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Everything posted by nallath

  1. Cooling nearer to the buildplate is also more of an issue. So if the print is hotter, it could also cause a wobbly effect.
  2. I think it might just be trying to print a thin model close to the build plate, which causes it to wobble.
  3. The only setting that changes the layerheight is called "Adaptive layers".
  4. I really don't remember. It's been years since I've last assembled a UM2.
  5. It's an issue with the library that we use for the UI (Qt). As far as I remember the issue has been fixed already, but we haven't updated to the latest & greatest version yet (because it would mean that older versions of OsX are no longer work with Cura). We are currently in the process of upgrading the version of Qt, so I expect that this issue is fixed in the next release of Cura (4.9)
  6. Cura is currently using the metric system, since we use meters and millimetres. We're not planning to switch over to the imperial system (aka; using feet & inches). There are a few things that you can do to make your life a bit easier: 1. Use 3MF files instead of STL, since 3MF has the ability to specify what the unit of measurement of that file is. 2. If that is not possible, you can download the Barbarian Units plugin which provides a convenience scaling from inch to mm
  7. They do. But since there is an upgrade path, it could be that you changed something in the 4.7 config file (whcih then got upgraded to 4.8). So it would still work on 4.6 but not on the later versions.
  8. I really don't understand what you mean. Do you have some images that clarify this?
  9. I think that he might switch to PrusaSlicer? Not sure how that would be bad for us though. It's not like people pay to be able to use Cura.
  10. The same thing that you can do for any issue. Post the issue on github and provide us with the details that the template requests.
  11. Updating your copy of cura will not remove your old files, unless you tell the installer to do so. But the generic advice holds: Please backup your files if they are important to you. Cura actually has a built in (cloud) backup system. You can find it under "extensions"
  12. I think the features that you are trying to slice might be a bit too thin. Could you check it with the Beta release of Arachne?
  13. More like a "Make sure the engine doesn't explore in the many ways that people have been able to let it explode"
  14. Don't use sketchup. Save yourself the headache and learn another program (Tinkercad, blender, freecad, fusion360).
  15. It has a 0,0,0 point, but it doesn't define what that point means. Some applications see it as the center, some see it as the left most point of the printer. It also doesn't define what up / down / left / right is. Cura assumes that Z is up, but this is not the case for some CAD software.
  16. Because STL doesn't define what the 0,0,0 point is with respect to the build plate. There are a lot of models where the point is therefore chosen completely arbitrarily. As such, cura loads the models, places them on the buildplate and then tries to find a spot for them where they fit. 3MF does not have this problem, since it does define where the origin is (it's always in the front left corner of the buildplate). I cant stress this enough; 3MF is a superior file format over STL in every single way.
  17. Please post feature requests on github. It's a bit hard for us to keep track of it otherwise.
  18. This isn't something that you will be able to pull off with a plugin, since this behavior is handled by the slicing engine (which doesn't have plugins). Ensuring that the skin is properly supported is something that is on the backlog, but it's not something that we got to (yet). There are obviously also multiple ways to do it, so if you do have some tests / insights as to what works, we would be interested!
  19. Since you have an ulitmaker 2, you also have the "old" style hotend and feeder. Those have been fixed with the UM2+. You can just get a upgrade kit for that. This will fix the underextruding and missing layers. I really don't see why / how a linear bearing or Z nut would fix the missing layers. They are more often caused by under extrusion. As for the bed vibrating; Do you have an image of that? I've never had any issues with that.
  20. Yep, there is a plugin and you need to have solidworks installed.
  21. Well.... There is a way to do it. The example plugin that we created does that: https://github.com/Ultimaker/UraniumExampleToolPlugin
  22. Because you're wrong in that it's harder. It is much easier to do. It's literally just a single line of code, because the libraries that we intend to use handle all of that for us. Tessalated models are always easier, this is why 3MF also uses them. Just have a look at the size of the STEP specification versus that of 3MF. We would have to re-write a reasonable chunk of the slicing engine to handle solid models. It does have some advantages, but it's mostly on being able to recognise the special shapes and change the strategy there. The extra accuraccy that you might get from it is in the ballpark of the accuracy of the printer. There are other things that we can do that impact the accuracy more with less investment on our side.
  23. We are working on importing step files, but we will initially still tessellate them.
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