebben. Momenteel zitten we te denken aan cavia's.
  5. The clips are hardcoded. In the code they are called something like disallowed zones.
  6. How is a cnc router different from a cnc milling machine? As far as google tells me, it's the same thing.
  7. Zo zijn we ook nog steeds bezig met de UltiMaaier, de open source grasmaaier. Staat al sinds voor de launch van de um2 op de planning, maar we hebben nu eindelijk de focus om daar op verder te gaan!
  8. Dim3nsioneer, on 24 Nov 2014 - 10:30 PM, said: Not it won't since we would we devastated if all our hard work would be copied and sold in cheap-crappy low cost versions. Why? The same thing happend to Ultimaker and I very much doubt we lost any sales because of it. We definitely did not loose any sleep over it. Throwing it open source is actually being bold enough to show vulnerability.
  9. PVC is foodsafe. PVC glue is just PVC with more solvents. The solvents dry, leaving a thin film of PVC.
  10. Het varieert per machine, soms omdat de onderdelen die we geleverd krijgen een verkeerde maat hebben. Op zo'n moment heb je de keuze om of alles een maand te laten wachten of toch maar door te gaan.
  11. The release notes are just not up to date because we're very bad at keeping them. We don't have a formal system for it. So if someone fixes something it might, or might not (in most cases the second) reach the release notes. We really need the model in order to tell you what is going on. You can check the layer view & x-ray view by yourself (eg; these are excellent tools to see what is going on). Judging by the picture, it looks like you're extruding the material at a too high temperature.
  12. If the objects are too tall, they won't print one at the time.
  13. Rearrange the sub forums. There are way to much. I only use the 'new content' part of the forum because of this.
  14. Because gameification removes morality from the system. It completely nukes it. I was at a talk from one of the developers of 'spec ops the line' a few years ago at GDC, who explained this pretty well. He make a very compelling argument for not rewarding users (in that case gamers, but same difference) for their actions. Take for example the following situation; There is a beggar on the street. He needs money. You just got the exact amount of money to buy something you really want. Giving the beggar the money means you can no longer but that item, but you don't really need it in the first place. At this point, this is a moral decision to either keep the money (I worked for it, I really want it, I don't even know the guy) versus giving it to the beggar (He needs the money to survive). When you get a reward for giving the money away (say, karma points that give you advantages), the choice is no longer as what you feel is right but something to be optimised. The choice would be; Give money, recieve points, get other cool thing. So your decision making would be; 'Is karma reward better then money reward?' rather than 'Should i help this person'. It's no longer about helping, its about a transaction. If you want people to help others, this transaction system might work. But it's not without its downsides.
  15. Most questions in the format of "Why doesnt function 'foo' exist in 'foo2' software" can be explained by "Time, or a lack thereof." Most functions that seem easy, tend not to be easy. Sometimes because the task is hard, sometimes because the current architecture/GUI doesn't support it (and needs to be changed, thus taking time).
  16. The engine was developed on windows. We use codeblocks as our IDE.
  17. They will still deform, but it should deform much much slower. I very much doubt if 'just' teflon spray would be enough. Especially because the friction won't be constant, as it rubs off during prints (leaving you with problems for long prints). It might work for short prints.
  18. Dit lijkt pillowing te zijn. De link van gr5 legt uit waar dit door komt (en hoe het te voorkomen!)
  19. Well, checking it should be a matter of feeling (by hand) if there is any tension. Sending design flaws to support is probably not the best way to do it. Most R&D people visit the forum every so often, so this is generally the place to post those things. Even so, we do miss things.
  20. I've asked our mechanical engineers; They believe it might be because of the bowden tube (tightening the screws creates a lot more tension between teflon part & tube). Could you also try to tighten the screws and ensure that the bowden tube doesn't have a lot of tension?
  21. Whatever manuals we have, you can find on the github (https://github.com/daid/Cura)
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