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Everything posted by nallath

  1. Noah is setup to be a group. So you would first need to ungroup them in the printer firmware.
  2. You could have a look at https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura#logging-issues
  3. If the printer is in a group, that's something that is handled in the firmware, not in Cura. I can't really help you debug the firmware, since it's been a few years since i last worked on that, sorry.
  4. Posting logs and the project file would greatly be appreciated. We can't debug things without them, sorry.
  5. Next time also check the github issue tracker (and also check the closed issues). Someone else had the exact same issue (and the same fix worked for them as well)
  6. Not all bug fixes can be backported, a number of the ones that we made are of that category. In order to fix a few bugs we had to upgrade Qt, which no longer supports certain versions of MacOS.
  7. Because it's not stable enough to be marked as not experimental.
  8. If you add both of the printers individually to DF and login via cura, it will add two machines in cura. So in your case it would add a machine called "Noah" and another one called "LongBoi". If you select LongBoi in cura, it will send the print to that machine. So basicly the machine selection is done in the top left corner (if both machines are connected to the cloud, you should have 2 machines listed under "connected printers")
  9. Uh. I think you set your default browser to be calibre book edit. We basicly tell the operating system to open to open a given link, using the default browser.
  10. You enabled the "Remove all holes" setting, so Cura is doing just that.
  11. And also post the logs. We should be able to get more info from that.
  12. It's not the slicer really. If you don't combine the parts, there will be a surface between the two objects. Since STL doesn't actually define what is inside or outside (it only defines surfaces) you get weird results like that. I've taken a screenshot of the uncombined version of the file to show you what the issue is: As you can see, there is a small gab between the two objects. This gap is caused by the tessalation (eg; It needs to create flat surfaces, so a round surface is approximated by multiple flat ones). This process will pretty much always introduce inaccuracies, which can lead to gaps like this. The result that you see is basicly your slicer doing exactly what you ask it to do; There are two components and they are printed as two components.
  13. https://marketplace.ultimaker.com/app/cura/plugins/5axes/CalibrationShapes This plugin has a script for a temp tower.
  14. https://marketplace.ultimaker.com/app/cura/plugins/fieldofview/MaterialSettingsPlugin
  15. Do you have good reproduction steps? I've tried it a few times and it worked when I tried it.
  16. If a quality profile defines a setting it will always override the material.
  17. You don't? As far as I know, Ultimaker has never had a product with any kind of SMS notification in it.
  18. If you look at the article i posted you can see that changing the quality profile can override the material flow.
  19. I don't see anything wrong with this. What makes you think that this is wrong?
  20. Yep. You can go to preferences -> profiles -> import profile -> select the g-codes you want to import Also note that Cura comes bundled with a backup plugin. You can find it under extensions.
  21. It is being respected; it's just that some other profile might override it. You can find more info about this here: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/wiki/Profiles-&-Settings
  22. What materials do you have active? If you try to combine a non-pva material with the BB nozzle you get into a not supported state.
  23. Have you looked at this wiki page yet (https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/wiki/Profiles-&-Settings)?
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