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Everything posted by nallath

  1. It is on our backlog though. But LibArachne has more priority.
  2. Without seeing the code, it's a bit hard to say. But have you perhaps set opacity somehow?
  3. Those are completely unrelated. The animation in the simulation view does not take actual speed or acceleration into account.
  4. You're looking for post processing scripts. Those are scripts that can run in Cura and modify the g-code. There are already quite a number of topics on this forum with some information about them.
  5. Ooh, you're talking about the simulation view. We "faked" the animation that it shows there. It basicly moves to the next line every x time. So if yo have a lot of small movements the animation looks pretty smooth. If you have big long lines it will be very jittery.
  6. No thank you for making the plugins 😄 One of the strong points of Cura is the flexibility that is unlocked by the plugin system. You're part of making sure that we can get the most out of it.
  7. Do you have some images that show the difference? I'm not a 100% what behavior you mean.
  8. Please report issues on github: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/new/choose
  9. Don't expect that to happen, sorry. Pretty much all Ultimakers run on SD cards (and all models after the UM3 have a built in network connection) we don't spend time on the USB connection. Pretty much all changes to the USB connection handling in the past few years have been made by community contributions. Even if it would get regular updates, printing over USB to multiple printers at the same time is hard. Supporting 10 printers at the same time is even harder. The architecture of Cura isn't realy set up for that. Even if it would; i would still strongy recomend you to not do this. There are too many things that can fail (you are essentially creating a single point of failure for all your prints!) So your best bet is to start loving services like Octoprint.
  10. It's only settable in the per objects setting: "support_mesh_drop_down": { "label": "Drop Down Support Mesh", "description": "Make support everywhere below the support mesh, so that there's no overhang in the support mesh.", "type": "bool", "default_value": true, "enabled": "support_mesh", "settable_per_mesh": true, "settable_per_extruder": false, "settable_per_meshgroup": false, "settable_globally": false }
  11. Please report issues on github. When reporting issues, also take care to not just say what is going on, but also provide us with reproduction steps / logs. We clearly didn't have the issue ourselves, so we need more info to fix it.
  12. If they advise you to use that version, they should also provide the support for it. That version of Cura hasn't been updated for almost 5 years now, so we don't provide any form of support for it.
  13. Number two has been reported to us via Github alread (which is the prefered way to report Cura issues). As for number one, there are just too many things that could cause this, so i can't really say what the issue is for you. I do know that a number of connection issues have been fixed for the upcoming FW release.
  14. Cura isn't talking to the internet to slice, but it is strying to create a local socket. So it could be that nordVPN is somehow interfering with that.
  15. You're suffering from this issue: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/8136 The logs state "2021-01-16 20:07:47,352 - DEBUG - [MainThread] CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._onBackendQuit [898]: Backend quit with return code 3221225477. Resetting process and socket." Could you please add your logs to that ticket?
  16. The Ultimaker profiles are, since we test them. We obviously don't test every single combination of settings out there, so we cant guarantee that all of them work (There are literally billions of combinations possible). The non ultimaker profiles are not tested or created by us. We get them via contributions in most cases from comunity members. Since we don't have those printers or the capacity to test them in the same way as our own printers (and very little incentive to either get the printers or capacity), those profiles might be of a lower quality.
  17. Update existing will load the settings in memory. This marks the profile as dirty and will trigger a save to disk in a few seconds (or when closing Cura). If you don't want this you need to use "create new".
  18. For some reason the model is grouped. You can ungroup them by pressing right mouse button and select "ungroup"
  19. Installing a plugin doesn't need the plugin folder to be opened. You can just drag your .curaprofile onto cura and it will be installed. On windows the folder is located at C:\Users\\<your username>\AppData\Roaming\cura\<Cura version>\
  20. Or even beter; Post it on our issue tracker on github so all the developers will see it 🙂
  21. You could try to deactivate the UMNetworkPlugin (you can do that via marketplace -> installed)
  22. Not completely different. You can change some settings per object: https://support.ultimaker.com/hc/en-us/articles/360012031399-How-to-adjust-print-settings-per-model-in-Ultimaker-Cura
  23. You can remove it from marketplace.ultimaker.com (since you added it to your account there, you should also remove it there).
  24. Some printers have a lower max travel speed because their firmware doesn't accept the higher travel speeds. So in that case it's not Cura, it's the firmware.
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